Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1548 I will die here!

There is a group of palaces stretching for hundreds of miles in the center of the small world, like an empty city. If the elixirs and spiritual beasts were not worse than those normally cultivated and raised in a fairy gate, Lin Nan's family would regard it as an empty fairy gate.

Lin Nan didn't say much from beginning to end. After entering the palace, he didn't tell his two daughters what to do. Liu Ruqing was by his side as always.

Seeing the Lin Nan family who were leisurely and comfortable, with no sense of crisis, and didn't even feel anything was wrong, Xiaoyue sneered in her heart and left the side hall directly.

In the main hall, there is a huge white giant egg, estimated to be three miles in diameter, which makes people think it is a Kunpeng egg.

However, the eggshell always exudes black demonic energy, which makes those who see it distinguish it from the mythical beast Kunpeng, and feel that there is a demon hidden in the white eggshell.

"Senior brother, four million years have passed, and it is finally time for you to return."

Xiaoyue, dressed in white, came to the hall, stared at the dome and spoke affectionately.

At the same time, Lin Nan also observed all Xiaoyue's movements and couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Lin Nan laughing innocently, Liu Ruqing couldn't help but wonder.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Lin Nan shook his head slightly.

Liu Ruqing naturally believed in Lin Nan's words.

More than an hour passed quickly, and the side hall that originally looked like the main hall of an immortal palace began to change, as if a large formation was being activated.

"Daddy, what's going on?"

Lin Momo and Ling'er, who were playing around, hurried to Lin Nan's side because they felt the destructive energy. If Lin Nan was not here, even if the two sisters joined forces, they would not be able to fight against the inexplicable crisis.

"Your appearance surprised me, but it also surprised me. However, your destination is excellent. Not only can a family of four go on the road together, but you can also make countless sacrifices for the return of a powerful person in the Immortal Realm. Fungible devotion.”

Xiaoyue walked in, but it was not her true form, just a clone of her spiritual mind.

"Auntie, are you going to become ruthless?"

Ling'er wrinkled her delicate and small nose.

"I am a ruthless person, why would I say I am ruthless?"

Satsuki smiled.

Ling'er glanced at Lin Nan and saw that Lin Nan looked indifferent and still didn't seem to want to say anything, so she pursed her lips and stood with her sister Lin Momo glumly, wanting to see how Lin Nan would deal with Xiaoyue.

"Huh? You can still calm down easily. Do you think that your rare treasure can protect you here?"

Seeing that Lin Nan didn't panic at all, Xiaoyue couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"You don't think that just a small world and a top-grade immortal treasure can do anything to me, do you?"

Lin Nan not only did not answer Xiaoyue's question, but instead asked a question.

Xiao Yue was stunned for a moment, feeling suspicious in her heart. She couldn't figure out how Lin Nan could figure out that the palace complex was a high-grade and respected fairy treasure.

But now, it is not the time for her to chase after Tengteng to get to the bottom of it. The time is ripe. If she delays her time, her senior brother's state will be much less restored after he wakes up.

Taking a deep look at Lin Momo and Ling'er who were hiding behind Lin Nan, Xiaoyue smiled. These two little girls had been pushing against her before, but now they knew they were afraid.

He raised his hand and pointed a finger, and a golden stream of light rushed towards Lin Nan instantly. When the golden stream of light took shape, the immortal treasure energy in the hall also cooperated with the golden stream of light and rushed towards Lin Nan.

Lin Nan remained motionless, while Liu Ruqing and the two little girls stood safely behind him.

There was no sound of explosion, but the light was radiating. It was the gorgeous scene created when the golden stream of light and the immortal treasure energy arrived one meter in front of Lin Nan. Just being in the high-quality immortal treasure felt like being in the starry sky outside the territory. , the sound cannot be transmitted at all.

"Although the ants of the Four Gods Gang have been casted with magic poison, after sacrificing them, the senior brother can regain the early strength of the Immortal Lord when he wakes up, but in the end they are still unable to compare with this family. After the senior brother wakes up, he should be Able to return to the middle stage of the Immortal Realm."

Looking at the gorgeous scenery when the golden color exploded, Xiaoyue was not surprised, but felt very satisfied.

After all, she knew that Lin Nan must have a strange treasure that could dissipate most of the power of her attack. This was expected. After all, it was a strange treasure that could prevent her from exploring Lin Nan's strength.

But when the golden color completely dissipated, Xiaoyue was shocked when she saw the intact Lin Nan family and the turquoise light curtain that quickly dissipated.

As a strong person in the Immortal Realm, and also in the late stage of the Immortal Realm, she could naturally see that the turquoise light curtain was just Lin Nan's protective light curtain, not a strange treasure.

"Who...are you?"

Xiaoyue finally lost her composure.

Even if she is in her own immortal treasure, she has to be wary. She is not hurt. If her senior brother cannot wake up normally because of the appearance of Lin Nan's family, then her four million years of hard work will be in vain!

And although her body is just a clone of a spiritual mind, it is within her own immortal treasure. The blow just now was enough to kill a late-stage Immortal Realm powerhouse without a high-grade Immortal Treasure by his side, but it didn't even shake Lin Nan's protective light curtain!

This made her instantly understand that Lin Nan must be a more powerful being than her.

Remembering what Ling'er had said before, Lin Nan could slap the powerful Immortal Master to death with one slap. She didn't take it seriously at the time, but now she had to believe that the little girl had never lied!

"A mere Immortal Realm ant doesn't deserve to know who I am."

Before he received Xiaoyue's invitation, he already knew what Xiaoyue had in mind. He clearly wanted to use their family as a sacrifice.

Now that Xiaoyue has really come this far, Lin Nan, who has never shown any kindness to Xiaoyue along the way, will certainly not show any mercy at this moment.

"Although you are very strong, you are a little too arrogant. In that attack just now, my spiritual clone has not yet used its full strength, nor has it mobilized the power of the entire fairy treasure."

Xiaoyue spoke in a deep voice, and then another Xiaoyue walked out beside him. The two merged into one, and the current Xiaoyue became a complete Xiaoyue.

"I have killed many existences at the top level of the Immortal Realm. Unless you have surpassed the Immortal Realm, you will still be buried here today."

Xiaoyue spoke slowly, and at the same time mobilized her natal immortal treasure. The immortal treasure energy became visibly stronger with the naked eye, more than ten times stronger than before!

Lin Nan didn't take it seriously, raised his foot slightly, and then stepped down.


Suddenly, when Lin Nan stepped down, the entire hall and the entire fairy treasure began to tremble violently, and the originally stronger aura of the fairy treasure dissipated sharply.

If you look outside the Immortal Treasure, you can see the palaces that just soared into the sky not long ago, and instantly hit the mountains below like meteorites falling!

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