Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1611 He is actually barking!

"What? This is just a clone, not Ye Wushen's true form?"

"Oh my God, whether this Ye Wushen is far-sighted or greedy to the extreme and afraid of death, I'm a little stupid now and can't tell!"

"Needless to say, he must be greedy for life and afraid of death to the extreme. He is a complete idiot."

"Yes, Ye Wushen is really stupid. Since this body is a clone, it can be beaten directly from the beginning. It won't be a big deal if it is killed. Now it has offended the Haoqi Sect, and the Immortal Realm master wants to After he was about to take action, he actually said it was just a clone thing!"

"Damn it, if anyone ever says that none of the powerful people at a high level are stupid, I will tell him about this idiot Ye Wushen a thousand and eight hundred times!"

The onlookers were shocked. This time they were still shocked by Ye Wushen's stupidity.

They were already speechless. This Ye Wushen was really slutty, and he offended the Haoqi Sect to death, and now he even revealed that his body was just a clone.

This clearly tells Qingyue that I am still alive. After you kill my clone, remember to look for my real body everywhere and kill me, otherwise you will not succeed in revenge at all.

No one who leaves a way out for himself is stupid, but Ye Wushen broke this rule with his fierce strength.

"Oh? Is this your real body?"

A voice came from heaven.

Everyone looked up and saw a man in black clothes walking up from the sky step by step. He was actually holding a person who looked exactly like Ye Wushen, but was wearing different clothes.

"Huh? Who are you? How did you find my true identity?"

Ye Wushen was immediately shocked. He was unable to sense the existence of his true body. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have known that his true body had been captured.

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible. I have contacted my true body just now. He is in the Northern Continent. No matter how strong you are, you cannot find my true body instantly and bring him away from the Northern Continent. to here!"

Ye Wushen's expression gradually turned ferocious.

Although he was unwilling to admit that the other person he was holding in the hands of the man in black was his true self, his reason told him that the man who looked exactly like him was completely his true self. .

"My name is Lin Nan."

Lin Nan smiled, and for the first time, he said his name to the person who was about to die.

Lin Nan threw the Ye Wushen in his hand, causing Ye Wushen's clone to get in touch with the original body again, and then directly merged into one.

"You... who are you? You actually shattered my defensive precious fairy treasure with just a few words!"

When the original body and the clone merged, Ye Wushen recalled everything and suddenly exclaimed, terrified. The young man in black in front of him was stronger than all the immortal masters he had ever seen. It was really terrifying!

"I...what did I hear? The young man in black just flicked his finger and shattered...Ye Wushen's precious fairy treasure?"

"Oh my god, where did this magical character come from? It's so... so terrifying!"

"Hey, look, those two little girls actually ran to the man in black! Huh? Those three immortal masters actually called him their lord? I...I heard it right!"

"It's... against the heavens! He can actually make a great master of the Immortal Realm surrender. This... how terrifying must he be? Is it possible... that he is a supreme being who has transcended the Immortal Realm, and is one of only ten people in the legend? A peerless Supreme Being who lives in the second heaven that only the Second Immortal Sect can come into contact with?"

"It's... too scary!"

Lin Nan came from the clouds carrying Ye Wushen's true body. Ye Wushen also said that Lin Nan shattered his precious fairy treasure with just a flick of his finger. This had already made all the monks paying attention to this place identify Lin Nan. Nan is a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, and he is the pinnacle among the powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

But as the three girls of Yue Shi saluted Lin Nan and addressed them as Lord, their reasoning was overturned.

Because someone had recognized Yue Shi before, and they also recognized Han Yue.

In fact, when Ye Wushen recognized Qingyue, the monks onlookers almost knew that the three women were the powerful Guanghan Palace in the Middle East.

You know, when Yue Shi left the Central Continent, she caused a big fuss in Jieyin City, but that fuss had nothing to do with Haoqi Sect, and was pursued by several powerful men from another Tianmen Tianxing Palace. Yue Shi fought in Jieyin City and destroyed half of Jieyin City.

If the power of Haoqi Sect hadn't arrived in time, Jieyin City would have been destroyed three million years ago.

One hundred thousand years ago, Han Yue achieved the Immortal Realm status and came to Jieyin City. She happened to meet two Immortal Realm powerful men from Tianxing Palace, and they started fighting.

At that time, the two immortal masters of Tianxing Palace were completely confused. They didn't know where a woman who was in the same realm as them but whose combat power was so powerful appeared out of nowhere.

It was not until later that the two Heavenly Punishment Palace masters who were seriously injured escaped. After a long period of tracing, they found out that the strange and powerful female master who inexplicably attacked them was actually Yue, who was hunted down by their Heavenly Punishment Palace three million years ago. Descendants of poetry.

As for Qingyue, she only came to Jieyin City once four thousand years ago. Although the commotion was not as big as that of Yue Shi and Han Yue, it still caused a sensation in Jieyin City at that time. After all, the Ye family was in that chase battle. In the process, six Immortal King Realm veterans were lost.

"Ye Wushen, can you still laugh now?"

After saluting Lin Nan, Qingyue looked at Ye Wushen. Her expression was calm, her tone was calm, and her invisible murderous aura made even the powerful Immortal King realm shudder.

"Gai Qingyue, if you have the ability, don't use the Immortal Treasure, don't use the Immortal Realm cultivation level, suppress the realm at the peak of the Immortal King Realm, and fight me fairly. If you can't do it, then don't yell here. You want to kill me for revenge.”

Ye Wushen's expression turned ferocious, he had no way to retreat.

The high-grade immortal treasure has been broken by Lin Nan, and all the members of the Ye family have stopped looking towards him, the dignified ancestor of the Ye family, because of Ye Mingyu and his previous series of wise operations.

"Oh my god, what did I hear? Did you hear it? Ye Wushen, a powerful person at the peak of the Immortal King Realm, is actually barking. Tsk, tut, it's really strange, strange!"

"Hey, this is quite similar. Was he a dog demon in his previous life? He was reincarnated as a human in this life, and now when he is about to be reincarnated again, the memory of his previous life was awakened?"

"We are inseparable, and that's pretty much it. It's just a pity for the Ye family. After this time, the Ye family's position as the second family in Jieyin City will not be preserved. Also, they might be forced to leave Jieyin City. I have to go to other cities to make a living!”

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