Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1530 Sister, look at this windmill!

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"court death!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, Elder Long's face was so gloomy that he could almost shed water.

No one has ever dared to look down upon a monk from Beichen Palace like this, even if he is just a disciple of the Golden Immortal!

After saying that, Elder Long from Beichen Palace waved his hand, and an immortal treasure suddenly appeared out of thin air in his hand.


As soon as the immortal treasure sword appeared, it exuded a powerful aura of Taoism and Dharma, shrouding everyone around it.

At the same time, on the sword body of the immortal treasure sword, those Taoist laws glowed with colorful light, transforming into small dragons, floating around the sword.

Countless dragon power emanated from those little dragons, accompanied by earth-shattering dragon roars.

"Oh my god! This is a king-level immortal treasure!"

"It's...too powerful. The mere breath of this king-level immortal treasure makes us and other casual cultivators unable to hold on!"

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed the elder of Beichen Palace. His actions are extraordinary. That man is probably dead this time!"

When the group of onlookers monks saw this scene, they all sighed in admiration, their eyes filled with fear and a hint of expectation.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of such a strong man will be once he takes action.


Sure enough, the immortal treasure sword appeared in Elder Long's hand. Without stopping at all, he waved it directly, and a huge white light curtain enveloped Lin Nan.

"go to hell!"

Elder Long's cold voice came at any time, as if he appeared from the Nine Abyss Hell, with a strong murderous intention, which made people's hair stand on end.


As soon as the huge white light curtain appeared, it was as if it was earth-shattering, tearing the entire air apart and making a loud noise, like thunder.

Then, the terrifying aura suddenly spread.

"not good!"

"Oh my god, it's too strong, retreat!"

"Escape! Such a powerful attack, even if there is a trace of aftermath, affecting the casual cultivators like us, we will be killed on the spot!"

The group of casual cultivators who were watching all turned pale with fear at this moment.

To them, that extremely powerful attack was like the end of the world. As long as they ran a little slower, they would be swallowed directly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The figures of the casual cultivators suddenly turned into streaks of light, retreating crazily like bereaved dogs.

Even during this process, many low-level True Immortal early stage monks were directly crushed to pieces and died on the spot.

The remaining casual cultivators retreated four to five kilometers before slowly stopping and stopping to watch.

But at this time, Lin Nan still had a calm expression.

He put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance without even looking at Elder Long opposite.

Faced with such an attack, Lin Nan was completely indifferent and indifferent, looking proud of the world.

Seeing this scene, Elder Long also showed a ferocious smile on his face.

"Boy, it's too late for you to regret it now!"

Elder Long said fiercely.

After all, now, the terrifying attack he launched was less than three meters away from Lin Nan.

But at this moment, Lin Nan suddenly moved.

I saw him gently raising a hand, extending a finger, and then moved forward a little.


A white light visible to the naked eye shot out from his finger and turned into a white dragon, heading towards the huge white light curtain.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw Lin Nan's finger of white light, with a devastating force, directly defeated the white light curtain of the elder dragon, turned into pieces, and dissipated in the mid-air.

"What? This...how is this possible!"

"Oh my god, couldn't I have seen it wrong? Such a powerful attack was defeated with just one finger?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible. Who is this man? He can even defeat Elder Long's attack. You know, Elder Long's attack will make even a monk at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm suffer from hatred on the spot!"

The monks who were watching were all stunned when they saw this scene. They looked at Lin Nan and kept mumbling to themselves.

After all, this finger really subverted their imagination.

Although Elder Long is now only at the peak of the Golden Immortal Peak, he once reached the early stage of the Immortal King. In terms of mana and magic, he is not comparable to the average Golden Immortal Peak cultivator.

Even if you encounter a monk in the early stage of the Immortal King, Elder Long can give him a fight.

But now, his powerful attack was so vulnerable to Lin Nan, which was really incredible.

"This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

At this time, Elder Long, who was opposite Lin Nan, also opened his mouth wide and shook his head crazily.

He felt unbelievable, everything was so illusory and unreal.

Not only did the opponent not dodge such a powerful blow from me, but he even defeated it with just a single finger. If it were those Immortal King elders in Beichen Palace, even if they had reached the middle or late stage of Immortal King, they probably wouldn't be able to do it!

"Is this man actually a strong man at the peak of the Immortal King? Or even an Immortal Lord?"

As soon as such an idea came into Elder Long's mind, he killed it frantically.

This is absolutely impossible!

In this eastern continent, every Immortal King who is at the peak of his powers is a very important being. Every stomp of his feet can cause three tremors in an area.

Not to mention the Immortal Lord, he is definitely a peerless strong man who can dominate a party.

The aura of the man in front of him was not very powerful at all, and even to Elder Long, he definitely didn't look like a strong man at the peak of the Immortal King or Immortal Lord realm.

"You...who are you?"

After half a breath, Elder Long finally regained his composure, looked at Lin Nan, and asked with fear in his eyes.

Now he already knows that just relying on his strength at the peak of Golden Immortal, even if he is invincible at the peak of Golden Immortal, he cannot be the opponent of the man in front of him.

Now, the only option is to report the man's situation to the sect and let the more powerful elders take action.

"You're not qualified to know!"

Hearing Elder Long's words, Lin Nan just smiled contemptuously and said lightly.


After saying that, the white light appeared again in the sky and shot towards Elder Long.

"What? How is this possible!"

Feeling the white light in the sky, Elder Long's face turned pale again.

That ray of white light was exactly the finger that Lin Nan shot just now. After defeating his own attack, it did not dissipate, but shot toward him again.

What a magical power this is, it’s simply unbelievable!

"not good!"

At this moment, Elder Long's back was filled with cold air, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to escape!

This man is too terrifying and he is definitely not someone he can mess with.

At the same time, he kept cursing in his heart, wondering what kind of existence Zhang Long and other outer disciples had provoked for him. Even if they died ten thousand times, they wouldn't be able to pity them!


Elder Long's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot away into the distance instantly.

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