Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1612 The power of the Immortal Realm almighty!

"Asshole, I will kill you ants first."

Watching the monks' discussion, Ye Wushen had heard enough. The reason why he didn't get angry before was because his true self was talking nicely in the Northern Continent.

But now that his true self has been brought back by Lin Nan, and in the position of being certain to die, Ye Wushen no longer worries about anything. If he can kill one more person, one more person will be buried with him.

He felt that this was the right approach, at least he wouldn't be alone after he hit the road.

"You are already almost dead, and you still dare to act cruel."

Qingyue grabbed it with one hand, and a big hand of the void was condensed. It directly swept Ye Wushen, who was about to cast a spell in the sky, and swept the onlookers in one direction. He was firmly grasped by the big hand of the void and could not move. Not to mention casting spells.

Qingyue did not use the high-grade immortal treasure, but she also did not suppress her realm to the peak of the Immortal King Realm.

In her eyes, Ye Wushen is nothing more than an ant. If it weren't for the fact that she only hates the genocide, she would be too lazy to do anything to people like Ye Wushen, so how could she bother with it.

"Gai Qingyue...I...I have taken to bed, you...your great-grandmother, hahaha..."

Knowing that he was helpless, Ye Wushen began to break jars and smash jars, trying to disturb Qingyue's Taoist heart, causing Qingyue to fall from the Immortal Lord Realm back to the Immortal King Realm.


A soft sound.

Qingyue had used a little force to crush Ye Wushen directly into powder, even omitting the process of blood mist.

However, Lin Nan and his daughter only like to see the scene of blooming blood mist, such as Qingyue, Hanyue and Yue Shi. They can solve them quickly and directly, and do not appreciate the blood-colored flowers, nor are they too lazy to do so. Experience the thrill of killing.

This is the difference between the three great powers of Guanghan Palace and Lin Nan. It is also because of their realm. If their realms are raised a few more levels and they experience the invincible loneliness, they will be almost like Lin Nan in a short time. Similarly, in a boring life, he admires the death process of the monks who provoke him.

"This...is this the power of the Immortal Realm's great master!"

Ye Mingyu, who was standing not far from Lin Nan and others, was stunned.

After Ye Wushen lost the high-grade immortal treasure, although his combat power dropped greatly, he was not weaker than him. However, Qingyue casually grabbed him and crushed him to death in the big hand seal of the void. From the beginning to the end, she did not feel any burden.

Except for Ye Mingyu, everyone else was also extremely surprised, shocked by the power and unfathomable power of the Immortal Realm almighty.

"Let's straighten out the Ye family, otherwise we may really be exterminated next time."

Lin Nan glanced at Ye Mingyu who was stunned, said this, and turned to leave.

The two little girls, Lin Momo and Ling'er, chattered non-stop on either side of him, mostly useless nonsense, but Lin Nan also listened carefully, nodding or shaking his head from time to time.

Yue Shi and three others followed behind him, and the seven Lingxian girls followed at the rear. Wherever the group went, no monk dared to block the way.


The Shangguan siblings can finally show their faces.

They had asked to go together before, but Ling'er refused on the grounds that the level of the two siblings was too low and would lower their reputation. Now, after all the difficulties, they can finally return to everyone.

"Eh? Isn't that Shangguan Ming? Is that her brother Shangguan Boyang? These siblings are really lucky to have a relationship with such a group of strong people!"

"I know this. It seems that the senior in black came to Jieyin City a month and a half ago. He fell in love with Shangguan Boyang that day, and even returned the fairy crystal he owed Lord Feng on behalf of the Shangguan siblings."

"Yes, I saw the senior in black and one of his two daughters in Fuchun Pavilion last night. The senior in black was with Mr. Feng at that time, and he also brought the Shangguan siblings with him."

"Damn it, let me ask you now, who dares to say that the story about Fairy Qingyu receiving the high-grade immortal treasure in Fuchun Pavilion last night was a rumor? Come out, I will take you to the black-clothed senior to prove it. Let’s see if he gave Fairy Qingyu a high-quality fairy treasure last night.”

"Stop talking nonsense. As long as anyone who saw the scene just now is not as stupid as Ye Wushen, who can not believe what happened in Fuchun Pavilion last night?"

"Yes, besides, if I want to say that I don't believe it, do you dare to take me to prove it in front of the senior in black?"

"I... naturally don't dare!"


Outside the city, among the clouds, two Immortal Masters from the Haoqi Sect looked at each other.

"Unexpectedly, only three million years have passed, and Han Yue has already gone from the early stage of the Immortal Realm to the very top of the Immortal Realm. I am afraid that becoming the Supreme Immortal Saint is not that far away!"

Among them, the powerful Haoqi Sect wearing white clothes sighed with emotion.

"Han Yue has also entered the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, and may enter the late stage of the Immortal Realm at any time. Qingyue is also about to enter the middle stage of the Immortal Realm. The speed of improvement is really too fast!"

Another great master of the Haoqi Sect wearing a gray robe also sighed with emotion.

"Who is that man in black? He actually destroyed the Qingming Sect, Beichen Palace, and Tianzang Temple in the Eastern Continent. He even took the Guanghan Palace under his command, and came to the Central Continent with great arrogance. He was not afraid of being killed by Beidou Palace and The Heavenly Punishment Palace is under siege, could it be that he is really the Immortal Saint Supreme who came down from the second heaven!"

When the great man in white said about Lin Nan, his expression was extremely solemn.

"This is not something you and I should worry about. Now Qingyue alone has the ability to defeat you and I together, not to mention Hanyue and Yue Shi, especially the mysterious man in black. Our Haoqi Sect If all the powerful forces are dispatched, I am afraid that their lives will be in vain. It is better to return to the sect and report the situation to the Supreme and see how the Supreme will deal with it."

The gray-robed master shook his head.

They really couldn't see through Lin Nan's strength. Even when Lin Nan used his magical powers, they couldn't catch him at all.

In fact, Lin Nan had already discovered that they were here, but was too lazy to come and pay attention to them. Otherwise, they would not be able to watch them here from beginning to end.

"By the way, you should be more careful during the Golden Immortal Competition. Don't let the good seedling that finally appeared die in the hands of the two women of the man in black and the seven little girls of Guanghan Palace."

The gray-robed master realized this.

Judging from Lin Nan's troubles here, it is obvious that he has no plans to leave for the time being, and Lin Momo, Ling'er, Lingxiao and others are all Golden Fairy Realm monks. In their opinion, Lin Nan is definitely a I want Lingxiao and others to participate in the Golden Immortal Competition to see the gap between the monks in the Central Continent and Lingxiao and others.

"You really need to pay attention to this. After all, in the past three thousand years, there have been many good seedlings coming to Jieyin City, both in the Golden Fairyland and the True Fairyland. In addition to paying attention to the seedlings in the Golden Fairyland, you also have to pay attention to the situation in the True Fairyland. After all, Shangguan Ming has been taught by the man in black to be somewhat invincible now, and I am afraid that none of the True Immortal Realm monks in the entire Mid-Continent can defeat her!"

The great man in white nodded.

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