Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1618 The Immortal King Talisman!

Shangguan Ming did not chase the fleeing monks. For her, it was best not to take action without taking action.

After all, in addition to other true fairyland monks, there are many monsters and Jedi in this secret landscape, and they may be eliminated if they are a little careless.

And as long as they don't fight, she can't be sure whether the opponent can hurt her. Every time she is injured, the chance of being eliminated becomes greater.

Her goal is to be ranked first, so she can just fish in troubled waters at the beginning. There is no need to kill everyone. After all, the True Immortal Competition does not follow a points system, it only depends on who can survive to the end.

Luck is also a part of strength. Since ancient times, there have been many weak monks who avoided all the monks because of their hidden magical powers. In the end, they had to come forward to fight with the last person and took the second place.

Everyone knows that the True Immortal Competition is just a trial for the Twelve Immortal Sects to select disciples. If they can really hide until the end, there will be means and great luck, which will make many strong people extend their olive branches. The Twelve Immortal Sects will They will also come to recruit disciples.

"Hey, boss, there is a beauty here. Should we take her back to be our sister-in-law?"

There was a sound from the front, which seemed to be very happy.

Shangguan Ming, who was walking by the lake, never stopped. She had already seen the two monks hiding in the dark, one at the peak of the True Immortal Realm and the other at the late stage of the True Immortal Realm. She must have been lucky enough to be teleported together.

However, now that the idea is on her head, no matter how good her luck is, it will be of no use.

"Huh? It's true, but the powerful people from all sides are watching, and there are even immortal masters who are hosting the competition. If we act recklessly, we will definitely be marked with a cross. Just kill her. Wait for the competition. Find her after the competition is over and escort her back to the stronghold."

Another voice sounded.

The voice belonged to the master, a tall and thick man of ten, whose body was covered with scars. Even a dignified monk from the Immortal Realm could have scars. It can be seen that those wounds were caused by the treasure, and that man was also a man who had experienced hundreds of battles.

After making a decision, the big and thick man took his younger brother to remove the concealment spell and walked towards Shangguan Ming who didn't seem to notice them.

"Little lady, wait until the uncle goes out to pick you up."

The big and thick man laughed and said.

After saying that, he waved his hand to his younger brother to take action against Shangguan Ming first to test Shangguan Ming's background.

"Five thunder strikes!"

The younger brother was a tall and thin man, and when he struck out, he unleashed a thunderous magical power, which was very powerful. He obviously wanted to test Shangguan Ming's ability directly and didn't want to wait any longer.


Shangguan Ming actually waved his hand and threw out a purple light, which was very similar to Lin Nan's gesture when he pointed his finger casually.

In fact, Shangguan Ming learned this arrogant style from that little girl Ling'er.

You must know that the little girl led her and Shangguan Boyang to kill millions of evil spirits in the evil realm. If she can't imitate the little girl's style, she will be no better than the somewhat naive guy Shangguan Boyang. What a difference.


The tall and thin man's thunder magic power, which he activated with all his strength, collided with the purple light that Shangguan Ming waved casually.

In this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

The tall and lanky man felt that he was dazzled. His full blow was completely dispelled by the woman's casual blow!

Moreover, the purple light waved by the woman, after dispelling his thunder magic power, rushed directly towards him. He just felt that no matter how he tried to hide, there was no possibility of avoiding it!


The tall and thick man snorted coldly. How could he just watch his little brother be eliminated?

As a magical power was activated, a blood-red light struck Shangguan Ming's attack.


There was a loud bang.

The two rays of light collided with each other, and the result was known in an instant. The man's magical power could only barely offset the purple light.

"You...could it be that you are Shangguan Ming, who is often referred to in Jingyin City?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then lost his voice in surprise.

He had to be surprised. If it was really the Shangguan Ming in the rumors, he would have hit a brick wall this time.

You know, a name that can make the entire Jieyin City talk about it is not a weight that ordinary people can weigh, even if that weight does not come from Shangguan Ming!

"That's right. Do you two want to end it on your own, or do you want me to give you a ride?"

Shangguan Ming's expression was dull.

The reason why she came over after discovering the two of them was because she had already seen that the tall and thick man was just an ordinary monk at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, not a person with extraordinary talents.

Otherwise, the concealment technique arranged by the man would not have been seen clearly by her from a distance.

"You... don't bully others too much!"

The man was extremely shocked and angry. Shangguan Ming was simply humiliating him. He was just a female, and she dared to speak to him like this.

"Oh, that's it. Then let me give you a ride."

Shangguan Ming nodded clearly, then said nothing more, and then prepared to use his magical power.

"Shangguan Ming, if that mysterious powerful man hadn't been your backing, do you think I would be afraid of you?"

When the man saw that Shangguan Ming was about to take action, he became furious, shouted loudly, and then took out his true treasure.

"You talk a lot of nonsense. Whether senior can help me or not, what does it have to do with whether you are my opponent or not?"

Shangguan Ming said calmly.

After saying that, Shangguan Ming also took out the true treasure of life, and did not use the elementary fairy treasure that Qingyue refined for her.

"Boss, I'll hold her up while you find an opportunity to kill her!"

The tall and thin man who had just been stunned for a while came to his senses, then took out his high-grade true treasure and rushed towards Shangguan Ming.

For him, the reason why he and his other brothers entered the secret realm of mountains and rivers was purely to give his boss a not too bad ranking, so that some big forces would notice his boss.

If the boss of his family becomes famous, he will naturally not forget their benefits. But now that he is the only one beside the boss, he can only delay time for the boss.


But the situation soon became clear. After Shangguan Ming took out his true treasure, he shattered his true treasure with just one blow, and then his body was pierced by the attack urged by Shangguan Ming.


The tall and lanky man opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe that he was eliminated just like that. He didn't even get a few breaths for his boss.

"Shangguan Ming, you have successfully angered me, take your life!"

Seeing his loyal brother being killed by Shangguan Ming, the tall and thick man finally became completely furious.

After a loud shout, he no longer had any means left and instantly took out a talisman.

"The Immortal King Talisman!"

Shangguan Ming was shocked when he saw the talisman that the man took out.

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