Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1619 Why can’t I kill you?

The Immortal Heavenly King Talisman, as the name suggests, can kill all immortals.

But it must be the genuine Immortal King Talisman.

Nowadays, the Immortal Heavenly King Talisman circulating in the world, especially the one that will fall into the hands of that man, is just an ancient Immortal Heavenly King Talisman imitated by a strong person in the Immortal King Realm.

But even if it is an imitation, it is still a talisman made by a strong person in the Immortal King Realm, and its power cannot be underestimated.

What's more, Shangguan Ming is just a True Immortal Realm monk. Even if he can fight against the monks in the middle stage of the Ordinary Golden Immortal Realm and can kill the monks in the early stage of the Ordinary Golden Immortal Realm, he will still be in danger in front of the Immortal King Talisman.

"Hahaha, I might as well tell you that even if you can escape once, you will be dead today. This immortal king talisman can be used nine times."

The man laughed wildly.

He does have rampant capital now.


Shangguan Ming said this calmly, then ignored the man, took out the elementary immortal treasure, and used his body and magical powers to leave the place instantly.

Even though the man was holding the Immortal King Talisman, facing a monk like her who was still in the True Immortal Realm, but whose combat power was no weaker than the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, the man's speed was too slow.

Extremely slow.

Just like the difference between young children and adults.

A young child, even though he is holding a long knife, is completely helpless against an unarmed adult.

It's all just a matter of speed.

Shangguan Ming is facing the enemy. He is not very sure that he can resist the Immortal King Talisman, but he can escape easily.

"This...how is it possible! How can she be so fast!"

The man was dumbfounded as he watched Shangguan Ming take out a magic weapon that exuded golden immortal energy and disappeared in an instant.

He is also a person at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. Although he is stronger in physique, he is not bad at all in terms of speed, and is faster than most monks at the same level.

That's why he was so sure just now. Even if Shangguan Ming was able to dodge a few attacks, it was completely impossible to dodge all the attacks.

And as long as he is hit once by the attack prompted by the Immortal King Talisman, Shangguan Ming can only be eliminated.

But he never dreamed that the speed of a true fairyland monk could be that fast!

"It's over, it's over. Now that I've offended Shangguan Ming, what should I do if she attacks me when I'm not prepared, or attacks me in the city after the competition?"

The man panicked again after calming down.

If he had killed Shangguan Ming just now, it would have been fine if Shangguan Ming was eliminated.

But in this situation, he will be attacked at any time in the secret realm of mountains and rivers. Judging from the speed at which Shangguan Ming appeared just now, once Shangguan Ming launches an attack on him, there is no chance that he can escape safely!


The sound of the void shattering sounded, and the man felt his scalp numb.


An attack hit his head, instantly knocking him to the ground, and the Immortal King Talisman in his hand was instantly snatched away.

Shangguan Ming removed his magical power to hide his figure and glanced at the man lying on the ground.

Shangguan Ming was also extremely surprised. She said that the man was stupid before, just casually.

Unexpectedly, that man was really stupid, much stupider than his brother Shangguan Boyang.

He knew that his opponent was extremely fast and that he would attack him at any time, but he just stood there in a daze. He didn't even think about escaping. He didn't even move to guard his surroundings.

"Shangguan Ming, you... you can't kill me!"

The big man looked horrified. Although he knew that he died in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, as long as the token on his body was not snatched away or lost, he would not really die. Instead, he would be teleported out of the secret realm of mountains and rivers, still alive and kicking. We can also gain some moral insights from this death.

But... no one wants to die, no one wants to experience death.

Moreover, once he is killed, it means that he has been eliminated. This time he came with great interest, thinking that he would possess the Supreme Immortal King Talisman. Not to mention the first three hundred and sixty, but the first thousand or even the first five hundred. There has to be a place for it, right?

However, just after entering the meeting, he was faced with the result that he was about to be killed and eliminated!

"Why can't I kill you?"

Shangguan Ming asked this question calmly, and then directly killed the man without caring about how he wanted to answer her.

In this secret realm of mountains and rivers, everyone is an opponent, and she will not show mercy to anyone except Shangguan Boyang.

Shangguan Ming felt that he was already merciful enough without snatching the opponent's token, and then letting the opponent really fall into the secret realm of mountains and rivers. There was no way to say whether he could kill someone.

As for forming a team with others, Shangguan Ming had never thought about it.

With her strength, she can live well in the secret realm of mountains and rivers even without forming a team. The most important thing is not to provoke those large teams in the early stage.

After all, if you form a team, you have to always be on guard against whether your teammates will attack behind your back, which is extremely tiring. It just so happens that Shangguan Ming is the type of person who doesn't want to scheming with others.


Outside the secret realm of mountains and rivers, Lin Nan, with two little ones, watched with Qingyue and the Sixth Elder on a high platform.

On the high platform where they were, there were a group of Immortal King Realm powerhouses. The two Immortal King Realm powerhouses from the Haoqi Sect were also there, but they were all polite to Lin Nan's family. Who dares to be disrespectful in the slightest.

Time in the Secret Mountains and Rivers is accelerated. After all, millions of monks from the True Immortal Realm are fighting inside, and the Secret Realm of Mountains and Rivers is vast. If the flow of time in the Secret Realm of Mountains and Rivers is not accelerated, it is completely impossible to get the result within a month.

In addition to accelerating the flow of time, the area of ​​the Mountain and River Secret Realm is also gradually shrinking, preventing some monks from hiding and not coming out, wasting time there.

Lin Nan's family could clearly see the fight between Shangguan Ming and that man just now.

Lin Nan did not express his position, Qingyue nodded slightly, and the Sixth Elder began to pay attention to his disciple Shangguan Boyang after reading Shangguan Ming.

"Eh... Shangguan Boyang is too spineless, isn't he? He was actually won over right away?"

After Ling'er turned her eyes to Shangguan Boyang, she couldn't help but say something.

"Indeed, he was won over so easily by a woman. Sixth Elder, you have to keep working hard. This disciple of yours is really not very good. If you don't teach him well, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back if he goes out alone to practice once in the future. "

After hearing Ling'er's exclamation, Lin Momo also looked at Shangguan Boyang in the secret realm of mountains and rivers. After seeing the situation clearly, she nodded and spoke.

"It doesn't matter, this kid is a bit stupid, but he has a good temper. You have to take your time, don't rush."

The Sixth Elder smiled and shook his head. Apparently after these few days of contact, he was quite satisfied with his disciple.

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