Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1582 You have won!

"If I want to kill you, you can't stop me, so why bother? If you can defeat Shangguan Ming, I will let you leave."

Lin Nan brought Shangguan Boyang here. Seeing that the demon cultivator's attention was on Ling'er, he spoke to dispel the demon cultivator's concerns so that Shangguan Ming could more intuitively feel the difference between the character cultivator and the demon cultivator. The gap between clan monks.

"Who are you? Do your words count?"

Lin Nan seemed to suddenly arrive, startling the highly nervous demon cultivator.

"He is my father, so of course his words are helpful."

Ling'er's little mouth was stuffed full of pastries and he hesitated.

After hearing Ling'er's words, the demon cultivator's mood indeed calmed down.

The demon clan is different from the human clan. Although the strong ones are respected and cruel in the human clan's immortal world, as long as there is no interest issue between the monks, they will almost never face each other in life or death.

In the world of the demon clan, if someone doesn't like it, they will directly engage in a life-and-death duel. The order is extremely chaotic. Compared with the world of the demon clan, the world dominated by the human race can be said to be peaceful and everyone is in harmony.

Therefore, this demon monk has extremely rich combat experience, and the life-and-death battles he has experienced are completely unmatched by Shangguan Ming. After confirming that Lin Nan's words were effective, he quickly calmed down.

"This magic weapon of mine is a top-grade true treasure, and it is a true natal treasure. It is not comparable to your top-grade true natal treasure."

The demon cultivator looked at Shangguan Ming and wanted to put pressure on Shangguan Ming first through the gap in magic weapons.

Shangguan Ming did feel oppressed.

She was able to compete with the ordinary cultivators at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, but she could not kill them. Now facing the demon cultivator who could easily kill the human cultivators at the peak of the ordinary True Immortal Realm, she knew that her chances of winning were slim.

But she also knows that she must rise to the challenge and strive to be undefeated.

Not to win, just to be undefeated!

"Five elements kill!"

The demon cultivator activated his natal immortal treasure and used his magical power.

When the demon cultivator saw that Shangguan Ming didn't respond to him, he didn't think much about it. He understood that Shangguan Ming was not stronger than him, and even his combat power was not as good as his. Otherwise, Lin Nan and his daughter would have no need to let Shangguan Ming compete with him. fight.

"Huang Ming!"

Shangguan Ming also used the magical power she had cultivated, and it turned out to be a magical power of the True Phoenix. It is not known whether she got the opportunity herself, or whether it was the opportunity given to her by her fallen Grandfather of the Golden Fairyland, who then passed it on to her.

The evil cultivator used the evil five elements to kill. It was a formation composed of the power of the five elements. It was powerful, but it did not break the void. It was as if it had merged with the void and was a part of the void.

And Shangguan Ming's magical power is really just the cry of the phoenix.


These two completely different magical powers collided together, and Shangguan Ming's magical power only resisted for a few breaths before dissipating.

The five elements magical power displayed by the demon cultivator still impacted Shangguan Ming with great force.


Just when the Five Elements Divine Power Formation was about to hit Shangguan Ming, Shangguan Ming actually displayed a magical power again.

A galaxy appeared out of nowhere, instantly appearing and surrounding Shangguan Ming, continuously dissolving and dissolving the monk's five-element killing power.

However, after a few breaths, the galaxy Pi Lian surrounding Shangguan Ming could not bear it anymore, and was scattered by the Five Elements Killing Magic just like the Phoenix Cry before.


Shangguan Ming quickly held his true treasure in front of him and activated it with all his strength. Only then was he able to withstand the remaining attack power of the Five Elements Killing Magical Power.

When the demon cultivator saw this, his expression turned aside, and he immediately used his magical power again. It was not the five-element killing magical power, but another kind of magical power. From the power he mobilized when he started to form seals, it can be seen that the magical power he was going to use this time was more powerful than the five-element killing power. The array is more powerful.

But before the demon cultivator could complete the seal, he felt an invisible pressure, and the power he mobilized by using his magical power dissipated instantly.

"Didn't you say you would let me go after defeating her? Why did you intervene? This is not fair!"

After taking a look at Ling'er and seeing that Ling'er didn't care, the demon cultivator knew that it wasn't Ling'er who had restrained him, and immediately looked at Lin Nan in the other direction.

"You have already won." Lin Nan said lightly.

"You...really?" The demon cultivator was stunned, but did not dare to turn around and leave.

"Momo Jiji, if you don't leave, I'll slap you to death." Ling'er just took a bite of the spirit fruit, and when he saw the demon cultivator's moji posture, he cursed vaguely.

Upon hearing this, the demon cultivator naturally did not dare to stay any longer, turned around and fled into the distance.

Lin Nan did not ask Shangguan Ming how he felt about the battle, but waved to Ling'er. After the little girl put away the spiritual fruits and cakes and trotted over, he took Ling'er's little hand again and continued to move forward.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Shangguan Boyang came to Shangguan Ming. In Shangguan Boyang's view, his sister Shangguan Ming's performance just now was excellent and was not something he could compare to.

"It's okay, let's go, seniors and the others have gone far." Shangguan Ming shook his head.

She knew that if Lin Nan had not stopped the demon cultivator just now, she would have been seriously injured and might even have died.

Similarly, Shangguan Ming also recognized the gap between the human monks and the demon monks. The demon clan was indeed much stronger than the human race, but when he thought of Ling'er, Shangguan Ming became depressed.

She really couldn't figure it out. Ling'er was clearly a human cultivator, but he could easily kill the demon cultivator at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm with his cultivation in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. This was really unbelievable.

After walking more than twenty miles, the group saw a village a few miles away, where evil spirits lived.

But when a few people walked into the village, they found nothing except the corpses of more than twenty evil spirits that had lost all life.

"Senior, those demon cultivators must have looted this village before, and most of the evil spirits have been kidnapped by them. Then when Ling'er killed them, those evil spirits were also killed."

Shangguan Boyang expressed his opinion.

Lin Nan didn't say anything, Ling'er glanced at Shangguan Boyang, and Shangguan Ming also glanced at Shangguan Boyang.

The reactions of the three people immediately made Shangguan Boyang feel embarrassed. He knew that what he said was nonsense. Is there any fool in the group? If he was stupid, it seemed that he was the stupidest. He could see the rest. The three of them must be able to see it.

"Father, is there anything interesting in the Evil Realm?" Ling'er couldn't help but ask after walking out of the village.

In the dim light of Senior Brother Fang, just like the early morning sky and earth, Ling'er felt that it was too boring. He had walked more than three hundred miles before passing a village, and it was looted in advance by the demon monks.

"In addition to evil spirits, there are also creatures in the evil realm called ghost beasts. They are at the same level as the divine beasts in the outside world, such as Qilin and Bai Ze. If you can capture a ghost beast , it can be used as a means of transportation in the future.”

Lin Nanwei thought about it and then responded to Ling'er.

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