Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1569 Ancient Warcraft! (Third update)

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In the blink of an eye, five days have passed, and Guanghan Palace has taken care of everything.

During these five days, Guanghan Palace not only transferred the property under its sect and gathered all the resources that could be taken away into Guanghan Palace, but also went to Tianzang Temple to transfer the Immortal Treasury of Tianzang Temple and many of its properties to Fuguang City. The income was substantial.

We are ready to set off today. From now on, in this eastern continent, there will probably be only one Fuguang City in a million years, which is the real immortal gate.

As for how many years Fuguang City could remain stable, Lin Nan didn't even bother to think about it. The three immortals of Guanghan Palace who were already preparing to follow Lin Nan had thought about it, but they had not come to a conclusion.

Who can tell clearly, after they leave, whether the Eastern Continent, where the Immortal Sect has withered, will have another group of supreme beings like Lin Nan!

When setting off, the two little girls, Lin Momo and Ling'er, dragged Liu Ruqing to play together in Guanghan Palace, saying that in the past they only focused on being close to their father and ignored their mother's feelings, and now they were ready to make up for it.

While Liu Ruqing couldn't laugh or cry, she naturally couldn't refuse the two little ones' request.

The two little sisters often stay in one place for several days when they travel, so there are still nearly 90% of the area in the Guanghan Palace cave that has not been visited. I am afraid that by the time Lin Nan arrives in the central continent, the two little girls have not finished visiting.

"My lord, it seems that only Yue Shi is traveling with you."

Since five days ago, Yue Shi, the ancestor of Guanghan Palace, had completely announced that he would follow Lin Nan. He had already changed his name to Lin Nan.

Lin Nan said: "You should also go to Guanghan Palace to practice with Hanyue and the others. I can carry Guanghan Palace with me. When I get to the Central Continent, I will probably be able to cultivate the best and most respected immortal treasures for you. Together with you It fits the current state.”

Yue Shi hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement. She indeed needed to solidify her foundation. After all, she had only just entered the peak of the Immortal Realm, and she hadn't had time to solidify her cultivation yet.

Lin Nan kept the Guanghan Palace in the Imperial Sea of ​​Dantian, and then headed west. He did not use his great supernatural powers to move forward, but spread the Qi of the late Golden Immortal, slowly heading towards the extreme west of the Eastern Continent. walked away.

In the far west, in the central area of ​​thousands of dangers, there is an ancient teleportation array that can go directly to the mid-continent, avoiding the need to travel several light years across the star sea.

Although Lin Nan's speed is slow, it is only for him. For others, it is extremely fast. Generally, strong people in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm cannot reach his current speed.

On the third day after embarking on the road, Lin Nan walked out of the vibrant area of ​​the Eastern Continent and entered the uninhabited and lifeless land of the far west.

More than 60,000 miles away from the teleportation array, a girl in green looked panicked and flew towards the center of the eastern continent.


The roar that shook the sky came from behind the girl. The roar seemed to come from ancient times. In addition to the vast divine power, it could actually make people feel the ancient atmosphere from the roar.

It's just that the owner of the roar is very unfriendly. It is an ancient monster, a alien species that should have disappeared in the nine heavens and ten earths after the ancient war between immortals and demons!

Hearing the roar of the monster, the flying body of the girl in green couldn't help but tremble. She almost fell to the dry ground below due to the lack of fairy power.

"That is?"

After struggling to fly more than 10,000 miles, the girl in green couldn't help but be stunned when she noticed a figure hundreds of miles ahead.


However, the roar of the beast that was getting closer and closer behind her could not make the girl in green look carefully. She ignored everything else and flew straight towards the figure in front of her.

"It's him!"

When they got closer, about three hundred miles away, the girl in green clothes finally saw the man's appearance clearly.

Lin Nan had already seen the girl in green escaping. After all, although he was now in the middle stage of the Golden Fairy Realm, he also suppressed his six senses, ears, eyes and eyes to the extreme level of a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Fairy Realm.

But she can also see further than the girl in green, because the girl in green is only at the early stage of Golden Immortal.

"Where's your new boss?"

Lin Nan took one step forward and arrived in front of the girl in green.

Seeing Lin Nan who suddenly arrived in front of her, the girl in green was frightened and hurriedly stepped back more than ten feet.

"What are you afraid of? I remember you, the little girl Yun'er from Fuchung Pavilion, right?"

Lin Nan smiled. He knew clearly that the monster behind him was the scariest thing, but yet he, someone he had seen before, was so frightened. This made him wonder, could he be even scarier than the monster when he didn't take action?

"Master Yi and his sisters broke into a cave. Due to the attack of the monster, I was knocked out of the protective range of the high-grade fairy treasure that Master Yi was in charge of, so I felt embarrassed and ran away!"

After calming down, Yun'er said with lingering fear.

Lin Nan couldn't help but smile when he heard this. This girl's life was really hard.

Glancing behind Yun'er, Lin Nan, who no longer suppressed his eyesight, also saw the monster. He withdrew his gaze and looked at Yun'er: "I see, let's go find them. This land in the far west is where the ancient immortals came from." The ancient battlefield of the Demonic War, the cave that appears here, is not a good place."

"However, that monster is so strong that even Master Yi is no match for it!"

Yun'er hesitated.

"It's just a monster in the early stage of the Immortal Realm. It may be invincible to ordinary human Immortals in the same realm, but facing me, it will only be easily crushed to death."

Lin Nan didn't take it seriously. With his cultivation, even if he entered the Demon Realm directly, he could kill them all in an instant if he wanted to, let alone a magical beast. The Demons had no ability to resist in front of him.


Yun'er was stunned, suspecting that she heard wrongly.

He felt that Lin Nan only had unparalleled wealth. Even if his cultivation level was higher than hers, there was no way he could fight against that monster.

But soon she was completely dumbfounded. Lin Nan actually carried her directly across more than 30,000 miles and arrived in front of the monster.

The monster, which was ten thousand feet tall and towered between heaven and earth like a giant mountain, dared not move at this moment.

Previously, it was deliberately playing with Yun'er, admiring the desperate escape of the human ants, which made it feel very comfortable. However, it never thought that what it was doing was waiting for a creature that could not see through its cultivation, but made it feel fear from the bottom of its heart. A peerless existence!

"Does the demon clan want to conquer the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths again?"

Lin Nan looked at the giant mountain-like monster with a calm tone.

"I... don't know, I just broke free from the seal!"

Warcraft responded to Lin Nan, it was the language of the demon clan, but who was Lin Nan? Of course you can understand it.

"Oh, then you can be completely relieved." Lin Nan said.

The monster was delighted when he heard this, but soon realized that he had made a mistake.

What Lin Nan meant by complete relief was actually crushing it to death, not letting it leave this place!

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