Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1581 The great magical power of life and death!

Ling'er and Shangguan Ming quickly ran to the demon monks.

"What are you trying to do? We are all blessed with magic weapons. We are not evil spirits. It is useless for you to catch us."

After Ling'er stopped, she stood there, raised a small hand, put her index finger into her small mouth, sucked gently, and asked in a milky voice, looking extremely cute.

Shangguan Ming was very nervous. When she got close, she could see clearly that the three demon monks in the Golden Immortal Realm were actually strong men at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm. Moreover, there were eight monks at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. This was something she had never seen before. lineups faced.

If Lin Nan hadn't specifically asked Ling'er to bring her here, she wouldn't have believed that Ling'er could deal with these demon cultivators.

Now that she saw Ling'er looking so cute, she naturally knew that the little girl was teasing him. She understood that the little girl didn't take him seriously, but she still couldn't relax her.

"Hey, little girl, you are also a strong person in the Golden Immortal Realm, how can you be so stupid?"

There are those who make jokes among the demon cultivators in the Golden Fairy Realm.

"You are so stupid. You are so stupid."

Ling'er immediately showed an annoyed look, with her little hands on her hips, her little head raised, and she stared at the Golden Fairy Realm demon cultivator.

"Hey, don't move. Let me deal with this little girl. How dare you be so arrogant in front of me, a human monk in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm? Let's see if I don't turn her into a puppet."

The Golden Fairy Realm demon cultivator waved his hand to the other demon cultivators, and then waved his hand to trigger an attack, heading straight towards Ling'er.


After the impact sound, Ling'er was intact. She just raised a small hand and stretched it in front of her body. The blow just now was obviously blocked by her small hand.

"What? How is it possible, this little girl..."

"The blow just now by Ninth Senior Brother was enough to kill me dozens of times. Why did this little girl block it just by raising her hand? Could it be that...she is also a demon? Or a genius of the imperial clan!"

"Impossible, she is a human monk and has nothing to do with our demon clan. But she...she is really strong. She is only in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm, and she can easily withstand the attack of the Ninth Senior Brother!"

As expected, the scene of Ling'er being beaten into blood mist did not appear. The eight True Immortal Realm Demon Cultivators suddenly lost their composure. The two Golden Immortal Realm Demon Cultivators who had not taken action also frowned and their expressions became solemn.

"The blow just now does not count, I only used 30% of my strength. This time, I will let you see the gap between you human monks and our demon monks. I will also let you understand that although we are both strong in the Golden Immortal Realm, , but there is a gap between the early stage and the peak.”

Although it was just a random blow by myself, it was enough to kill an ordinary human monk. And the little girl actually easily resisted his attack. After hearing the exclamations of her fellow disciples, the one who attacked Ling'er The demon cultivator in the Golden Fairy Realm also looked a little confused.

"You're too weak, come on together."

Ling'er curled her lips, looking very rude and extremely arrogant.



"court death!"

The eight True Immortal Realm demon monks were immediately angry. They had seen some arrogant ones, but they had never seen one as arrogant as Ling'er.

"You tough-talking little girl, I will show you the true strength of the demon clan today!"

The Golden Immortal Realm Demon Cultivator who didn't want to use the Immortal Treasure became angry after hearing Ling'er's words. At the same time, in order to avoid another accident, he took out his top-grade Immortal Treasure.

"With one thought, life and death are controlled by me. I have great magical power over life and death!"

The power of the demon spirits is vast, the power of the best immortal treasures is majestic and overwhelming, and the demon clan's great supernatural powers seem to crush everything in the world.

"Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm!"

Ling'er no longer looked careless, her face became serious, her feet spread slightly, and then she struck out with a palm.


Two attacks, one is the intertwining of black Qi Yun and white Qi Yun, just like the attack triggered by the great magical power of the demon clan in the Liang Yi Tu.

One is the Golden Void Hand Seal. Although it is golden, it gives people a feeling of restrained light. Although it breaks the void, it does not bring a sense of oppression to people. It seems to be just an illusion and cannot destroy the world. Supernatural powers.


As the two sides' attack methods collided, at that moment, a scene occurred that made the demon cultivators and Shangguan Ming find it unbelievable.

The attack launched by the demon cultivator at the top of the Golden Fairy Realm was directly annihilated by the golden void hand seal, as if it encountered the air of the magic weapon's sharp blade, and could not even block the golden void hand seal for a moment.


The Golden Fairy Realm demon cultivator who was facing Ling'er was unwilling to roar, but at the same time as the roar from his spiritual mind sounded, the golden void hand seal had also hit him.


A cloud of blood mist bloomed, and was instantly dispersed by the golden energy.

Even a strong man from the demon race, whose recovery power is several times stronger than that of a human monk, was not immune to the end of his soul being scattered and his body and soul disappearing.

"This...could it be that I was dazzled? Brother Ninth Brother...actually died so completely and so quickly!"

"No, that little girl is too powerful. Even if the fifth and seventh senior brothers join forces, they may not be able to kill her!"

"Run away, run away quickly, if you are too late, we will all be killed by that little girl!"

While all the demon cultivators were stunned, they also understood that Ling'er was not something they could compete with. After a few words of discussion, they all screamed and wanted to run for their lives, even the two Golden Immortal Realm demon cultivators were no exception.

But how could Linger watch them escape? Once again, he activated the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm and directly killed one of the Golden Immortal Realm demon cultivators. He used it again and killed another Golden Immortal Realm demon cultivator.

As for the eight demon cultivators in the True Immortal Realm, Ling'er actually pointed out a finger, and eight rays of cold light rushed straight away, annihilating seven of them.

It was clean and neat from beginning to end, without the slightest sloppiness. Even the three demon cultivators at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm were no weaker than the Seven Fairies of Guanghan, and were even slightly stronger. They could not withstand Ling'er's big strike. Heavenly Palm.

The last demon cultivator from the True Immortal Realm was still running, and had already run far away. However, after Ling'er waved his hand, he instantly returned to where he was, running on the same spot without knowing it.


Shangguan Ming was speechless. She had already seen that Ling'er was indeed just a monk in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm, but his combat power was too strong!

"You...what do you want to do!"

The demon cultivator from the True Immortal Realm finally encountered his situation. He was immediately horrified and looked at Ling'er in shock and anger.

Ling'er was too lazy to respond to him and withdrew her magical power. Then she glanced at Shangguan Ming and trotted not far away with light steps. She took out some spiritual fruit cakes and prepared to watch the fight between Shangguan Ming and the demon cultivator.


After exhaling a breath of turbid air and calming down his mind, Shangguan Ming took out his true treasure and walked towards the demon cultivator.

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