Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1392 It’s not certain who is seeking death! (Fourth update)

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Feeling the terrifying aura coming from Zhou Botian's body, the faces of the Zhang family monks changed drastically, and even the head of the Zhang family felt palpitations in his heart.

This Zhou family is really too powerful.

Not only is the head of the Zhou family stronger than himself, the strongest monk in the Zhang family, he even has a stronger ancestor of the Immortal King.

If it were before, Zhang Yunlong still felt that everyone was from one of the top ten aristocratic families, and even if there was some gap, it wouldn't be too big.

But now, even if the head of the Zhou family and many Golden Immortal elders were killed by Master Lin Nan, with just one ancestor in the Immortal King realm, it is certain that the Zhou family will rise again.

It's a pity that the person standing in front of the Immortal King Patriarch is Lin Nan, a Heavenly Emperor.

"Why, do your Zhou family still want to take revenge?"

At this time, Zhang Yunlong finally came to his senses, looked at Zhou Botian, and yelled loudly despite his terrifying aura.

"Yes, the people of the Zhou family want to kill people to seize the treasure. If they are killed now, they will be killed. What else do you want?"

"You, the Zhou family, are all to blame for this!"

"Death is not a pity!"

The other Jinxian elders of the Zhang family also said in succession.

Later, both Zhang Yunlong and the other golden immortal monks of the Zhang family seemed to have gained courage and were no longer afraid of the ancestor of the Zhou family's Immortal King.

Of course, all this was because Lin Nan was standing next to them. If Lin Nan was not there, even if they were given a hundred courages, they would not dare to speak to a powerful Immortal King like this.

"court death!"

After hearing what everyone in the Zhang family said, Zhou Boqian had to blow his beard and stare, and shouted angrily.

No one has dared to speak to him like this in tens of thousands of years. Now, he is treated like this by a few Golden Immortal monks. If it were placed tens of thousands of years ago, I am afraid that several Golden Immortal monks would have been slapped to death by his palm. .

"It's not certain who is seeking death!"

Just when Zhou Botian was thinking about how to kill the golden immortal monks in front of him, a golden immortal elder from the Zhang family suddenly said something.

After hearing these words, Zhou Botian went completely berserk!

These ants are simply desperate!

His face was gloomy, almost dripping with water, and then he stretched out a hand and slapped the Zhang family monks directly with his palm.


A huge phantom of a palm shot out from Zhou Botian's hand. The palm was surrounded by rays of Tao Yun Dharma light, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

"So strong!"

"It's really scary. Is this a strong man in the realm of the Immortal King!"

At this time, even everyone in the Zhang family couldn't help but sigh when they saw this palm strike.

Zhou Botian, who is in the realm of the Immortal King, is really terrifying. With just one palm, he can easily kill all the monks of the Zhang family.

But although these Zhang family monks were amazed, their expressions remained unchanged. They were as steady as old dogs, with no fear on their faces.

Seeing this scene, even Zhou Botian frowned deeply.

The power of his palm is that if he strikes with all his strength in a rage, even if the opponent resists with all his strength, he will probably be killed or injured, not to mention standing motionless like this.

But at this moment, in Zhou Botian's eyes, the monk who was only in the early stage of True Immortal suddenly took a step forward, and then he stretched out a finger and pointed forward.

"what's the situation?"

Zhou Botian couldn't understand.

Facing himself, a strong man in the Immortal King realm, so many Golden Immortal monks remained motionless, and it was just a monk in the early stage of True Immortal who took action?

Could it be that he has been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years, and the entire immortal world has become stupid?

At this time, Zhou Botian's palm was already less than three meters away from everyone.

Lin Nan's fingers also shot out a white light at the same time.

The white light looked plain and unremarkable, and there seemed to be no trace of Daoyun Dharma, but its speed was extremely fast, and it collided with Zhou Botian's palm in almost the blink of an eye.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the huge phantom of the palm with a terrifying aura. Under Lin Nan's finger, it disintegrated like glass shards, shattered into ashes, and dissipated in the void.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Botian's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

He was a strong man in the Immortal King realm, but the opponent was just a monk in the early stage of True Immortal. How could he defeat his powerful attack with just one finger.

The palm I just struck could kill even a cultivator at the peak of Golden Immortal!

Zhou Botian and some of the Zhang Er monks were confused and their expressions were a little dull.

Behind Lin Nan, the group of golden immortal monks from the Zhang family stirred up huge waves in their hearts.

They knew that Master Lin Nan was powerful, and they also knew that Zhou Botian, who was in the Immortal King realm, was definitely no match for Master Lin Nan, but they never thought that they could defeat the opponent's powerful attack with just one finger.

This was so shocking to them.

"Lord Lin Nan is indeed mighty!"

Zhang Yunlong couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, Lord Lin Nan is invincible!"

"A mere Immortal King, I'm afraid he's not even an ant in front of Master Lin Nan!"

"Yes, yes, Lord Lin Nan is supreme and invincible!"

At this time, the other monks of the Zhang family were all praising him. This is their voice from the bottom of their hearts, not just flattery.

After all, Lin Nan's power was beyond their knowledge.

Not to mention those Golden Immortal monks who have been practicing for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, even the powerful Immortal King opposite who has been practicing for millions of years, Zhou Botian felt that his imagination was not enough.

But at this time, Zhou Botian was even more angry when he heard everyone in the Zhang family praise Lin Nan, especially when he said that he was worse than an ant.

"Okay, I underestimated you just now. This time, you will definitely die!"

Zhou Botian flipped his hand, and a king-grade immortal treasure appeared in his hand.

As soon as the king-grade immortal treasure came out, the whole air seemed to be stagnant. The powerful aura of the immortal treasure made the Zhang family's golden immortal monks feel a little suffocated.

"Wangxianbao! It is indeed a Wangxianbao!"

"This, this fairy treasure is so precious!"

"I haven't seen the Wangpin Immortal Treasure for tens of thousands of years, and I finally saw it again today!"

All the golden immortals of the Zhang family had expressions of surprise on their faces. Even Zhang Yunlong was looking at the king-grade immortal treasure without turning his eyes.


But at this moment, the finger that Lin Nan had just struck out did not dissipate after defeating Zhou Botian's attack. Instead, it turned into a stream of light and attacked Zhou Botian again.


A ray of light flashed, and Zhou Botian held the Wang-grade Immortal Treasure in his hand, but before he could launch an attack, he was already pierced by Lin Nan's finger.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Zhou Botian's body suddenly exploded, turning into a ball of blood mist on the spot, and his body died.


The king-grade immortal treasure immediately fell to the ground and became ownerless.


Seeing this scene, all the Golden Immortal monks of the Zhang family took a breath and were shocked on the spot.

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