Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1542 He is just a defeated general!

Although it did not attract the stars from outside the territory, the power of the stars gathered by this attack was completely incomparable to Li Daoru's previous methods. It was simply a gap between heaven and earth.

Night falls again, and the stars in the sky are shining brightly. This is not caused by magical powers pulling stars from outside the territory, but by the vision created by the ancestor of Beichen himself.

The vision of stars covered a land thousands of miles away, and the entire Beichen City was shrouded in it.

"Ancestor Beichen is so strong. Even the former Master of Beichi Palace could only be crushed to death in an instant!"

"What should we do? If Ancestor Beichen kills that man, because he lost his beloved son, Ancestor Beichen may be angry with the people in the city, and we may still not be able to escape death!"

"Don't panic! Don't panic! That man easily killed Bei Chi before. At least he is no weaker than Ancestor Beichen. Ancestor Beichen will certainly not be able to do anything to him!"

In the city, thousands of monks looked up at the battlefield in the center of the city, and they were all hesitant and nervous.

Even the monks who wished that Lin Nan would be killed before were now eager to burn incense and worship, so that Lin Nan could calmly take action again and easily destroy the ancestor Beichen.

"Little Doyle."

In the void, Lin Nan looked calm and did not hide or dodge, allowing the fierce attack that could shake the Eastern Continent to collide with him.


There was a loud bang.

At night, brilliant fireworks exploded over the central area of ​​Beichen City, and the light spread in all directions, covering up the strange stars in the sky.

"Those who disobey me will die without life."

At this moment, Ancestor Beichen is like the Lord of the Heavens, standing proudly in the world.

For millions of years, Ancestor Beichen has traveled all over the world. Not to mention the Eastern Continent, even in the Central Continent, Ancestor Beichen had made a name for himself hundreds of thousands of years ago. His beloved son Bei Chi was there. He was born to a stunningly talented and beautiful woman in China.

Thirty-five thousand years ago, the Immortal Lord who came from the Central Continent to provoke Beichen Palace was a tribesman of his wife, Beichi's mother.

He has accumulated more than 300,000 years of time in order to wait to enter the later stage of the Immortal Lord, so that he can take his extremely promising son to the Central Continent and bring back his wife who has been separated for more than 300,000 years.

But he never thought that Beichi would be killed by a young boy who suddenly appeared!

Taking a look at Liu Ruqing, mother and daughter, two hundred miles away, Patriarch Beichen revealed a sinister smile.

"That evil beast killed my beloved son, so I can entertain his wife and daughter."

With endless hatred in his heart, Patriarch Beichen planned to throw Liu Ruqing, mother and daughter, into the land of smoke and willows to welcome guests for thousands of years, and then refine them into puppets to serve him tea and water forever, in order to solve the problem of Lin Nan killing Bei Chi and bringing him... pain of.

But just when Beichen Ancestor was about to use his magical power to arrest Liu Ruqing, mother and daughter, the dazzling light from the explosion dissipated, and Lin Nan, with a green screen of light surrounding his body, appeared intact in Beichen Ancestor again. In front of you.


Ancestor Beichen was in a daze. The blow just now was clearly his full strength, but he failed to kill Lin Nan with one blow!

Others don't know it, but Patriarch Beichen himself knows clearly that although the Seven-Star Staff is an intermediate-grade noble fairy treasure, it is not his natal fairy treasure. His natal fairy treasure is the star stone in his hand!

"Who are you? I have entered the late stage of Immortal Lord, why can't I kill you with one strike?"

Ancestor Beichen stared at Lin Nan, but he already wanted to retreat. A million-year-old monster like him was best at surviving.

The so-called majesty of the Immortal Lord is just for the ears of ants. Whenever you meet a being who is stronger than yourself, the most practical thing is to have a bullshit majesty to save your life.

"Late Immortal Realm? You still haven't taken the last step, you still haven't been able to pierce the last layer of film. You are still only in the middle stage of Immortal Realm. Do you think I can't tell that?"

Lin Nan couldn't hide his contempt for Patriarch Beichen.

"Okay! Okay! What a bastard! I will let you see the true methods of the powerful Immortal Lord!"

Ancestor Beichen looked furious and once again activated the star stone in his hand, and once again the mighty destructive force swept towards Lin Nan.

The power of this attack was ten times stronger than the last time. It was obviously the ancestor of Beichen who used his trump card.

"The Burning True Spirit is preparing to escape?"

Lin Nan sneered, raised his hand and struck out with a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

The mighty power of destruction was instantly defeated by the golden palm seal that represented justice. The endless power of destruction was instantly crushed by the golden aura and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The star vision covering a thousand miles has also disappeared, because the owner of the vision has escaped.

This time, after defeating the opponent's attack, Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm did not catch up with the opponent and directly annihilated the opponent.

Because Lin Nan did not intend to let Ancestor Beichen fall so cheaply, Lin Nan stretched out his hand to grab it. When he retracted his hand, the void shattered, and a big void hand emerged from the crack in the void.

That big hand in the void held a person, it was the ancestor of Beichen who had just escaped thousands of miles away!

"Who are you? Why are you so powerful? Why do you want to kill me, Beichen Palace!"

Ancestor Beichen, who was caught by Void's big hand, was now shocked and angry.

"You're just a defeated general, but you want me to answer your question?"

Lin Nan smiled, then pointed out, and a flash of white light sank into Ancestor Beichen's body.

"You...you actually knocked down my cultivation!"

When the white light sank into his body, Ancestor Beichen suddenly turned pale and looked frightened.

"In the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, with your methods, even if you meet the beings in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm, you can still fight equally."

Lin Nan just nodded with satisfaction, and then pointed out that the star stone had also been knocked down a level and became a junior king-level immortal treasure.

When everything was in order, Lin Nan let go of Patriarch Beichen and kicked the Eighth Elder out of his body space at the same time.

"What...what's going on!"

The Eighth Elder looked at the decadent Ancestor Beichen and the destroyed Beichen Palace with a confused look on his face, not knowing what had happened.

Ancestor Beichen didn't know that the Eighth Elder recognized Lin Nan as his master, and only thought that the Eighth Elder was being detained by Lin Nan.

But now that Lin Nan has knocked down the Beichen ancestor, how can he care about the life and death of an elder? If he doesn't leave, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave. There are not even a hundred powerful monks in the entire Eastern Continent who want to kill him. eighty.

"How did Patriarch Beichen become a monk in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm?"

Seeing Ancestor Beichen running away, the Eighth Elder was still confused. It wasn't until he came back to his senses and saw Lin Nan beside him that he suddenly woke up.

"The old slave pays homage to the master. From now on, the old slave will serve the master wholeheartedly and will never have any thoughts of rebellion!"

The Eighth Elder hurriedly knelt down in the air to express his loyalty.

"Get up."

Lin Nan spoke calmly. He knew the Eighth Elder's mentality very clearly. After what happened today, even if he was given a hundred courages, the Eighth Elder would not dare to feel rebellious in the future.

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