Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1391 The furious Zhou family ancestor! (Third update)

At this time, in the sky, Lin Nan's huge palm shadow did not dissipate directly after crushing the opponent's attack. Instead, it gathered again and turned into a towering hand, covering everyone in the Zhou family.


"not good!"

"Run away!"

At this time, they felt that they were enveloped by the phantom of Lin Nan's huge palm, and waves of terrifying power came from it, like ferocious beasts from the Nine Abyss Hell, which shocked everyone in the Zhou family.

Their faces turned pale with panic. They no longer cared about continuing to attack Lin Nan. Instead, they all wanted to flee in all directions.

Even Zhou Quanxiao, the head of the Zhou family, no longer had a smile on his face at this time, and he was even panicked to the point of being at a loss.

He quickly waved the top-quality fairy treasure in his hand to block it behind him, hoping to buy himself some time. And his own figure turned into a stream of light and galloped away into the distance.

At this time, everyone in the Zhou family, including Zhou Quanxiao, felt like they had eaten flies.

All this has changed so fast. If they were given a chance to choose, they would probably never come to Xicheng District again to cause trouble.


Just when everyone in the Zhou family had fled within a few miles, the huge palm finally pressed down.

Although everyone in the Zhou family fled in all directions, Lin Nan, who was the Emperor of Heaven, slapped all the monks to death with one palm.

Even Zhou Quanxiao's top-quality fairy treasure was smashed into pieces and directly scrapped.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the Zhang family who originally wanted to take action took a deep breath.

What they saw in front of them shocked them again.

At the same time, I also felt sorry for the immortal treasures in the hands of everyone in the Zhou family, especially the one in the hands of Zhou Quanxiao, which was a top-quality immortal treasure worth no less than 10,000 immortal crystals.

It's a pity that whether it is the top-grade immortal treasure or the top-grade and middle-grade fairy treasures used by other golden immortal elders, they were all shot to pieces.

"Lord Lin Nan is mighty!"

"Lord Lin Nan is invincible!"

"Master Lin Nan...you are too strong!"

At this time, everyone in the Zhang family came to Lin Nan one by one, flattering him crazily.

Lin Nan waved his hand lightly, ignored these clichés, and asked calmly, "How are the preparations for the auction going?"

"Sir, everything is ready, all that's left is your fairy treasure!"

Zhang Yunlong quickly stepped forward, bowed and said.

Lin Nan nodded, then took out a storage bag and handed it to Zhang Yunlong. The storage bag contains more than 200 pieces of low-grade immortal treasures and more than 80 pieces of medium-grade fairy treasures.

At the same time, in the Zhou family's mansion in the central area of ​​Fuguang City.

"Who? Who is it? Dare to kill my Zhou family monk!"

An angry voice suddenly spread throughout the entire Zhongcheng District, and then a rickety figure appeared. This person was the ancestor of the Zhou Family's Immortal King, Zhou Botian!

Just now, a monk from the Zhou family hurriedly woke him up from the shutdown and informed the ancestor of the Zhou family that the life cards of the head of the Zhou family and more than a dozen Jinxian elders were broken.

At this moment, Zhou Botian, who was originally trying to reach the middle stage of the Immortal King, felt a little unstable and almost went crazy.

Afterwards, he immediately came out of seclusion. After confirming what happened, he became extremely angry.

The Zhou family is definitely among the top three in the entire Fuguang City.

In Zhongcheng District, it is the most powerful family. Even the Wang family, which is also one of the top ten aristocratic families, dare not show any disrespect to the Zhou family in Zhongcheng District.

But now, the head of the Zhou family and more than a dozen Golden Immortal elders were killed in an instant. This is really unbelievable.

"What happened? Where did Zhou Quanxiao and those Jinxian elders go?"

In the meeting hall, Zhou Botian asked with a cold voice to the rest of the Zhou family.

"Reporting to my ancestor, the head of the family and the elders went to Xicheng District. It is said that they went to the Zhang family to regain the immortal treasure that was stolen from the Zixia Secret Realm!"

A member of the Zhou family immediately stepped forward and said.


After hearing what the tribesman said, Zhou Botian did not say a word, but his figure flashed, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards Xicheng District.

His speed was extremely fast, making bursts of rumbling sonic boom sounds in the sky. Wherever he passed, he even left a long white light in the sky, like a sharp sword cutting through the sky.

"That seems to be the powerful Immortal King. What happened?"

"It must be the Immortal King ancestor of the Zhou family. He seems to be heading to Xicheng District!"

"Looks like he's full of murderous intent. I wonder who in Xicheng District is unlucky again!"

At this time, the monks in the city who saw this scene all raised their heads in shock and started talking about it.

In front of Lin Nan's mansion.

Zhang Yunlong took the storage bag from Lin Nan's hand and was about to leave with everyone in the Zhang family, but Lin Nan raised his hand and stopped them.

"Master Lin Nan, do you have anything else to say?"

Zhang Yunlong was puzzled and quickly bowed and said.

"It seems there are still ants who don't know how to live or die!"

Lin Nan did not answer Zhang Yunlong's words, but looked into the distance with a calm expression and a hint of joking in his tone.

Seeing Lin Nan's expression, Zhang Yunlong and the Jinxian elders of the Zhang family quickly released their spiritual thoughts to investigate.

Then, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Yes...it's the ancestor of the Zhou family's Immortal King!"

"That is a terrifying old monster! It is said that it is already in the middle stage of attacking the Immortal King. I don't know if it has succeeded!"

"In the middle stage of the Immortal King, once he succeeds, he will probably be the strongest person in the entire Fuguang City!"

The Jinxian elders of the Zhang family began to discuss.

This ancestor of the Zhou family's Immortal King was also a ruthless and decisive person at the beginning, but it was only because he had been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years that people forgot about him.

But the monks who knew this person at first were filled with deep fear in their hearts.

And Zhou Botian had already entered Xicheng District at this time, and unleashed his spiritual thoughts to investigate without hesitation.

In Fuguang City, he is standing at the top of the pyramid. Even if there are one or two ancestors of aristocratic families who are comparable in strength to him, he is completely unafraid.

What's more, in Xicheng District, even the original ancestor of the Han family's Immortal King had to call himself his younger brother in front of Zhou Botian.


At this time, in Zhou Botian's mind, he suddenly discovered that the head of the Zhang family, including a group of golden immortal elders, were in front of a mansion.

He immediately changed his original direction and sped directly towards Lin Nan's mansion.

In less than a few breaths, his figure appeared in front of Lin Nan's mansion.

At this time, his expression became even more gloomy.

The moment he arrived here, he felt a familiar aura. It was the aura of their Zhou family patriarch and other Golden Immortal elders. Even though they had been killed by Lin Nan, the aura had not completely dissipated.

"Did you kill my Zhou family monk?"

At this time, Zhou Botian has determined that the head of the Zhou family, including more than a dozen Jinxian elders, died here.

But he was a little confused. Among the monks in front of him, the most powerful was Zhang Jiajia's advocate Yunlong, a peak Golden Immortal monk.

The other elders of the Zhang family have not even reached the peak of Golden Immortal, and what is incredible is that there is still a monk in the early stage of True Immortal standing there.

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