Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1599 What do you think?

Although these children of the Ye family are not geniuses of the Ye family, let alone geniuses, they are still strong in the Golden Fairyland of the Ye family.

Moreover, the lowest level among these people is still in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. Any one of them can afford a King-grade Immortal Treasure.

Even excluding the five Ye family disciples who were at the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal Realm, the rest of them had to almost empty their wealth to afford the King-grade Immortal Treasure, but in the end they could still afford it.

The reason why Lingxiao was so surprised after taking out the first-level king-level immortal treasure was because this initial-level king-level immortal treasure was Lingxiao's natal immortal treasure. It was not purchased with fairy crystals like them, which could only activate two or three points of the king-level immortal treasure. of power.

The entire Jieyin City, including the top four geniuses of the Feng family and Fu Weizhai of the city lord's palace, already possesses the first-level king-level immortal treasure at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm. Other geniuses with slightly less qualifications are unable to refine the king-level immortal treasure at the cost. Immortal treasure of life.

As for refining a body's natal immortal treasure into a king-level immortal treasure, that is a more difficult matter, even more difficult than directly refining a king-level immortal treasure into a natal item.

"Don't panic, take out the fairy treasures and fight against the enemy. Shangguan Ming and Shangguan Boyang are just true immortal monks. The cultivation level of those two little girls cannot be high. They are just seven or eight-year-old children. As for that woman, her cultivation level may not be high. Not bad, but we are not afraid of her if we join forces."

A disciple of the Ye family who was at the pinnacle level of the Golden Fairy Realm spoke.

From the energy and blood flowing out of Lin Momo and Ling'er, he could tell that the two little ones were only seven or eight years old, so he directly ignored the two little sisters.

As for the seven fairies of Guanghan Palace, in his opinion, Lingxiao, who was the first to sacrifice his natal immortal treasure, had a high level of cultivation. The rest should not be strong men at the peak level of the Golden Fairy Realm. Otherwise, there would be no reason for only one Lingxiao to be angry and He took out his natal immortal treasure, but the others did not move even though they were angry.

In his opinion, Lingxiao was afraid of suffering a loss after fighting with them, so he took the initiative to reveal his realm and reveal his natal immortal treasure, hoping to frighten them.

But as someone who is proficient in using power to overwhelm others, how could he be fooled?

"Lingxiao, please don't take action yet. How dare you look down on me and my sister? I'm going to kill him myself."

Ling'er stopped Ling Xiao who was about to take action, her petite body exuding strong murderous aura.

"Ling'er, sister hasn't taken action for a long time, let her do it."

Lin Momo reached out and grabbed Ling'er again, pulling Ling'er back by a strand of her hair.

"Oh, oh, it hurts! If my sister wants to do something, just say so. Why are you pulling Ling'er's hair? It hurts so much!"

Ling'er said aggrievedly, with tears already in her eyes, looking pitiful.

"Okay, okay, it's my sister's fault. I wanted to pull your back collar, but I pulled it wrong. Don't cry, don't cry. Once my sister has destroyed that ant, I won't fight with you anymore."

Lin Momo raised her hand and flicked Ling'er's little head, comforting Ling'er in a soft voice.

"Sister obviously did it on purpose!"

Ling'er still felt extremely aggrieved. Her sister was even more powerful than her, so it would be strange to catch her in the wrong place.

"What? Did I hear you correctly? These two little girls are actually fighting to kill me?"

"Brother, you heard me right. That little girl who was already crying did just now say that she wanted to kill you with her own hands."

"Hahaha, brother, please don't be defeated by that little girl later. Otherwise, you will become the number one laughing stock in Jieyin City."

Many disciples of the Ye family were discussing unscrupulously. The surprise brought to them by Lingxiao's king-grade natal immortal treasure had disappeared as they sacrificed six king-grade immortal treasures.

Ye Yangyun and others were also confused for a while. The little girl who made them kneel down with a scolding yesterday actually cried after her hair was pulled?

This...isn't this a joke?

Maybe that little girl could kill these eighteen Golden Immortal Realm experts from the Ye family, but she actually started crying after her sister pulled her hair out. What a fuss!

"Humph, is my Linger someone you ants can make fun of?"

Hearing the words of those Ye family disciples, Lin Momo's face suddenly sank. She took a step and instantly appeared less than ten feet away from the group of Ye family disciples.

"Hey, little girl, your magic and magical powers are not bad, but you want to attack us without even sacrificing the immortal treasure. You are really overestimating your capabilities."

"Yes, damn, this little girl is so arrogant. She dared to come here and die without using her natal immortal treasure. Does she think we don't dare to kill her?"

"I've seen people looking for death, but I've never seen anyone so eager to die. I'm really tired of living. Come on, let's attack together and see how the woman saves this little girl."

While teasing Lin Momo, all the Ye family disciples also sacrificed their natal immortal treasures and attacked Lin Momo together.

"What do you think of this fairy treasure?"

Lin Momo turned over her hand and took out her fairy treasure, with a playful smile on her pink face.

"Huh? What level of immortal treasure is this?"

"I don't know, it's not an immortal treasure corresponding to the Golden Immortal Realm, nor is it a king-level immortal treasure, but it is indeed an immortal treasure!"

"My God, that fairy treasure in her hand must be a high-grade fairy treasure, right?"

"I...I feel...like it is!"

Seeing Lin Momo take out the fairy treasure, all the Ye family disciples were stunned. When they came back to their senses, they were all shocked.

"What's the background of this little girl?" At this moment, they all had this question in their minds.

But Lin Momo didn't give them too much time to discuss, and directly urged the immortal treasure in her hand.

The fairy treasure in the little girl's hand is a top-grade and high-grade fairy treasure that Lin Nan specially refined for her. With a change of mind, she can activate the power of the top-grade and top-grade fairy treasure at will.

As long as she holds this top-grade immortal treasure, the little girl can retreat calmly even if she is facing a powerful person at the peak of the immortal realm.

The reason why I don't usually take out this fairy treasure is entirely because after taking out this fairy treasure, there is no fun at all. I can kill any monk I meet with a single thought, which is no fun.

But today is different. The little girl plans to change her way of playing.

This group of ants made rude remarks again and again. Faced with this kind of thing who would not shed tears without seeing the coffin, Lin Momo felt that it was necessary to imitate her father and let these ants die one by one in despair.


Lin Momo's mind turned, and a stream of light instantly scattered the attacks from the Ye family's children. The stream of light continued unabated, and instantly shattered the Dantian spiritual sea of ​​the peak cultivator in the Golden Fairy Realm who had talked the most nonsense before.


"My cultivation...I...little girl, I want to kill you!"

Following a scream, the child of the Ye family at the peak of the Golden Fairy Realm found that his Dantian had been shattered, and his sea of ​​consciousness had dried up in an instant, and his spiritual thoughts became no different from ordinary people.

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