Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1388 Your little cotton-padded jacket has become my little cotton-padded jacket! (Fourth upd

Soon, a large table of food was brought out by Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing.

Phoenix marrow pork ribs, golden dragon wings, Yuanshen nourishing soup...etc., a lot of food is placed on the table, everything you need!


Lin Momo and Ling'er, their beautiful eyes widened and their saliva was about to flow out, looked at everything in front of them with joy.

"This is too delicious!"

"Okay, come and sit down! Let's all eat together!" Liu Ruqing smiled slightly and served everyone the food like a good wife and mother.

Lin Momo picked up a piece of phoenix marrow ribs and asked: "Mom! Mom! Did you make these delicious ribs?"

"Uh... this... your daddy did this!" Liu Ruqing was a little embarrassed.

Just now, she said she was making dinner for her daughter, but actually she was greedy.

Lin Nan understood Liu Ruqing very well, so he went directly into the kitchen and helped make a delicious meal.

"Ah! This is too unpalatable!" Lin Momo put down the phoenix marrow ribs in her hand.

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth twitched slightly.

Then, Lin Momo picked up another piece of dragon wing meat in front of everyone and asked: "Well! Well! Did you make this dragon wing?"

"No...this is what your daddy did too!" Liu Ruqing smiled and shook her head.

"Ah! It tastes bad. You know it wasn't made by Moma!" Lin Momo spat again.

Liu Ruqing: "..."

Lin Nan: "..."

"Well, can you make this delicious soup?" Lin Momo took another sip of soup.

"Uh... you have to endure this too!" Liu Ruqing was a little embarrassed. Basically, the food on this table was all made by Lin Nan himself, and Liu Ruqing's role was just to serve as a hand...


Lin Momo nodded, looked at Liu Ruqing, widened her beautiful eyes, and asked: "Mom! What are the things on this table that you made?"

"That's... right! I served this meal!" Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Momo and nodded in agreement.

Lin Momo took a mouthful of rice as quickly as possible, and then shouted in an extremely exaggerated manner: "Wow! Mom, the rice you served is so delicious! It is simply the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life. ! Mommy loves you, mua!"

"Hahaha!" Liu Ruqing chuckled, her branches trembling with laughter, and she glanced at Lin Nan proudly, "Did you see that? Your little cotton-padded jacket has become my little cotton-padded jacket!"

Early the next morning.

Zhang family.

The Zhang family is one of the top ten aristocratic families in the Xicheng District of Fuguang City. Although there are many fairy treasures in the family, most of them are only low-grade fairy treasures, and even less than ten middle-grade fairy treasures.

As for the high-grade immortal treasure, as the head of the Zhang family, he only owned one.

The rest of the Golden Immortal elders, even if they reach the late Golden Immortal stage, only use mid-grade Immortal Treasures.

It's not that the Zhang family doesn't have enough fairy crystals to buy fairy treasures. After all, the middle-grade fairy treasures only have more than a thousand fairy crystals, and the top-grade fairy treasures only have five or six thousand fairy crystals.

The Zhang family's annual property is worth seven to eight thousand immortal crystals, so buying a few high-grade immortal treasures is a no-brainer.

But as soon as this fairy treasure appears, even if it is a low-grade fairy treasure, countless monks will compete for it.

The middle-grade and high-grade immortal treasures attract the golden immortal monks from the top ten aristocratic families.

Among the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City, the Zhang family is only at the bottom of the list in terms of strength, so naturally it cannot compete with other families.

However, this time the Zhang family had more than two hundred fairy treasures for no apparent reason. After a night of research, the Zhang family decided to hold a grand auction to auction off these fairy treasures!

More than two hundred pieces of middle-grade immortal treasures, what kind of concept is this!

Even if all the immortal treasures in the hands of the golden immortal monks from the top ten aristocratic families were added up, there wouldn't be much more.

As for the top-grade immortal treasures, there are more than eighty of them, which is simply a terrifying number.

"Master, this auction must be huge! Let all the monks come to participate!"

"Not bad! There are more than two hundred fairy treasures! Tsk, tsk, it's so envy-inducing!"

"No matter who it is, if they hear the names of more than two hundred immortal treasures, I'm afraid... it's impossible not to be jealous!"

"Haha! I never thought that my Zhang family would one day rise to prominence!"

Everyone in the Zhang family looked at these two hundred or so fairy treasures, their eyes almost popped out of their heads, and their eyes were extremely intense.

"Hmph! This belongs to Mr. Lin Nan's daughter. How dare you have other ideas? Maybe you are tired of living!" The head of the Zhang family snorted coldly.

It's like giving everyone a bucket of cold water!


How dare they think anything of Master Lin Nan's daughter's things? We can only host this auction well, and then hand over the fairy crystal obediently to Lin Momo's hands!

In the following days, the entire Fuguang City learned about the upcoming auction.

"Could it be that the treasures in the Zixia Secret Realm are going to be auctioned this time?"

Zhou Quanxiao, the head of the Zhou family, frowned after hearing the news.

"It's not what those two girl dolls robbed, and now they want to auction it, right?"

The head of the Li family also had some guesses.

"There are so many fairy treasures being auctioned at once. They should be the fairy treasures obtained by the two female dolls in Zixia Secret Realm. It seems that these two female dolls are still in Fuguang City!"

The head of the Qian family also looked determined.

As for the other monks in Fuguang City, they were all very excited when they heard the news that a large number of immortal treasures were for sale.

But then, the Zhang family once again released the news that all monks participating in the auction must have a net worth of one thousand immortal crystals.

After all, the fairy treasures in this auction are all medium-grade fairy treasures at the lowest price, and the lowest price is a thousand fairy crystals.

And those ordinary true immortals in Fuguang City may not even be able to get a hundred immortal crystals. If such monks are allowed to participate, the entire auction house may be crowded.

Upon hearing the news, countless monks wailed.

This is the largest auction in Fuguang City's history, but because of their poverty, they don't even have the chance to participate.

As for the other members of the top ten aristocratic families, there was no surprise when they heard the news.

But I am even more certain in my heart that the fairy treasures that appeared in this auction may really come from the Zixia Secret Realm.

Soon, there was only one day left until the final auction.

On this day, in the central area of ​​Fuguang City, in the Zhou family meeting hall.

"Master, we have investigated clearly. This auction is completely led by the Zhang family. I am afraid that the two female dolls are in the Zhang family now!"

A Jinxian elder of the Zhou family stood up and said immediately.

In the past few days, they have not stopped looking for Lin Momo and Ling'er, and now they finally have some clues.

"Okay, elders, follow me to attack the Zhang family. We will definitely gain a lot this time!"

Zhou Quanxiao, the head of the Zhou family, stood up and looked at a group of golden immortal elders and said immediately.

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