Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1547 You will be able to accompany him on the road soon!

Deep in the thick fog, this place is extremely close to the center of the Demon Cave, where a group of monks are waiting quietly.

The leaders were three monks at the peak level of the True Immortal Realm, and the rest were all monks at the later stages of the True Immortal Realm. There were estimated to be fifty or sixty of them.

"Brother, I seem to hear the screams of Xiao Wang and others. What is going on?"

The fourth leader of the Four Gods Gang said in confusion.

"I heard it too, but I don't know what happened. But not long ago, the spiritual thought that the third brother stayed with me has dissipated. The third brother should be in bad luck. Now something has happened to the protector Wang and the others. I'm afraid someone is asking us. The Four Gods Gang has taken action, maybe they want to snatch the magic fetus from us!"

The leader of the Four Gods Gang shook his head.

"Could it be the Lord of Xiaoyue City?"

The second master asked.

"It won't be Lord Xiaoyue. She doesn't need to go to such trouble."

Master Fa shook his head again. He was also full of doubts in his heart. He couldn't figure out who besides the Lord Xiaoyue who didn't care about the magic fetus at all, who knew that they were about to seize the magic fetus, and where the existence came from, actually dared to ask The Four Gods Gang launched an attack!

"The life or death of the three is uncertain, and the villain who plotted against the three is most likely the one who caused Xiao Wang and the others to scream. Big brother, second brother, you first pay attention to the situation in the magic level. I will take people to see who the unknown person is. How dare you provoke me, the Four Gods Gang, a living thing."

The fourth master's face was as gloomy as water, and he was surrounded by an extremely strong evil aura.

"Okay, if you can't resist it, call me and my second brother. Don't show off your courage."

The headmaster nodded in agreement.

At this time, Lin Nan was still holding hands with Liu Ruqing, slowly following behind his two daughters. In this dangerous cave, it was like walking in his own garden.

"Huh! It's been so long, tell me how long it's been since we were together in the world of two!"

Liu Ruqing stopped and hesitated for a while, then blushed and spoke shyly.

After saying that, he lowered his head, embarrassed to look at Lin Nan.

"Ah? That seems to be the case! Why, my dear wife...can't stand being lonely?"

Lin Nan was stunned, but seeing Liu Ruqing's rare shy posture in front of him, he couldn't help but joked with a smirk on his face.

"You...I'm angry!"

Liu Ruqing raised her head, took her hand out of Lin Nan's, and pinched her waist with both hands.

"Okay, okay, when we get to Guanghan City and the eighth elder comes back, let the eighth elder take Momo and Ling'er to play. I will concentrate on accompanying you to make up for the neglect I have given you during this period. Now you can Are you not angry anymore?"

Holding Liu Ruqing in his arms, Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Well, it was agreed upon. If you can't fulfill your promise, you will really have to kneel on the washboard."

Liu Ruqing nestled in Lin Nan's arms, with a sweet smile on her lips.

"Daddy, Mommy, someone is here to receive a gift."

Ling'er turned around and shouted, but when she saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing cuddling together, she couldn't help but wrinkle her delicate and delicate nose. She looked at each other and giggled with her sister Lin Momo, and they ran towards the direction where someone was coming. go.

"Who is coming? Tell me your name."

After Lin Momo and Ling'er flew five or six miles, they stopped and spoke together.


The Fourth Leader, who had led eight late-stage True Immortal gang members, was stunned. He immediately stopped and looked at the two harmless little girls in front of him with confusion.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The fourth master asked, not daring to relax.

Even if they are just two harmless little girls who can exist safely in the devil's cave, they will definitely not be simple characters.

"Hey, I asked you to introduce yourself, but you asked about us? Stop talking nonsense, are you a member of the Four Gods Gang?"

Lin Momo raised her eyebrows, slightly unhappy.

"Huh? Could it be that you two little bastards are the evil obstacles that attack Xiao Wang and the others?"

The Fourth Master's heart tightened and he felt unbelievable, but the current situation undoubtedly showed that the two girls in front of him were most likely the ones who took action against the three protectors Wang.

"They are indeed birds of a feather."

Lin Momo frowned and had no intention of talking anymore. Besides, this trip was to destroy the Four Gods Gang, and she had no obligation to explain anything to the dying people.

The Fourth Master was not stupid. After hearing Lin Momo's words, he immediately understood that Protector Wang and others must have been attacked by these two little girls.

"Work together to kill these two little bastards."

Although I don’t know how much the two little sisters weigh, the fourth master has not trusted them. Moreover, the magic gate may be opened at any time, and the battle must be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the best opportunity is missed, the magic fetus will be missed.

The fourth master took out the magic weapon, a first-level fairy treasure.

The eight late-stage True Immortal cultivators took out their magic weapons. They were all top-grade true treasures, but they were not like the top-grade true treasures of Protector Wang. Their true treasures were just refined and used. As long as they were stronger than them, they would be the best. It is possible to take it away.

Lin Momo and Ling'er looked at each other. The two little sisters had the same mind. They understood each other's meaning instantly and had a clear division of labor.

Lin Momo was responsible for killing the strongest fourth master, and Ling'er was responsible for killing the eight gangsters.

It's not because the Fourth Master and others are so strong that they need a clear division of labor between the two sisters to defeat them, it's just because the sisters insist that everything must be divided equally and fairly, and the same applies to killing enemies.

"You little bastard, I'll give you one more chance. Tell me about the current situation of my third brother, Yuanliu Shen, and I will let you die a more pleasant death."

The fourth master was preparing for the offensive while talking in a false tone.

"Humph, you will be able to accompany him on the road soon."

Lin Momo snorted coldly and took action directly.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

The expression on the Fourth Master's face changed drastically, but fortunately, he was well prepared for his attack, and his strongest blow quickly met the huge palm print coming from the Shattered Void.


After the huge explosion, the Fourth Master's attack had dissipated, and the palm prints made by Lin Momo also disappeared without a trace.

"Fortunately, although it is unexpected, this little girl is not too strong yet, and she can't do anything to me anyway."

The fourth master breathed a sigh of relief, and without further delay, prepared to summon the eldest and second brothers, and the three brothers joined forces to kill the two sisters.

But it was also at this time that his heartstrings began to tremble violently, and the danger of death instantly enveloped his whole body.

"How can it be!"

Looking at the place where the two previous attacks collided, the disappeared palm print appeared again. The fourth master's eyes widened in complete disbelief, and his heart was filled with shock and confusion.

escape! escape! escape!

After regaining consciousness for a moment, the Fourth Master knew that the only option was to run away at the moment, otherwise he would die so badly that not even his bones would be left.

Because the void palm seal that appeared again seemed to be more than ten times stronger than before, and it was completely beyond his ability to resist!

He turned around hurriedly, used the forbidden technique, used all his strength to activate the immortal treasure, and desperately increased his speed to the fastest, hoping to join his eldest and second brothers and defeat the enemy together.

However, it's already too late!

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