Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1519 Then you die!

The most powerful woman in white, Snow Fairy, was already more than two thousand meters away.

If she was given a little more time, even a few breaths, she might be able to escape more than ten miles away.

But at this moment, Lin Nan's palm finally fell.


Following an earth-shattering loud noise, everyone saw that several strong men at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm were suddenly struck by the palm that covered the sky and the sun in an unimaginable way. Instant hit.

Then, the whole bodies of those monks at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist on the spot, dissipating into the air, and their bodies died.


Seeing this scene, all the casual cultivators who were watching took a breath of cold air.

"Oh my God, I actually...killed them all! This is simply a killing spree!"

"My dear, this is incredible! It's too scary. Those are all strong men at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm, and not one of them can escape!"

"It's so powerful. What kind of magical power is this? It's too terrifying!"

Amidst the sighs and exclamations of everyone, Lin Nan just clapped his hands, as if he had done an insignificant thing, then turned around and left leisurely with Lin Momo and Ling'er.

The casual cultivators who were left on the spot were so shocked that they could not let go for a long time.

After all, it was a big deal for them that several powerful men at the peak of Golden Immortal had all fallen at this moment.

I'm afraid they will never see such a magnificent scene again in their lifetime of cultivation.

At the same moment, the news here also reached the city lord's palace.

"Lord City Lord, then... that Lin Nan actually killed four or five cultivators at the peak of the Golden Immortal Peak. His strength is so terrifying!"

A guard came to report.

"What? This, how is this possible!"

Even Ji Ziyue, the city lord of Ziyue City who had reached the middle stage of Immortal King, stood up in shock at this moment.

Originally, Lin Nan killed several early and mid-stage Golden Immortal monks, but he didn't take it to heart yet. But now, even the monks at the peak of Golden Immortal have fallen into the hands of Lin Nan. This is incredible.

Although he has reached the middle stage of the Immortal King, it is not difficult to kill several monks whose strength has not yet reached the early stage of the Immortal King.

But after all, this is something he can only do with his cultivation in the middle stage of the Immortal King.

But the aura displayed by Lin Nan was only in the early stage of Golden Immortal.

"This person is definitely not in the early stage of Golden Immortal!"

After a while, Ji Ziyue finally recovered and murmured.

At this moment, he could be 100% sure that Lin Nan's strength had definitely reached the realm of Immortal King.

As for whether it is the early stage of the Immortal King or the middle stage of the Immortal King, it is hard to say.

But no matter what, Ji Ziyue didn't believe that Lin Nan's realm would be higher.

After all, he himself is only in the middle stage of Immortal King. And every powerful Immortal King is a superior being with a name and surname.

And this Lin Nan suddenly appeared in Ziyue City from nowhere.

"Lord City Lord, then...this king-level immortal treasure?"

The guard asked hesitantly.

It is Ji Ziyue's own wish to put the Wangpin Immortal Treasure up for auction. But no matter what, if this king-level immortal treasure falls into the hands of a casual cultivator, even if this person is a casual cultivator who has reached the realm of the Immortal King, Ji Ziyue will feel a little unhappy.

Loose cultivators are at the bottom among all immortal cultivators.

"Looks like I have to go get it myself!"

Ji Ziyue sighed and said slowly.

Originally, he thought that with just a few monks at the peak of the Golden Immortal Peak, he could snatch the King-grade Immortal Treasure from Lin Nan with absolute certainty.

Then he snatched it from the hands of these monks at the peak of Golden Immortal, which was considered justifiable.

After all, he is a monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King, and he is also the city lord of Ziyue City. He directly snatched the king-grade immortal treasure from Lin Nan's hand. If others knew about it, they would probably laugh at him.

But now, apart from him, there is probably no one in the entire Purple Joy City who is Lin Nan's opponent.

After a brief sigh, Ji Ziyue immediately put on a black robe and wrapped herself tightly in it.

Although he personally took action to snatch it, he was unwilling to reveal his identity.


Then, Ji Ziyue's figure flashed and disappeared from the place, speeding away in the direction of Lin Nan.

At this time, Lin Nan was still taking his two daughters for a leisurely stroll.

"Papa, this Purple Joy City is prosperous, but it is only a medium-sized city. What will a large city be like?"

Lin Momo looked at Lin Nan, tilted her head and asked.

Ling'er on the side also looked at Lin Nan, a little curious about the big city.

"A big city? That's a city with hundreds of millions of monks and covering hundreds of miles. At least in this eastern continent, there isn't even one!"

Lin Nan explained.

The Eastern Continent is just a corner of the Xuanwu Star Territory.

The truly prosperous places are all in the central continent, especially the Qi Cheng star in the central continent, which is said to be the prosperous place of immortality in the entire Xuanwu Star Territory.

There are many big cities there, and there are many strong people there. It is the place that the truly strong people yearn for.

"Then when will we go to the big city?"

Lin Momo continued to ask.

"It won't be long before we leave the Eastern Continent and go to the Central Continent, the Star of Departure. By then, you will see a very big city!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly.

"Yeah, yeah!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Lin Momo and Linger clapped their hands happily.

Lin Nan remained silent.

This time, he brought his family to Purple Joy City, not just for a stroll, but for Beichen Palace.

After all, the eighth elder of Beichen Palace had become his slave. He also wanted to see what Beichen Palace meant.

This Purple Joy City is just passing by.

After all, Twilight City also falls within the sphere of influence of Beichen Palace.

After wandering around for a while, Lin Nan took Lin Momo and Linger back to his residence. After resting, he set off to leave.

But at this moment, Lin Nan suddenly frowned and sneered in his heart.

In his spiritual mind, he detected that a monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King was secretly spying on him. He exuded a faint killing intent and seemed to want to take action.

But Lin Nan didn't care. In these nine heavens and ten places, he had never been afraid of anyone.

Lin Nan continued to lead Lin Momo and Ling'er forward, and soon came to a remote place.


At this moment, the monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King in the distance finally stood up, blocked the path of Lin Nan and the others, and shouted angrily.

"What's the matter with you?"

Lin Nan raised his eyes, glanced at the other party, and asked calmly.

"Hand over the king-level immortal treasure on your body, and I will spare your life!"

The black-clothed monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King looked at Lin Nan and the others and said coldly.

"What if I say no?"

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows with a hint of joking in his tone.

"Then you die!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, the black-clothed monk's tone became cold, with strong murderous intent.

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