Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1616 The projection of the evil world!

Lin Nan held the little girl in his arms, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then pinched her pink face. He wanted to laugh but was afraid that the little girl would cry.

As an older sister, Lin Momo has always been much more stable than the little Ling'er. According to her, as an older sister, she must set a good example and not let her younger sister learn bad things or be afraid.

Today's situation can make the little girl feel so wronged, which shows that she is really wronged and not just pretending like before.


When the attack from the being hidden in the black cloud arrived, a green light curtain defused the powerful attack.

Qingyue was also frightened for a while. As for the attack just now, if Lin Nan hadn't arrived, she and Lin Momo might not be able to resist it.

Qingyue picked up the top-grade immortal treasure that Lin Momo had just thrown away, and walked behind Lin Nan. Looking at Lin Momo who was holding Lin Nan's neck aggrievedly, Qingyue didn't know what to say.

Apart from this little ancestor, the only one who could throw away a top-quality immortal treasure just because of grievances was her sister Ling'er.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The being in the black cloud seemed very surprised, and after saying these words, he walked out of the clouds.

It was a man in black robe, with a middle-aged appearance, giving people a sense of death, as if a corpse had been resurrected.

But I have to admit that he is extremely powerful. He can suppress Qingyue and Lin Momo who are holding two top-grade immortal treasures that can be fully activated. This shows how powerful his cultivation is.

"You're just an ant, you don't deserve to know my name."

Lin Nan hugged Lin Momo, glanced at the man in black robe, and spoke indifferently.

He is just the evil spirit of a half-step immortal saint. He may have the strength of a real immortal saint in the evil realm, but if he comes outside and dares to do anything to his precious daughter, he is destined to be a dead body. Who knows? His name?


"You were the one who killed my disciple?"

The man in black robe snorted coldly, and then stared at Lin Nan.

"It's just an ant. Just kill it. What else do you want?"

Lin Nan's tone was calm.

"court death!"

The man in black robe suddenly became angry and could no longer suppress his anger.

In his opinion, those two top-grade immortal treasures that could be fully activated by low-level monks must have been refined by Lin Nan, but he did not think Lin Nan was more powerful than him.

Because he could also refine the highest-grade immortal treasure that could be fully activated by low-level monks, but the materials were too precious and many of them were priceless, so he did not refine them for his disciples.

What's more, his disciple directly possesses the peak strength of the Immortal Realm in the Evil Realm he controls, and as long as the Evil Realm is immortal, his disciple will not perish.

However, he never thought that his disciple, who was staying in his own evil domain, would be killed by a half-step immortal saint. It can be said that trouble comes from the sky for people at home.

He knew very well that it was difficult for the Supreme Immortal Saint to stay in the first heaven for a long time. If it weren't for the fact that he was only a half-step immortal saint after leaving his evil domain, he would not have dared to rashly come to the first heaven to avenge his disciples.

Therefore, in his opinion, Lin Nan can only be a half-step immortal saint at most, and perhaps he has not yet reached the level of half-step immortal saint, but is just wandering on the top of the mountain in the immortal realm.

"Evil projection!"

As the man in black robe roared, suddenly, the originally thick black clouds in the sky suddenly changed color, turning into holy white clouds, and then turned into white light.

Above the white light, it seemed as if there was a world that would crush it at any moment and annihilate everything in this world.


Lin Nan didn't say anything, but slowly raised his right hand, slowly stretched out his index finger, and a white light shot towards the sky.


In an instant, the white light above the sky and the incomparably holy projection of the world were eclipsed in front of that white light, as if compared with that white light, everything in the world was not holy.

Of course, it is also not considered sharp.

Just because of that flash of white light, it shattered the white light in the blink of an eye and wiped out the projection of the world.

Even the high sky was shattered by the white light, annihilating the white light projected by the world, and directly tore out a crack in the void that was countless thousands of miles long, leading directly to the starry sky outside the territory.


The man in black robe was dumbfounded. He had never experienced such a situation before. He had never thought that someone could break his projection of the world so easily. You must know that it was the phantom reflected by him mobilizing the evil domain of the second heaven. ah!

It is completely possible for him to kill any half-step immortal saint, but now he has been caught off guard by the opponent before he can take action. You must know that this is the first heaven, not the second heaven. The opponent can at most He is only a half-step immortal saint. How could he break through his great world projection and shatter his unparalleled magical power so easily?

"You...who are you! Why do you want to kill my disciple!"

After the man in black robe was stunned for a long time, he looked down at the young man in black who was holding a little girl in his arms. He wanted to slap him to death, but he knew that he had nothing to do with him now.

Using the Great World Projection was already the strongest attack he could launch after leaving his Evil Realm. He used the Great World Projection when he came up. Firstly, he wanted to solve the problem quickly and return to the second heaven quickly. Secondly, he knew that he could The person who killed his apprentice was definitely not a simple character.

However, he never expected that the other party would break his strongest means with just a slight raise of his hand!

"How can a dying person come up with so much nonsense?"

Lin Nan spoke calmly, then raised his hand to strike.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

Lin Nan hadn't used this magical power for a long time, and now that he used it again, it felt like he hadn't used it for a long time.

"Bastard! You are looking for death, you are looking for death!"

The man in black robe was shocked. He didn't expect that Lin Nan would take action as soon as he disagreed. He roared angrily and quickly used his magical powers to resist.


Two attacks collided with each other in the sky, bursting into brilliant brilliance, like giant fireworks, decorating the world with great splendor.

After the two attacks collided with each other, when the brilliant brilliance dissipated, the two attacks disappeared, as if they had been annihilated by each other in the collision just now.

"Huh...it's so dangerous. Fortunately, I have great powers. Otherwise, I would have fallen here!"

The man in black robe let out a long breath and secretly rejoiced.

But just after he was relieved, he instantly felt a sense of death crisis. The crisis enveloped his whole body, as if he would die no matter where he ran. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably. He had not experienced it for too long. This feeling!

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