Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1570 Coming to the Central Continent! (Fourth update)

Seeing Lin Nan point out, the monster that was ten thousand feet tall and towering over the sky instantly turned into powder and dissipated between the heaven and the earth. Yun'er's eyes widened and her pink mouth opened wide.


Yun'er looked at Lin Nan blankly. The monster almost killed Master Yi, but it died as soon as Lin Nan pointed it out. This...she couldn't imagine how powerful Lin Nan was!


Lin Nan looked at Yun'er.

"That...this...senior can you take action to rescue Master Yi and others? I can dedicate all my wealth to senior as a reward for my action!"

Yun'er struggled for a while before revealing her purpose.

"It's okay to save people, but forget about the reward. Those little toys of yours are of no use to me."

After Lin Nan said that, without waiting for Yun'er to say anything else, he wrapped her up with the power of the fairy spirit and flew forward in an instant.

In an instant, they had arrived at the entrance to the cave.

Yun'er was shocked again. She didn't tell the location of the entrance to the cave, but Lin Nan brought her there with complete knowledge, and the speed was beyond her imagination.

Since her ascension, she has never seen a strong man with such speed, but today she saw him, and he even took her flying with him. Despite her tenacity, there were some subtle changes at this moment.

"I already have a wife and two daughters. Don't be emotional with me. It won't do any good."

Lin Nan noticed Yun'er's subtle mood fluctuations, immediately became alert, and distanced himself from Yun'er.


Yun'er's face suddenly turned red, and she felt ashamed. At the same time, she was extremely shocked deep down in her heart. The person in front of her could actually detect the fluctuations in her heart. Doesn't it mean that as long as he is willing, he can explore everything in her heart?

"Don't think so wildly, I won't go looking into other people's minds when I'm idle."

After Lin Nan said this, he stepped through the light curtain at the entrance of the cave.


Yun'er felt extremely angry and said that she would not check other people's thoughts. If she didn't check, how would you know what I was thinking just now?

But seeing that Lin Nan had entered the cave, she did not dare to delay any longer and quickly walked through the light curtain.

There is a sun hanging high above the sky, and the ground is barren, with only scattered dead grass scattered in all directions.

Lin Nan dispersed his spiritual thoughts and explored the situation in the cave in a single thought. The longest east-to-west point of this cave was 57,000 miles, and the longest north-south point was 63,000 miles. It should be that he was in the late stage of the Immortal Realm. opened up by mighty power.

Once upon a time, this place should have been a place where spiritual energy condensed and turned into water, where heaven, materials and treasures were found, where birds and beasts flew, and green mountains and green waters.

But now the entire cave is only dotted with scattered withered grass, and the spiritual energy is almost extinct. If it takes another one or two thousand years, this cave will be completely exhausted and then collapse on its own.

"Senior, which direction did Elder Yi and the others go?"

Yun'er asked cautiously.

"In the central area of ​​the cave, you can see them by walking all the way north."

Lin An spoke, but at the same time he was a little confused about what to say to the old man surnamed Yi. He was once an immortal master, but even if he fell down, his heart was still that of an immortal master!

He actually had the idea of ​​​​this cave's original crystal core!

Lin Nan was so fast that he and Yun'er arrived in front of everyone in Fuchun Pavilion in an instant.

Hundreds of women in blue, more than a hundred men in black, and Master Yi were all stunned when they saw Lin Nan arriving with Yun'er, especially Master Yi.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, why don't you see your lady?"

It took a while before Master Yi spoke, but after saying these words, he wanted to give himself a double-take.

"My wife is accompanying my daughter in the Magic Treasure Cave." Lin Nan said.

Seeing that Lin Nan showed no displeasure, Chang was relieved.

"If you want to die, go ahead. I'll go to the Central Continent first."

Lin Nan glanced at Master Yi and everyone in Fuchung Pavilion, and then walked away after speaking.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay. Please clarify the meaning of what I just said!" After hearing Lin Nan's words, Master Yi could not remain calm.

Being able to bring Yun'er here means that he has most likely killed the monster. Being able to kill the monster means that Lin Nan is at least a powerful person at the middle level of the Immortal Realm.

When Master Yi was at his strongest, he was only in the early stage of the Immortal Realm, and Lin Nan bluntly said that they were looking for death. Of course, he would not think that Lin Nan was ridiculing them.

"The original crystal core of this square cave sky is completely broken, and the skills practiced by the cave pioneers are extremely overbearing. If you forcefully remove the original crystal core with your cultivation level, the original crystal core will only explode directly. Although the cave sky has been exhausted, , has come to an end, but the power of the explosion in this cave is still no less than that of a powerful self-destruction in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm."

After Lin Nan said that, he walked away. As for whether Master Yi believed him or not, he didn't bother to care.

As for the original crystal core of the cave, he is not interested. If he wants, he can open the cave at any time and pick it out at any time. How can he have the mind to pick such a worthless crystal core.

After leaving the cave, head to the teleportation array not far away. After boarding this teleportation array that has not been scrapped for endless years, throw out ten thousand immortal crystals, and the teleportation array will activate on its own.

After a few breaths, Lin Nan escaped from the space teleportation comrades and appeared on a giant teleportation array.

This teleportation array is similar to the one in the far west of the Eastern Continent, but it is much larger, and there are monks stationed around it.

Shortly after Lin Nan appeared, two men and one woman appeared beside him. It was obvious that this teleportation array was not only connected to the Eastern Continent.

"Hey, come down quickly, it's time to pay the fairy crystal."

Just as Lin Nan looked around, an Immortal King Realm monk waved to Lin Nan.

"How much immortal crystal do I need to pay?"

Lin Nan walked to the Immortal King Realm monk and ignored the Golden Immortal Realm monks beside him who were responsible for receiving the Immortal Crystal.

"Not much. You are from the Eastern Continent. The Immortal Crystals you sent from there were produced by yourself, so you only need to pay 100 Immortal Crystals here in exchange for an identity card, and you can freely practice in the Central Continent. ”

The Immortal King Realm monk responded that he didn't care at all about Lin Nan, a guy who was only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, but very reckless.

"Oh, then exchange it for me for a hundred identity cards."

Lin Nan nodded. Since it was a routine, he would not break it. Besides, this Immortal King Realm monk was quite good. He did not boss him around, a little monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm who came from a barbaric land like the Eastern Continent.


The Immortal King Realm monk who was originally there was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the boy in front of him was a guy who had hidden his cultivation level, and hurriedly asked the disciple responsible for managing the identity cards to get a hundred identity cards.

After getting the identity card and throwing away 10,000 immortal crystals, Lin Nan left the teleportation area and walked into a bustling street.

"Elder, is there something wrong with that kid's head? Why do you want to redeem a hundred identity cards? Is it because you dislike too many fairy crystals?"

After Lin Nan walked away, the Golden Immortal Realm disciple who had just taken out his identity card said doubtfully.

"Hmm... That is a powerful Immortal Realm who has hidden his cultivation, or there are self-respecting Immortal Realm powerful people around him, and there are many strong people. In the Central Continent where Immortal Realm powerful people are too lazy to move around, That little Taoist friend is completely capable of running amok!"

The Immortal King Realm monk responded, and at the same time took out the communication magic weapon to convey Lin Nan's situation back to the sect, so that the sect disciples could avoid that guy who was not easy to mess with.

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