Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1598 Why are there just a bunch of trash?

"Shangguan Ming, Shangguan Boyang, this is my mother, just call... the emperor and empress. This is my sister, little princess Momo. They are the seven fairies of Guanghan Palace, and they are all strong men at the top level of the Golden Fairy Realm. After this period of teaching from my mother and sister, I am no weaker than Feng Baiwu."

Seeing that Lin Nan and his wife ignored her at all, Ling'er stopped showing pity and looked at the Shangguan siblings and briefly introduced them.

"I have met the emperor and empress, I have met little princess Momo, and I have met several seniors."

Although the Shangguan siblings were a little dazed, shocked by the sudden appearance of so many strong men, they also greeted Ling'er one after another after she spoke.

"We are not seniors, just call us sister."

Lingxiao said with a smile.

Shangguan Ming smiled and called her sister when he heard this, while Shangguan Boyang opened his mouth several times, but in the end he couldn't shout out, which made Lingxiao and others laugh.

It's very strange that a monk in the middle stage of True Immortal Realm can't call him "sister" because of his awkwardness.

"Stop laughing, Shangguan Ming, please lead the way. When you get there, remember to ask those Ye family disciples if they still want the one million immortal crystals."

Lin Nan said.

Shangguan Ming nodded, gestured to Lin Momo and others, and then walked out first.

"Senior, I also want to go with my sister and the others."

Seeing the group leaving, Shangguan Boyang hurriedly said to Lin Nan.

"Did I say I wouldn't let you go?"

Lin Nan couldn't help but smile. Shangguan Boyang was really a little dazed, and it looked like he wouldn't be able to change his mind for a while.

Shangguan Boyang felt that his cheeks were extremely hot. He hurriedly said goodbye to Lin Nan and his wife, and hurried out to catch up.

"Husband, how are Yue Shi and the others doing with their cultivation?" Liu Ruqing asked.

"Yue Shi has consolidated the foundation, and Han Yue has also consolidated the foundation of the middle stage of the Immortal Realm. Qingyue has benefited a lot, but she still cannot break through to the middle stage of the Immortal Realm in a short time. After all, she has entered the Immortal Realm. The realm is only three thousand years old, so there is no rush." ​​Lin Nan responded.

"Then let Yue Shi and the others take action here. It's not appropriate for my husband to do it himself. Besides, Yue Shi came to the Eastern Continent from the Central Continent three million years ago. When she appears now, she can be frightened no matter what. Some of the top powerhouses in the Central Continent.”

After Liu Ruqing thought for a moment, he expressed his thoughts to Lin Nan.

"My wife has thought so carefully, of course I can only agree."

Lin Nan smiled.

Liu Ruqing couldn't help but blush when she heard this. Every time she heard Lin Nan call her wife, she still felt extremely shy, just like when she recognized Lin Nan for the first time and when Lin Nan called her wife affectionately for the first time. generally.

Seeing Liu Ruqing's shy posture, Lin Nan couldn't help but smile evilly, picked up Liu Ruqing, and walked to the bedroom that Shangguan Ming had packed for him.


More than five thousand miles away from the Black Abyss Ancient Battlefield, there is a mountain range, which is an area where ferocious beasts and spirit beasts frequently appear. Compared with the outer areas of the Black Abyss Ancient Battlefield, it is also an excellent training ground for True Immortal Realm monks. , and at the same time there are many natural and earthly treasures in the mountains.

The thirteen monks who were acquainted with the Shangguan siblings, after Lin Nan and others left, followed Lin Nan's persuasion and did not enter the Black Abyss Ancient Battlefield, but came here.

It's a pity that he was unlucky enough to meet a disciple of the Ye family who was out training.

The eighteen people on the other side are not only strong men in the Golden Immortal Realm, but five of them are at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm. Only thirteen Golden Immortal Realm monks are completely powerless against these Ye family disciples.

"Ye Yangyun, have you contacted Shangguan Ming?" A disciple of the Ye family asked impatiently.

"Contacted, Shangguan Ming said she will be here within an hour!"

Ye Yangyun clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were bloodshot.

Although he is a peak expert in the True Immortal Realm, he is still vulnerable to the Golden Immortal Realm monks. Now he is trapped by these Ye family disciples. If he were the only one, he would rather die than let Shangguan Ming ask for help from the young man in black. Immortal crystal.

Recalling that a year ago, he and the twelve companions around him quietly placed the heavenly materials and earthly treasures they had obtained on the road that Shangguan Ming must pass, so that Shangguan Ming could take them and exchange them for the Immortal Crystal. It's better to give it back to Feng Baiwu.

And after returning from abroad yesterday, I heard that Shangguan Ming had gone to the Ancient Battlefield of Black Abyss. He thought that Shangguan Ming was going there desperately for the last ten thousand immortal crystals, so he hurried to the Ancient Battlefield of Black Abyss with the rest of his companions, hoping to repeat his old skills again. Shi, asked Shangguan Ming to return the remaining 10,000 immortal crystals to Feng Baiwu.

Unexpectedly, when I met the Ye family half an hour ago, I learned that the fairy crystal that Shangguan Ming owed Feng Baiwu had been repaid by the young man in black with a little girl.

Thinking about this, he just felt ridiculous. He and his friends worked hard to save more than 40,000 immortal crystals worth of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, so that Shangguan Ming, who was unwilling to accept help, returned it to Feng Baiwu without any psychological burden.

In the end, they forced Shangguan Ming to ask the man in black for the Immortal Crystal to redeem them!

One million, that's a whole million fairy crystals! Ye Yangyun couldn't imagine what Shangguan Ming would do after he owed the young man in black one million immortal crystals with his temperament!

One hundred thousand immortal crystals will take a thousand years to repay, and one million immortal crystals will take how many years to repay!

What worried Ye Yangyun the most and made him unwilling to accept it was that he was worried that the young man in black, who already had a daughter, would let Shangguan Ming be his Taoist companion just because Shangguan Ming borrowed the fairy crystal from him!

"Eh? I thought there were Immortal King Realm monks, why are they just a bunch of Golden Immortal Realm trash?"

A cry of surprise sounded, with a hint of disappointment in the voice.

Ye Yangyun and others immediately saw a group of beautiful women behind the Ye family's children, as well as two little girls, as well as Shangguan Boyang with a reserved look on his face. They couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't understand where the Shangguan siblings came from. Such a group of people.

Besides, didn’t I just say it would take an hour to arrive? It’s only been less than half a cup of tea!

"Little girl, what did you say? How dare you call us trash? Are you tired of living?"

"Damn it, Shangguan Ming, didn't you come with a ransom? Why did you bring a group of women and two little girls?"

"Hey, brother, don't get excited. These women are all extremely beautiful, and all of them are more beautiful than Shangguan Ming. We are more prosperous this time!"

"Oh? It's my brother Meng Lang. Indeed, these women are all extremely beautiful, and those two little girls are also beautiful embryos. They will grow up in eight or nine years, and they will also be fun toys by then!"

When a group of Ye family disciples saw Shangguan Ming and his party, they first shouted angrily, and then they were all attracted by the beauty of Lingxiao and other women.

"How dare you offend the two princesses, you are seeking death!"

Lingxiao was angry first, and without any nonsense, she took out the Immortal Immortal Treasure that Lin Nan had already upgraded for her.

"King...King-grade natal immortal treasure!"

The eighteen children of the Ye family were immediately dumbfounded. What kind of toy was this? It was just a tigress that could kill someone!

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