Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1549 I will let you enter reincarnation!

"You! Presumptuous!"

Xiaoyue was angry because she clearly sensed that her natal fairy treasure was directly downgraded from high-level to mid-level with Lin Nan's gentle step!

With a single kick, a high-grade and respected fairy treasure was knocked down a level while still inside the fairy treasure. What kind of concept is this!

But at this moment, Xiaoyue only had anger in her heart. Her natal fairy treasure was damaged, and she was naturally traumatized.

But what made her most intolerable was that the giant egg in the main hall that contained her senior brother's soul actually had a crack in the shell of the giant egg under Lin Nan's kick!

"Don't say it, I quite like to see monks like you who think you are powerful and want to seek wealth and death from me, how angry you look after being easily defeated by me."

Lin Nan looked at Xiaoyue with a smile.

But Xiaoyue only said something bold, not bold and seeking death. The three consecutive words of Incompetent Fury failed to connect, which made Lin Nan, who had heard too many Incompetent Furious Three Incidents, feel that something was missing.

"go out!"

Xiaoyue gritted her teeth, her beautiful face looking slightly ferocious.

But no matter how Xiaoyue drives the Immortal Treasure, she can't remove Lin Nan's family from the Immortal Treasure.

"It's you who should get out."

Lin Nan whispered.

At the same time, he raised his hand to cast a spell, instantly cutting off the connection between Xiaoyue and his natal immortal treasure, directly refining the natal immortal treasure that had been downgraded to an intermediate-level premium immortal treasure, and then expelled Xiaoyue from the immortal treasure space.


Stabilizing her body in the void and looking at the shrinking palaces not far away, Xiaoyue was dumbfounded. She didn't know what evil she had done to provoke such a monstrous being!

Lin Nan's family appeared in the void, and Xiaoyue's natal fairy treasure had been taken into Lin Nan's own space.

"This small world is no less than a top-grade immortal treasure, and it was created by you yourself. Why don't you mobilize the original power of the small world to bless yourself and fight with me?"

Lin Nan looked at Xiaoyue and asked.

"No need!"

Xiaoyue clenched her fists tightly and bit her lower lip to squeeze out these words from between her teeth.

It was indeed unnecessary. Even when he had the Immortal Treasure, he could not help but Lin Nan, and he even took the Immortal Treasure away from him.

Xiaoyue understood that even if she mobilized the original power of Xiaotiandi to fight with Lin Nan, she would only repeat the same mistakes and bring humiliation to herself.

"If you release my senior brother, I am willing to be your slave and be loyal to you forever and ever."

Xiaoyue stared at Lin Nan and spoke word by word.

"Oh, I already have a slave who is in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm."

Lin Nan didn't care.

"A mere ant in the Immortal King Realm is worthy of comparison with a powerful Immortal King Realm?"

Xiaoyue said coldly.

"In my eyes, there is no difference. They are just ants that can be wiped out with a single thought."

Lin Nan said calmly.


Xiaoyue was extremely angry, but thinking of what happened just now, she had to admit that what Lin Nan said was true.

In front of Lin Nan, she was indeed no different from an Immortal King Realm monk!

"Lin Nan, I think you just agreed to her, she is quite pitiful."

But it was also at this time that Liu Ruqing, who had rarely spoken since entering Xiaotiandi, spoke.

Liu Ruqing already knew everything from Lin Nan and why Xiaoyue wanted to plot against them.

After Xiaoyue officially broke her skin, Lin Nan instantly read Xiaoyue's memory, and had just informed Liu Ruqing with her spiritual mind, so Liu Ruqing was speaking for Xiaoyue.

"Okay, since my wife has spoken, there is nothing wrong with it."

Lin Nan nodded.

"Tell me, how can I trust you to be loyal to me?"

Before Xiaoyue could be happy, she heard Lin Nan's gloomy questions.

Xiaoyue's heartstrings tightened instantly. She knew that Lin Nan would not be a soft-hearted fool who was kind to women. If she answered poorly in the slightest, not only her senior brother would be obliterated, but she would also be killed by Lin Nan. Here.

As for Lin Nan's promise to Liu Ruqing, Xiaoyue would not naively think that Lin Nan was really a henpecked man, and Liu Ruqing was definitely not a compassionate woman.

But among the monks who have come out step by step, not to mention the old monsters who have become immortals, even the little Qigong practitioners in the ten places, none of them are overflowing with sympathy.

"You can just plant a restriction in my soul. In this way, if I disobey you, you can kill me with just one thought!"

Xiaoyue took a deep breath, suppressed her chaotic thoughts, and spoke word by word.

"This is not necessary. As long as I want to kill you, no matter where you are in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, I can kill you in a single thought. Let's do this. I have to go to Guanghan City. You wait until your senior brother wakes up. , you two go directly to the Central Continent and wait for me."

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he returned Xiaoyue's natal fairy treasure to her, and then took Liu Ruqing and her two daughters with her to leave Xiaotiandi in one step, walked out of the Demon Cave, and arrived less than ten miles away from Xiaoyue City.

Xiaoyue quickly caught her natal fairy treasure, but was stunned after receiving it.

Her natal fairy treasure had lost contact with her, but just now she just made a thought in her mind to catch the natal fairy treasure, and the natal fairy treasure appeared directly in her hands, and was connected with her mind, becoming her again Her natal immortal treasure does not require her to work hard to refine it.

But Xiaoyue didn't have time to be shocked, because she was most worried about her senior brother from the beginning to the end. After discovering that the natal immortal treasure had become her natal immortal treasure again, she directly checked the situation of her senior brother.

"This... although the demon fetus was refined by him, he actually allowed my senior brother to directly return to the late stage of the Immortal Sovereign Realm. And like me, there is only a chance to break through to the peak level of the Immortal Sovereign Realm!"

Xiaoyue was surprised and shocked at the same time.

After she no longer had to worry about her senior brother, she also noticed the changes in her natal immortal treasure.

The natal fairy treasure is no longer a high-grade noble fairy treasure, but it is also not an intermediate-grade noble fairy treasure, but has become a top-grade noble fairy treasure!

"What kind of person is that man...?"

Looking towards the void where Lin Nan stood before, Xiaoyue murmured to herself, unable to express her mood at the moment in words.

At this moment, Lin Nan's family had returned to Xiaoyue City, and came to the third leader of the Four Gods Gang who had been tortured into a state of disgrace.

"Asshole, bastard! Just wait, my brothers will avenge me, kill you, sleep with your Taoist companions in turn, and make your two daughters become useless for many years. You slut. You wait, you wait, you will not die well, your wife and daughter will not die well, this is the consequences for daring to provoke my Four Gods Gang! The consequences!"

As soon as he saw Lin Nan, the leader of the Four Gods Gang suddenly went crazy.

Lin Nan's face suddenly sank like water, and the monks around him also held their breath, not daring to breathe out.

"I will let you enter reincarnation. In one breath, you will reincarnate thousands of times, all in the endless purgatory. You will live for 80 million years. During these 80 million years, you will continue to reincarnate without stopping."

Lin Nanyan followed his instructions, and the order of thousands of avenues instantly involved the three leaders of the Four Gods Gang in reincarnation.

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