Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1546 We are here to give gifts!

When you reach the end of the canyon, you pass through a space crack and truly enter the Demon Cave.

There are many monsters appearing, either acting alone or in groups, but fortunately they are just the monsters with early-stage True Immortal strength. Occasionally, there will be Warcraft with mid-stage True Immortal strength.

The two little sisters, who looked pitiful and pitiful outside, entered the devil's cave and saw the monsters, and started to slaughter them with laughter. The more they killed, the more excited they became.

Those monsters faced the two sisters, just like little sheep meeting two little devils who had escaped from trouble.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing joined hands behind, watching their two precious daughters fight their way into the depths of the Demon Cave, commenting from time to time, and most of all, of course, talking about their experiences when they were young and traveling together.

"Where did you come from, you bastards? Are you looking for death? You have woken up the Demon Lord deep in the devil's cave. Even if the King of Heaven comes, I can't save you. If you are looking for death, don't drag others down."

When they reached the edge of the center, there was a roar.

Lin Momo and Ling'er stopped and turned to look at Lin Nan.

Lin Nan looked deeper, his sight penetrated the thick black fog, and saw a group of people, and couldn't help but smile.

"The Four Gods Gang? I'm here to give you a gift."

Lin Nan said loudly.

"A gift? What gift?"

The person deep in the thick fog said doubtfully, but he also flew over quickly.

Three late-stage True Immortal monks arrived and were startled when they saw Lin Nan's family of four. They had no impression of Lin Nan's family. They were sure they were not monks from Xiaoyue City, but they were puzzled as to why Lin Nan could recognize them as the Four Gods Gang. man of.

"Who are you?"

One of them stared at Lin Nan for a moment, and whenever Lin Nan made any move, he would be the first to take action to kill Lin Nan.

"You're just an ant, you don't deserve to know my daddy's identity."

Ling'er put her little hands on her hips, raised her little head, and said with disdain.

"You... little bastard, you're looking for death!"

Not only the monk who asked the question, but also the other two monks were angry.

Thinking about the Four Gods Gang who have dominated Xiaoyue City for thousands of years, they are the only ones who look down on others. Who dares to look at them? Not to mention showing contempt for them!

The monk couldn't help but slap Ling'er with his palm.

Although the two little sisters killed the monsters just now, they were just over a hundred monsters with early stage True Immortal strength. The monk could kill them all with one slap, so they were sure to kill Ling'er with just one slap.

"With Protector Wang's palm, not to mention the little girl who made the rude remarks, even the other little girl will be reduced to ashes."

"Hey, who made that little girl commit suicide and dare to be disrespectful to our Four Gods Gang? Letting her die like this is because our Four Gods Gang has a generous heart. If she can be refined into a soul for tens of thousands of years, that will be the real life. It’s better to die.”

The two monks on the side smiled and said that in their eyes, the lives of other monks were no different than grass.

But unfortunately, they met Lin Nan's family today. Ling'er just pointed a finger, and a white light neutralized the attack of the protector king.

"I...am I dazzled? How is this possible!"

"Wang Protector is a strong man who may reach the peak of the True Immortal at any time. Even a casual blow may seriously injure you and me. What kind of monster is that little girl...?"

The two monks who had already imagined the scene of Lin Nan and his wife crying heartbrokenly after the two little girls were killed, suddenly became uneasy.

"I...little bastard, don't be complacent, or I will show mercy to you."

Protector Wang was also shocked, but quickly calmed down. After all, he had just shot at random, using only 30% to 40% of his strength.

Without further delay, he took out his true treasure and immediately launched the attack. A beam of light illuminated a radius of more than ten miles and went straight towards Ling'er and Lin Momo.

"Okay, Protector Wang has used his true treasure. It is a top-grade true treasure, and Protector Wang has used all his strength. I don't believe those two little girls can survive!"

"Hey, I seem to have seen the beautiful scenery when the snowflakes bloom."

The two monks smiled ferociously, waiting for the moment when Lin Momo and Ling'er were killed.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

It wasn't Ling'er who struck out, but Lin Momo raised her hand to strike out.

The beam of light that seemed to be able to destroy everything was easily defused by Lin Momo's Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm when it was less than two meters away from the two sisters.

"What? How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Oh my god, how did those two little girls do it? Could it be that they are experts at the peak level of true immortals!"

The smiles of the two Four Gods were frozen, their eyes were dull, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"not good!"

Protector Wang was also stunned involuntarily after seeing that his attack was resolved, but before he could say anything to save face again, a strong sense of danger of death enveloped his body and mind.


At this moment, Protector Wang only had this thought. He knew that if he did not escape, he would definitely perish here.

"What's going on? Protector Wang is actually running away? He must be stimulated, right?"

"That must be the case. Protector Wang should be going..."

Before the two monks had finished speaking, Protector Wang had already escaped nearly a thousand meters, but his speed was too slow.

After Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm condensed again, in just a thousandth of a second, it had directly caught up with Protector Wang and hit him hard on the back.

A cloud of blood mist exploded in the air.

The two members of the Four Gods got their wish. They saw the beautiful scenery when the blood mist bloomed. However, there were not two blood mist, but only one. Moreover, it was the beautiful scenery that their King Protector bloomed at the cost of his life.

"You...who are you! Why do you dare to attack our Four Gods Gang!"

"Do you know that being an enemy of our Four Gods Gang is asking for death? Do you even know how to write the word "death"?

The two members of the Four Gods Gang collapsed. After all, the Protector Wang, who was still aloof not long ago, died in front of them in the blink of an eye. Even if they were real powerful men in the Immortal Realm, they would still feel fear when facing death.

"We are here to give gifts."

Ling'er bared his teeth and smiled, like a bloodthirsty little devil.

"Then why did you kill me, the guardian of the Four Gods Gang!"

The two monks couldn't bear it any longer and almost wailed out these words.

"Oh, our gift is the word death."

Lin Momo said.

"That's right, didn't you ask us if we know how to write the word "death"? We know it, and we know that no one in your Sishen Gang can write the word "death", so we kindly sent it over so that you can experience it for yourself. I have no regrets at all.”

Ling'er spoke eagerly, and after speaking, she couldn't hold back any longer and directly swung her palm to strike the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm.

"No! I'm still young and I still have a lot of time to waste. I don't want to die yet!"

"Aw...I'll fight with you!"

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