Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1518 What kind of existence did we provoke!

After beheading fellow Taoist Dragon who was at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm, Lin Nan just clapped his hands with a calm expression, as if everything just now was just a trivial matter.

Later, Lin Nan's eyes fell on the other monks at the peak of Golden Immortal again.

"You also want to take action?"

Lin Nan asked calmly, without any fluctuation in his expression.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, those powerful men at the peak of Golden Immortal were stunned at this moment.

Including the woman in white, they all have reached the peak of the Golden Immortal, and are even one step away from reaching the early stage of the Immortal King.

But now, when they faced Lin Nan, they felt as if they were facing an ancient ferocious beast, which was chilling.

"Snow Fairy, you are the strongest here, please say something!"

A middle-aged monk who was at the peak of Golden Immortal looked at the woman in white with a look of hesitation on his face.

After all, Lin Nan and the three of them had Wang-level Immortal Treasures on their bodies, so it was a bit unwilling to let them give up like this.

But if you don't give up, just rely on any one of them, even if you reach the peak of Golden Immortal, I am afraid that you will follow in the footsteps of fellow Taoist Long.

"I don't believe it. With so many of us joining forces, we still can't kill this officer!"

The woman in white, known as the Snow Fairy, frowned slightly, looked at the crowd, and said coldly.

"Yes, Fairy Snow is right. With so many of us joining forces, we are afraid of him!"

"Yes, let's all come together, kill this officer first, and then get the King-grade Immortal Treasure!"

"Let's all take action together, don't hold back! This officer is extremely powerful!"

Hearing Fairy Xue's words, the monks at the peak of Golden Immortal all had expressions of excitement on their faces. They immediately waved the fairy treasures in their hands and attacked Lin Nan.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

At this moment, extremely powerful rays of light shot out from the top-grade immortal treasures in the hands of those peak Golden Immortal experts, and suddenly turned into towering dragons, hovering in the mid-air.

Those giant dragons exuded powerful dragon breath, and the endless dragon power covered the surroundings, as if the entire space was imprisoned.

"Oh my God, these powerful men at the peak of the Golden Immortal have joined forces, and their strength is simply astonishing!"

"It's too, too powerful. With this power and this aura, I'm afraid the monks who are also at the peak of the Golden Immortal will be filled with hatred on the spot!"

"Quickly retreat. In a battle of this level, if even a trace of the aftermath affects us casual cultivators, we will be killed!"

When the group of onlookers monks saw this scene, they were all filled with fear.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, the figures of the casual cultivators who were watching turned into streams of light and retreated crazily.

They knew that if they retreated too slowly, their lives might be in danger.

And some low-strength True Immortal early-stage monks even planned to leave immediately. This level of fighting was not something they could get involved in, and they couldn't even watch it.

Only those casual cultivators who are in the late stage of True Immortal, peak, or even Golden Immortal level can stand in the distance and watch from afar.


At this moment, in the sky, countless giant dragons were circling and intertwined, forming a huge skynet.

The sky net was shining with light of various colors, extremely dazzling, as if there were countless suns standing in the sky.

With a loud noise like spring thunder, the giant net that covered the sky and the sun finally enveloped Lin Nan.

In just a moment, the giant net was less than three meters away from Lin Nan.

But at this time, Lin Nan smiled indifferently, slowly stretched out a hand, slapped forward with a light palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!


A huge palm shadow suddenly shot out from Lin Nan's palm, tearing the sky and the earth apart in an instant, covering the giant net in mid-air.

This time, Lin Nan used one ten thousandth of his mana to use the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm.

The originally extremely huge Skynet was pinched in an instant like a chicken under the shadow of Lin Nan's palm.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the huge phantom of a hand gently grasping in mid-air.


After a crisp sound, the huge skynet suddenly turned into a pile of debris, like broken glass slag, scattered in the air, and disappeared before it fell.


"This, how is this possible!"

"Oh my god, what kind of magical power is this? Why is it so terrifying!"

"It's so scary. Is this, is all this real? It can't be an illusion!"

When all the monks onlookers saw this scene, they took a breath and were deeply shocked.

Originally, the huge sky net had already made them feel hopeless, but with such a terrifying blow, under Lin Nan's palm, they were instantly defeated like a chicken or a dog.

It's unbelievable how vulnerable he is.

And those strong men at the peak of Golden Immortal realm were also stunned at this moment.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"This, this, is too terrifying. I'm afraid even the strong men in the early stage of the Immortal King don't have such strength!"

"How can it be so strong! Absolutely impossible! I must have seen it wrong!"

The monks at the Golden Immortal Peak shook their heads wildly, unable to believe what they saw.

You know, a few of them joined forces just now, but they didn't hide anything, they all used their full strength.

Under such a powerful attack, even a strong person in the early stage of the Immortal King would probably have to avoid its edge.

But the other party easily defeated their joint attack with just one palm.

At this time, even the woman in white, Fairy Snow, stood on the spot with a look of astonishment.


At this moment, earth-shaking loud noises sounded in the sky again.

That was the sound of the great avenue roaring, shocking the entire void.

And in the eyes of everyone, they saw a huge palm shadow in the sky. After defeating the previous huge sky net, it did not dissipate, but once again pressed against the monks at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm. .

"What! Not good!"

"Run, run away!"

"Oh my God! What kind of existence have we provoked!"

"Mom, help!"

The monks at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm had only one thought in their minds at this moment, and that was to escape!

A strong man who can grow into the peak realm of Golden Immortal is only half a step away from the early stage of Immortal King. Each of these monks has gone through hundreds of battles and emerged from the endless sea of ​​blood.

But now, they only feel like ants, swaying in the wind and rain, and may be easily overturned at any time.

At this moment, everyone was scared.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The figures of those monks at the Golden Immortal Peak flashed and turned into a stream of light, fleeing in panic into the distance.

Their speed is not bad.

Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone appeared thousands of meters away.

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