Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1543 My daughter!

Beichen City has been destroyed. For a long time to come, this giant city that has stood on the Eastern Continent for millions of years will become a place of right and wrong. It will eventually become the possession of some great immortal sect, or... It has become the foundation of the newly rising Immortal Sect. No one knows about it at the moment, and the monks in the city are not in the mood to think about it now.

What Lin Nan had done was known to all the tens of thousands of monks in the city. A family of four was walking on the street, and the surroundings were deserted. No one dared to approach within a hundred feet.

"Daddy, it's all your fault for being too flashy. Now we've all become street rats, and it's no longer interesting at all!"

Lin Momo said with some annoyance.

"Yes, yes, sister is right!"

Linger nodded in agreement with Lin Momo.

Lin Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while. He had always paid attention to his two precious daughters. When they saw him take action before, no one was as excited as the little ones, but now they are complaining about him.

"Where are you going next?"

Seeing Lin Nan's dumbfounded look, Liu Ruqing asked.

For Liu Ruqing, no matter where she went, it was good to have Lin Nan by her side. After having a pair of precious daughters, she would feel very satisfied even if a family of four lived an ordinary life of working from sunrise to sunset. .

"Let's go to Guanghan Palace. When we competed in the Qingming Sect's secret realm before, I heard that the Moon Palace there is very beautiful. Momo wants to go there and see it."

Lin Momo said, Ling'er still nodded in agreement.

"The Guanghan Palace is ninety-seven thousand miles away. With my master's magical power, I can reach it in a matter of seconds."

The Eighth Elder, who had become a loyal slave, also spoke at this time.

"No, no, walk there. It would be boring to fly directly there. Then you will miss so many beautiful scenery and interesting things on the way."

Ling'er shook her little head like a rattle and firmly opposed Lin Nan taking them directly to Guanghan City.

Liu Ruqing did not make a statement, so Lin Nan would naturally not make Ling'er unhappy. The group of people left the city and walked towards Guanghan City under the scorching sun, leaving the already chaotic Beichen City behind. behind.

Three days later, a family of four entered a small town. As for the Eighth Elder, they were sent by Lin Nan to find out information. After all, it was useless for the Eighth Elder to follow them around, and it would also make Liu Ruqing, mother and daughter an eyesore.

It is better to let him inquire about how the situation in the Eastern Continent has changed after the Qingming Sect and Beichen Palace were destroyed one after another.

This small city called Xiaoyue City is really small. There are less than 100,000 monks in the city, and the strongest one is only a monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal.

"Hey... candied haws, what kind of fruit is this? I've never seen it before."

Lin Momo ran to the candied haws hawker, her big eyes blinking, curiously looking at the strings of candied haws on the shelf.

"Yes, yes, I have never seen this kind of fruit before."

Ling'er also looked at the candied haws fruit with curiosity.

"Where did it come from, little kid? Don't look at it. This spiritual fruit is the devil's fruit taken from the devil's cave. A one-immortal crystal and a bunch of candied haws are ten-immortal crystals. If you can afford it, just take a look here."

The candied haws hawker said impatiently.

"But there are only eight fruits in this bunch. Why do you need the Ten Immortal Crystals?"

Lin Momo asked curiously.

"Yes, you are such a shady businessman. No wonder no one buys your candied haws."

Ling'er nodded, his face full of contempt for the hawker.

"Hey? Where did you come from, a wild girl? If I don't take care of you two, why do you think I'm a vegetarian?"

The vendor didn't expect that two little girls who seemed harmless to humans and animals would dare to come and cause trouble, and he couldn't help but get angry.

Putting the candied haws shelf into the storage magic weapon, without saying a word, he hit Lin Momo with a palm.

In the hawker's opinion, Lin Momo and Ling'er must be monks who had a grudge against him and were deliberately sent to destroy him, so they were completely merciless in their attack, just to kill the two little sisters.

"So weak."

Lin Momo neutralized the vendor's attack with a casual wave of her hand and frowned.


The hawker pointed angrily at Lin Momo, but didn't know what to say. He was a dignified late-stage True Immortal cultivator. Naturally, he could kill a little baby with just one casual blow. He didn't expect that the other party would also neutralize his attack with a casual wave.

"Okay! Okay! Although I don't know who sent you this wild girl, you have successfully angered me. If I don't kill you now, I won't hang out in Xiaoyue City anymore."

After saying that, the hawker took action again, this time with all his strength, because he saw that although Lin Momo looked like a child, she was by no means mediocre.

"Hey, why would that unscrupulous merchant attack a child on the street? Is it because he thinks his reputation isn't bad enough?"

"He sold dozens of Demonic Yuan Fruits for one Immortal Crystal for eight out of ten Immortal Crystals. He specializes in trapping monks who are passing by and low-level monks in the city who don't understand the secret realm of the Demon Cave. People like him will attack little babies. There’s nothing surprising.”

"How can those two little dolls block his attack? Should we stop him?"

"Who dares to stop him except Lord Xiaoyue?"

"Yes, this black-hearted merchant belongs to the Four Gods Gang, and he can be said to be reckless in the city. For the sake of two little babies, there is really no need for us to offend him!"

While the monks who were standing around were talking, the black-hearted hawker launched an attack on Lin Momo.

"Hehe, a young wild girl dares to undermine me, so be smarter in your next life."

The black-hearted hawker smiled, waiting for the moment when Lin Momo was beaten into blood mist, and at the same time, he was ready to kill Ling'er beside him.

"court death!"

Lin Momo was also angry. She had been merciful just now, but she didn't want this black-hearted hawker to be unrelenting.

The next finger pointed out, crushing the black-hearted hawker's attack, but the white light emitted by that finger did not stop, directly hitting the black-hearted hawker's abdomen.


The black-hearted hawker covered his abdomen and screamed in pain. His Dantian was scratched by the white light and was slightly broken.

"Oh my god, what's going on? Where did that little girl come from?"

"It's amazing. She looks like a harmless little girl, but she is actually a ruthless person who can defeat a powerful person in the late stage of true immortality with just one finger! There is really a vast world full of wonders. As long as you live long, you can see incredible things!"

"Look, a man and a woman are walking over. They seem to be the parents of the two girls."

"Oh my god, they are truly a couple of gods and immortals. The most beautiful fairy I have ever seen is not even one thousandth as good as that woman!"

Over there, Lin Nan took a look at the black-hearted hawker who was full of anger, and with a flick of his finger, directly shattered the black-hearted hawker's Dantian, abolished the black-hearted hawker's cultivation, and reduced him to a mortal.

"My daughter, touching a hair on someone's head is a capital offense. You actually want to kill them. It's totally incomprehensible."

Lin Nan looked down at the black-hearted hawker who was lying on the ground and doubting his life. He said a few words and walked away with Liu Ruqing and the two little ones.

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