Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1617 The True Immortal Competition Begins!

The black-robed man's pupils shrank violently. While he was still wondering where this inexplicable sense of crisis came from, where the two previous attacks collided with each other, a golden light instantly condensed, and then turned into a large golden handprint.

"This...how is this possible!"

When he saw the big golden handprint that had condensed again, the man in black robe was stunned and dumbfounded.

He felt that it was too shocking and too unbelievable. Why did the golden big hand seal, which had obviously been consumed by his attack, condensed out again? It was so illogical and so defiant!

But when he saw the big golden handprint charging towards him again, and he was unable to use his magical power to resist, the man in black robe was blinded and frightened for a moment.

escape! escape! escape!

Yelling three words of "escape" in his heart, the man in black robe turned around and flew towards the sky.

And in the sky, a door emitting holy light was opened in an instant.


However, just when the man in black robe was about to run into the open door in the sky, the large golden handprint that rushed towards him instantly hit him in the back of the heart.


In an instant, a bloody mist dispersed above the sky.

One day, the vision of crying in the sky appeared, but it was not in the first heaven, but in the second heaven connected to the open door on the sky.

Lin Nan had dispelled the crying phenomenon several times when he was in the Eastern Continent, but now he didn't want to pay attention to the heavenly spirit in the second heaven. He could cry if he wanted to. Anyway, if the heavenly gate was closed, he wouldn't be able to see it.

Out of sight out of mind.

After waving his hand to close the Tianmen, Lin Nan hugged Lin Momo and took Qingyue to the evil realm in the ancient battlefield of Black Abyss.

After wandering around for a while, when the little girl had seen enough, Lin Nan took her and Qingyue out of the Evil Realm.

Lin Nan did not take action against those evil spirits in the evil realm that had not yet had time to evacuate. After all, they had lost the protection of the evil realm and would die sooner or later. There was no need for him to take unnecessary action.

When they returned to Shangguan's house, Liu Ruqing, who had already learned the whole story from Ling'er, anxiously came over and hugged Lin Momo, and checked her up and down several times. It was not until the little girl gradually shed her face in tears that Liu Ruqing was sure that the little girl was and was not injured.

"Let your father know in advance when you go out in the future that you are lucky this time. If no one can escape next time and come to report to your father, what should you do?"

Liu Ruqing pulled the two little ones in front of her and said seriously.

"Got it, mother!"

The two little sisters nodded fiercely.

Yue Shi and Han Yue just looked on with smiles. As long as they were fine, their previous experiences could be regarded as a kind of training.

As for the fact that Qingyue almost died, they didn't care. After cultivating to their level, no one had a smooth journey, and they all wandered on the edge of life and death countless times.

In short, as long as you are not dead or seriously injured, everything is a good thing.

For monks, time always passes quickly. As the night passes, the True Immortal Competition in Jie Yin City officially begins.

Qingyue and the Sixth Elder brought the Shangguan sister and brother, while Lin Nan brought the little sisters Lin Momo and Ling'er. Liu Ruqing, Yue Shi and others were not interested in the True Immortal Competition, not to mention that it would be held in a month. There was a Golden Immortal Competition, so only seven people from Lin Nan went to the place where the True Immortal Competition was held.

Whether it is the True Immortal Competition or the Golden Immortal Competition, they all use the same model, which is to let the participating monks enter a mountain and river, and the remaining 360 monks will be the winners. batch.

Millions of True Immortal Realm monks are gearing up, and there is no one who is too weak among them. The ones with the lowest level are all in the late stage of True Immortal Realm.

After all, even if you have a teleportation talisman, if you are killed in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, you will be teleported out by the teleportation talisman, and you will not die as a result.

But hundreds of thousands of true immortals will fall in every true immortal competition. The reason is very simple. As long as you snatch the teleportation talisman before the opponent is dead, you can directly kill the opponent. Then he is really dead, without any room for maneuver.

Therefore, those True Immortal monks who are not strong enough in combat dare not compete at all.

Shangguan Ming was in a good mood. After all, Lin Nan had said that as long as she participated in the competition, she would definitely get first place. During this time, the business school specially refined a preliminary fairy treasure for her.

Although the grade is not as high as the top-grade fairy treasure that the sixth elder refined for Shangguan Boyang, it is enough for her. After all, the elementary fairy treasure that Qingyue refined for her has nothing to do with her natal fairy treasure. the difference.

Of course, the reason why she is so sure is because she can break through to the Golden Wonderland at any time.

Once she breaks through, even if Shangguan Boyang uses the top-grade fairy treasure to deal with her, he is no match for her. It will only take a little effort for her to deal with Shangguan Boyang.

The True Immortal Competition does not have so many rules and regulations, it only requires strength. As long as you are indeed a True Immortal Realm monk before entering the Mountains and Rivers Secret Realm, then no matter whether you enter the Golden Immortal Realm in the Mountains and Rivers Secret Realm, as long as you get the ranking, it will be yours. Deserve it.

Even if you become a powerful person in the Immortal King Realm in the secret realm, you can still get the True Immortal Token, but such a heaven-defying figure has never appeared since ancient times, and it is impossible for him to appear.

When Lin Nan and his party came to the huge square, the square was already crowded with people, and the monks from the True Immortal Realm participating in the competition had also arrived. Soon, the Immortal Realm of the Haoqi Sect personally opened the secret realm of mountains and rivers, bringing millions of The monks from the True Immortal Realm were sent into the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

Only in the last True Immortal Competition in the city did the Haoqi Sect’s Immortal Realm master come to preside over it. This time, there shouldn’t be any Immortal Realm master to preside over it. There won’t be another one until ten years later. A powerful person from the Immortal Realm came to preside over the ceremony.

But because of the arrival of Lin Nan, a mysterious and powerful man, the two powerful Immortal Realm masters of the Haoqi Sect did not leave after attending the banquet a few days ago. They simply stayed here to host the True Immortal Competition.

The two great masters have also discussed that they will personally host the Golden Immortal Competition in a month's time to see how amazing Lin Nan's two daughters are and the seven proud daughters of heaven in Guanghan Palace. , so that I can go back and compare myself with the proud son of heaven.

At this time, in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, Shangguan Ming was teleported to a lake, while Shangguan Boyang was teleported to an unknown destination.

"Huh? Shangguan Ming?"

There were several monks not far away who were stunned after seeing Shangguan Ming. They were all monks from Jie Yin City. They might not have known about Shangguan Ming in the past, but since the day when Ye Wushen was easily killed, Jie Yin There is almost no monk in the city who does not know Shangguan Ming.

When they saw Shangguan Ming, they immediately ran away.

After all, they didn't dare to kill Shangguan Ming, let alone they might not be able to defeat him.

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