Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1529 You are not qualified to know!

This person is one of the three elders in charge of the outer disciples of Beichen Palace. He is also the weakest among them, only at the peak of the Golden Immortal.

But this Elder Long was once a strong man in the early stage of Immortal King. Otherwise, he would not have become the elder of Beichen Palace.

To become an elder of Beichen Palace, one must reach the realm of Immortal King.

It was only later that Elder Long was injured in a battle, and he fell down. He dropped from the early stage of the Immortal King to only the peak of the Golden Immortal.

He will never be able to enter the realm of the Immortal King again for the rest of his life.

Of course, even if he is at the peak of Golden Immortal, he is still invincible among all the Golden Immortal monks of Beichen Palace.

After all, he had once reached the level of the Immortal King. Whether it was the awareness of fighting skills or the vision, none of them could be compared to the Golden Immortal monks.

Later, when the disciple who reported the news learned that Zhang Long and others had been killed by Lin Nan, Elder Long also stood up suddenly.

"What! How dare you kill my disciple of Beichen Palace? This person is so arrogant! He is simply seeking death!"

Elder Long was furious.

As one of the three elders of the outer sect of Beichen Palace, he has the responsibility to protect the safety of the disciples of the outer sect of Beichen Palace.


Then, Elder Long stretched out his hand, grabbed the disciple who reported, and walked directly outside Beichen Palace in a flash.

"Where is that man?"

Elder Long asked the disciple in his hand while flying.

After learning Lin Nan's direction, he accelerated his speed again, turned into a stream of light, and shot away.

At this time, Lin Nan's family had just entered Beichen City, and Lin Momo and Ling'er were wandering around various stalls on the street with curiosity in their eyes.

After all, this is the first city under Beichen Palace, so it is naturally extremely rich and prosperous.

There is a constant flow of casual cultivators on the street, and there are also a dazzling array of various high-grade treasures.

"Wow, sister, look at this windmill!"

Ling'er looked at the colorful windmill in front of her, which exuded bursts of Taoist magic light, her eyes filled with curiosity.

This windmill is obviously also an immortal treasure, and its grade has reached the middle grade.

"Sister, there are also purple-leaf ambergris candied haws here!"

Lin Momo was a foodie. When she saw a candied haws seller selling candied haws, she couldn't take her eyes away.

The candied haws on a stick is not an ordinary product, but is made from fairy grass and ambergris. An average Golden Immortal monk can improve his cultivation by eating it.

Of course, this is mainly to satisfy the appetites of some monks.

But this bunch of purple-leaf ambergris candied haws are not cheap, costing twenty fairy crystals.

If it were replaced by an ordinary monk, even a golden immortal from a small sect, I'm afraid he wouldn't be willing to buy it.

But Lin Momo didn't say anything and bought two skewers, one for each of Ling'er and ox-chewed peonies.

When Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing saw this scene, they also smiled knowingly. As long as their two daughters were happy, Lin Nan could get them even if they needed some fairy crystals, let alone some fairy crystals.

The casual cultivators on the side were all amazed when they saw the two female dolls being so lavish.

After all, these casual cultivators are accustomed to cutting back on food and clothing. Even ten fairy crystals can allow them to practice for several months or even a year, let alone twenty fairy crystals.


But at this moment, a huge coercion suddenly came down, surprising all the monks.

The pressure was extremely heavy, pressing on everyone like a big mountain, making people breathless.

"No! A strong man is coming, retreat quickly!"

"Oh my God, who is this person? He is so bold and unleashes his pressure unscrupulously in Beichen City!"

"Go back, go back, I'm afraid someone is here to seek revenge, and the person who comes here is very powerful, and he is definitely not comparable to us and other casual cultivators!"

The faces of the group of casual cultivators all turned pale, and they hurriedly retreated crazily. After retreating several hundred meters, they left the range of the pressure. Everyone looked up, their eyes full of curiosity.

At this time, Lin Nan slowly raised his eyelids, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

He finally brought his family here to relax, and his two daughters were having a lot of fun at the moment. However, he didn't expect that someone who didn't know how to live or die would come to disturb him.


In the eyes of everyone, an old man with white beard and hair, wearing the clothes of an elder from Beichen Palace, appeared in front of Lin Nan.

"This, isn't this the elder of Beichen Palace!"

"My God, this seems to be Elder Long, one of the three outer elders of Beichen Palace!"

"He...what is he here for? Could it be that the man opposite provoked him?"

Seeing the appearance of Elder Long, some of the casual cultivators watching from a distance immediately recognized him, and everyone was a little shocked.

The elders of Beichen Palace, even the elders of the outer sect, are all powerful and powerful Immortal Kings.

Although this elder dragon's realm has fallen to the limit of the Golden Immortal Peak, his power is by no means comparable to that of ordinary Golden Immortal monks.

Such an existence would never appear easily on a daily basis. Every time it appeared, something major had happened.

"Yes, I remembered. Isn't this man the one who killed Beichen Palace disciples outside Beichen City before?"

Suddenly, a casual cultivator who was in the middle stage of Golden Immortal looked at Lin Nan's face, was suddenly startled, and said quickly.

"What? Killed Beichen Palace disciples? This, this is too crazy!"

The people next to him were a little unbelievable when they heard what the middle-stage Golden Immortal cultivator said.

Beichen Palace disciples, every one of them is a high-ranking being among their casual cultivators, and now someone actually dares to kill them.

This is courting death!

"Oh my god, I'm afraid this man will definitely die this time. If he dares to kill the disciples of Beichen Palace, he really doesn't want to live or die!"

"Oh, what a pity. This man's family and his two lovely daughters may be doomed this time!"

"Yes, that is the elder of Beichen Palace. He is extremely powerful and cannot be competed by us casual cultivators!"

In the crowd, the casual cultivators were all sighing and shaking their heads, looking at Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing and their two daughters with a trace of regret in their eyes.

In their opinion, there are probably not even a few people in this area who can offend Beichen Palace, and it is definitely not possible for them to be casual cultivators like Lin Nan.

At this time, Elder Long looked at Lin Nan with cold eyes, and said with a hint of murderous intent in his tone, "Did you kill my disciple of Beichen Palace?"

"It's just an ant, so what if I kill it!"

Lin Nan still looked indifferent, without even looking at the other party, and said coldly.

In Lin Nan's eyes, those Golden Immortal disciples from Beichen Palace were no different from ants.

Let alone the disciples of the Golden Immortal, even the elders of the Immortal King, in his eyes, are no different from ants.

If the so-called Elder Long in front of him was ignorant and insisted on finding trouble with him, Lin Nan wouldn't mind squeezing him to death as well.

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