Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1517: Destroying the peak of the Golden Immortal with one finger!

"Don't talk about the king's immortal treasure, I have even the honorable immortal treasure, but do you have the life to take it?"

Lin Nan smiled indifferently and looked at the seven or eight cultivators in the peak Golden Immortal realm in front of him with contempt in his eyes.

"Boy, you are so bold!"

"You are really looking for death! Since you don't take the initiative, I will kill you first!"

At this time, the old man at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm stood up, and the top-quality immortal treasure in his hand shone with endless light, giving people a very powerful feeling.

"Oh my God, this is the powerful man at the peak of Golden Immortal who is about to take action!"

"It's over, it's over, that man will definitely die this time!"

"Oh, wealth is not revealed. Now, even if he is powerful and can kill a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, so what? In front of a strong man at the peak of the Golden Immortal, he will be easily crushed like an ant!"

The group of onlookers monks all sighed when they saw this scene.

Just now, they felt the powerful aura coming, and they felt extremely shocked. When he realized that several strong men at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm were taking action to snatch the treasures from the man in front of him, he understood.

After all, the news about Lin Nan and others at the auction has spread throughout Twilight City.


I saw the old man at the peak of the Golden Immortal wave his hand with the best immortal treasure, and suddenly a white light curtain with an extremely terrifying aura suddenly appeared. It was like tearing the sky and the earth apart, covering the entire sky and sweeping towards Lin Nan.

Hurricanes, one after another, rose together with the white light curtain, making the casual cultivators who were watching feel a little frightened.

"Oh my god, back off! This is too strong. I feel like I have a brush with death!"

"No, such a powerful attack, even if it is contaminated even a little bit, is not something that we and other casual cultivators can resist."

"Get out of the way and retreat quickly!"

The group of casual cultivators backed away crazily one by one, almost trampling several people to death because of the dense flow of people.

It was not until they had retreated several hundred meters that the group of casual cultivators stood firm and looked up one by one to inspect the scene in the field.

In the sky, the huge light curtain finally fell, less than three meters away from Lin Nan.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Nan was already a turtle in a urn at this moment, and he was destined to die.

It was only then that Lin Nan slowly raised a hand, stretched out a finger, and gently pointed forward.


A white light visible to the naked eye shot out from his finger. As soon as it appeared, it turned into an arrow of light and shot towards the huge light curtain at an incredible speed.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the huge light curtain with extremely terrifying aura, which was like a piece of glass. It was hit instantly and turned into a pile of fragments, dissipating in mid-air.

"What? This, how is this possible!"

"This is a blow from a peak Golden Immortal expert, how could it be so vulnerable!"

"Did I see it wrong? Could it be that the peak Golden Immortal master was letting off steam?"

At this time, the casual cultivators who were watching this scene were all a little stunned.

They did not expect that such a powerful blow would collapse instantly like a chicken or a dog under Lin Nan's finger, without causing any waves.

This is completely inconsistent with their imagination of the golden immortal peak powerhouse.

"Fellow Daoist Long, what on earth are you doing! Kill this officer quickly!"

Even the few cultivators at the Golden Immortal Peak on the side couldn't help but shout when they saw this scene.

In their opinion, this old fellow Daoist Long, who is at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm, must have held back. Otherwise, how could a mere monk with the early Golden Immortal aura on the opposite side resist him?

But at this time, Fellow Daoist Long looked confused.

Only he knew that he had used all his strength in the attack just now. In order to quickly fight and snatch the king-level immortal treasure from the opponent, he had exerted 120% of his strength.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful blow would be so fragile in the opponent's hands.

"Boy, I have to say that your strength is really good..."

Fellow Daoist Long looked at Lin Nan and was still talking coldly.

However, when he was halfway through speaking, he suddenly noticed a white light shooting towards him in the sky.

It was the finger that Lin Nan had used before. After defeating his attack, it did not dissipate. Instead, it condensed again and killed him at an incredible speed.

"What! This is so strong!"

Fellow Taoist Dragon did not expect that Lin Nan's attack would be so terrifying. After defeating his own attack, his speed not only did not weaken at all, but even increased a bit.


At this moment, Fellow Daoist Long had only one thought in his mind, and that was to escape!

What a joke! His full blow was not as good as the opponent's casual finger, and now the opponent's attack not only did not dissipate, but was shot at him with fierce force.

How could such a monk be in the early stage of Golden Immortal? He was definitely not even at the peak of Golden Immortal.

After all, he himself is at the peak level of Golden Immortal, and he has also reached the limit of Golden Immortal Peak. He is only half a step away from advancing to the early stage of Immortal King.

In front of the other party, one's own strength is like a chicken or a dog. With such a cultivation level, there is only one possibility, that is, the other party has at least reached the realm of the Immortal King.

In the realm of the Immortal King, he actually came to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers with monks like them at the peak of the Golden Immortal. Isn’t this a joke!

At this moment, Fellow Daoist Long felt like he was vomiting blood.


Fellow Daoist Long said nothing, and his figure turned into a stream of light with a whooshing sound, and flew away into the distance.

"Everyone, you can play by yourself, I won't accompany you anymore!"

Fellow Daoist Long left a word, but before he finished speaking, his figure was already thousands of meters away.

"what's the situation?"

"Did I make a mistake? Fellow Daoist Long ran away?"

"He doesn't want the Wangpin Immortal Treasure anymore?"

The group of monks at the peak of Golden Immortality were a little confused when they heard what Fellow Daoist Long said.

But at this moment, the figure of Fellow Daoist Dragon had just flown several thousand meters away when a white light came first and hit his body in an instant.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw the figure of fellow Taoist Dragon suddenly stagnant in the rapid flight, and then fell downwards like a cannonball.

But before the body landed on the ground, it made a loud bang and exploded into a ball of blood mist.


"This, how is this possible!"

"Oh my god, can you kill Fellow Daoist Dragon with one move?"

"No, it's impossible, this must be an illusion!"

The group of monks at the peak of Golden Immortality looked at Lin Nan in shock.

From the beginning to the end, they saw Lin Nan point his finger at random, but just like that, Fellow Daoist Long's body exploded and he died on the spot.

This is really weird.

The group of casual cultivators who were watching were also a little shocked at this moment, and their mouths were opened so wide that they could almost stuff in a few eggs.

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