Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1571 Seeing the ancient physique! (fifth update)

"This Central Continent monk is not like those arrogant and arrogant people in the Eastern Continent. It really makes sense for him to dominate the Central Continent where strong men gather."

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts from the teleportation area, Lin Nan said to himself and started wandering alone.

Yue Shi and others, as well as hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal disciples from Guanghan Palace, and more than a million True Immortal disciples, stayed in Guanghan Palace to practice. With the Tiandao Stone, Yue Shi, Han Yue and Qing Yue, these three immortals, naturally they will not waste time.

As for the two little girls Lin Momo and Ling'er, Lin Nan didn't even notify them that they had arrived in the Central Continent.

Those two little ones were too tossing. Lin Nan didn't want to just arrive in the Central Continent and continue the journey of killing everywhere. It was too boring.

While Lin Nan was wandering around the city, in the teleportation area, Master Yi appeared on the teleportation platform with the monks from Fuchung Pavilion.

"Ah, brother Yi, you are back. Are you free? Can we two have a drink?"

The Immortal King Realm monk who was sitting cross-legged on the bluestone immediately smiled after seeing Master Yi. He jumped off the bluestone and climbed onto the teleportation platform to greet Master Yi.

Although he and Master Yi are not members of the same immortal sect, they were both casual cultivators in their early years and had a life-long friendship.

He is now at the peak of the Immortal King Realm. Although Master Yi has fallen, his weight in his heart is heavier than when Master Yi was still a powerful Immortal King Realm.

The reason is very simple. Anyone who can fall from the Immortal Lord Realm to the Immortal King Realm on his own for a promise will be admired by everyone, not to mention that he has a life-long friendship with Master Yi.

"Brother Yun, did a young man in black appear here not long ago?"

Manager Yi also hurriedly greeted Elder Yun and eagerly asked about Lin Nan's whereabouts.

"Oh? In the Eastern Continent, there really is such a young man who redeemed a hundred identity cards from me. He must be carrying a high-quality fairy treasure with a built-in cave. There are many monks in the fairy treasure cave. That young man either He is a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, or there is a powerful person in the Immortal Realm following him. Could it be that Brother Yi has a grudge against him?"

Elder Yun thought for a moment and then thought of Lin Nan, and then told the story, and was shocked at the end.

It is not a good thing to mess with an Immortal Realm powerful person. Even if this is the Central Continent, and even if Master Yi is now in Fuchun Tower, it is not easy to deal with a grudge with an Immortal Realm powerful person.

"If I had enmity with him, how could I live to see you! But he saved my life and the lives of these disciples. Brother Yun, hurry up and tell your Haoqi Sect that his surname is Lin Mingnan. It is said that he destroyed the Qingming Sect in the Eastern Continent. With Beichen Palace, you Haoqi Sect must not provoke him, otherwise there will be no peace."

Manager Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly. He did a rough investigation after Lin Nan took out the Dao Crystal that day.

Then he learned what happened in Wanshifang, and based on Guanghan Palace's attitude towards Lin Nan, he confirmed that the rumors that Lin Nan destroyed Qingming Sect and Beichen Palace were facts and not rumors.

"This... Qingming Sect is lucky to say that the ancestor of Beichen Palace exists in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, and has even half-stepped into the late stage of the Immortal Realm! A month ago, the ancestor of Beichen Palace actually had the cultivation level of the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. , escaped here, and news came from the Beidou Palace that Beichen was knocked down by someone after breaking through to the late stage of the Immortal Realm!"

Elder Yun was extremely surprised. He didn't expect that the young monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm who just asked him was such a powerful being!

This city is called Jieyin City, and it is a fairy city under the jurisdiction of Haoqi Sect. This is the news that Lin Nan got after wandering around.

At the same time, we also know the status of Haoqi Sect in the Central Continent. It is one of the twelve Immortal Sects in the Central Continent. There are more than ten powerful Immortal Realm experts in the sect, and nearly a thousand Immortal King Realm experts!

If this Immortal Sect alone went to the Eastern Continent, it could completely wipe out the entire Eastern Continent. This shows how huge the gap between the Eastern Continent and the Central Continent is!

"Fellow Taoist, I seem to know you, but I can't remember where I met you. Can I have a drink and chat with you?"

A young man in a green shirt walked over, looking like a Confucian scholar, and extended an invitation to Lin Nan.

"Go tell Master Yi that if you want to invite me, come openly. What's the point of dressing up like this?" Lin Nan smiled and shook his head.

"This... please don't be offended, fellow Taoist, I will inform Master Yi right now."

The Confucian scholar in green shirt was stunned for a moment, then he bowed slightly and turned around to leave.

Lin Nan also had some understanding of the strength of Fuchun Tower. After Yi arrived at Jieyin City, he appointed a monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm to come and talk to him. This shows the profound foundation of the Immortal Sect in the Central Continent.


Lin Nan was attracted by the noise not far away. When he saw the crowd gathered around him, he spread his spiritual thoughts to investigate. He wanted to see what kind of people dared to fight in the street in this fairy city that Haoqi Sect valued.

"Damn it, I told your sister a long time ago that if you don't collect ten thousand immortal crystals, I will destroy you and your sister's cultivation. How dare you come here to challenge me? Are you really tired of life? "

A middle-aged man in white frowned and scolded the boy who was beaten to the ground.

"Master Feng, we really can't get together 10,000 immortal crystals! It would be better if you could give me a few more years, two months... I just entered the True Immortal Realm, and my sister is only a monk in the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm. Where can we get such What a fairy crystal!”

The young-looking monk choked and cried.

"I don't care, the Shangguan family owes me two hundred thousand immortal crystals. This thousand has passed, and the agreed deadline will be in two months. I have not confiscated the interest on your half-immortal crystals. If you don't pay it back, I will pay you back in the future." How to mess around?"

The man in white, who was called Master Feng, softened his tone, but still refused to let go.

"Yes, the Shangguan family owes Master Feng 200,000 immortal crystals, and we all know that Master Feng does not charge interest from your family."

"If you want to blame it, blame your grandfather. He just borrowed Master Feng's fairy crystal and fell into the secret realm."

"That's right, your father is a failure, so it's better for you and your sister to take the blame. He has paid back 190,000 immortal crystals in the past eight hundred years, which is quite difficult for you and your sister."

Some of the onlookers who knew the two monks spoke out one after another.

"Hey, what do you guys mean? Why did the trend change while you were talking? Do you think my heart is not soft enough? Let me tell you, no matter how you speak for this kid, the repayment date cannot be changed. It must be done in two months. Return it."

Master Feng glared and said with great displeasure.

"This master, I will give you 10,000 immortal crystals on his behalf. Do you think so?"

Lin Nan walked into the crowd and looked at Master Feng with a smile.

It's not that Lin Nan is philanthropic. It's already a good thing that he doesn't kill people and buy goods. How could he throw away the fairy crystal for no reason, even if the fairy crystal is of no use to him.

He came forward because of that young man's character.

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