Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1620 Shangguan Boyang’s love!

Shangguan Boyang is in a good mood now. He just met a group of monks, and now he has become a member of the team.

Shangguan Boyang is very passionate about the girl named Ah Rong.

He didn't think Ah Rong was so beautiful, not even comparable to his sister Shangguan Ming, let alone Lingxiao and others.

But Shangguan Boyang was passionate about Ah Rong, and her every smile fascinated him.

Shangguan Boyang felt that this might be what people often call love at first sight. He really fell in love at first sight, because he was not keen on Ah Rong because of her appearance.

"Ah Rong, that silly boy is just an ant in the late stage of true immortality. If we keep him by our side, I'm afraid we will only be a hindrance. After all, he doesn't look very smart no matter how you look at it."

While resting in a valley, the leading monk named Bai Feng contacted Ah Rong through spiritual transmission.

It wasn't that he didn't want to drive Shangguan Boyang away or kill him, but when he saw Shangguan Boyang just now, Ah Rong didn't let him do it, but took the initiative to recruit Shangguan Boyang.

"Bai Feng, eighty-nine of us participated in the competition together. In the end, only eight of us were teleported to a place not far away from each other. Now is the time when we are short of people. After all, there are more than two million monks in Jieyin City. They Almost all of us know each other, and if we don’t win over a few more people, although the eight of us are all strong men in the late stages of the True Fairy Realm, we will be eliminated in a short time.”

Ah Rong responded to Bai Feng with a spiritual message.

"This... is indeed the case, but... Oh! I understand, you mean to recruit some roadside monks to join, and then let those monks be cannon fodder, and the eight of us brothers and sisters will sit back and enjoy the benefits?"

Bai Feng struggled for a while, and then he suddenly realized it when he was about to say it.

"That's right, I see that fool is quite interesting to me. If something goes wrong later, I will test him first to see if he falls in love with me at first sight. If so, it will be effortless to command, and it won't be necessary. Worried that he would do something bad for us.”

Ah Rong said in a message.

Bai Feng gave her a thumbs up, and thought to himself, indeed the most vicious woman in the world has a heart, and she should be more careful about this black widow in the future.

Over there, Shangguan Boyang was sitting on a piece of bluestone with his legs together, his elbows on his knees, his chin in his hands, looking at Ah Rong not far away, in a daze.

He knew in his heart that Ah Rong was not that beautiful. Even excluding his sisters Shangguan Ming, Ling Xiao and others, among the female monks he had seen, there were many who were more beautiful than Ah Rong in terms of true fairyland female cultivators.

But he just had an inexplicable feeling that Ah Rong was his other half. Ever since he first saw Ah Rong not long ago, he had fallen in love with her.

He had even thought about it. After the competition, he would tell his sister and master, and then ask his seniors and the empress to help witness the marriage.

Shangguan Boyang knew that Ah Rong must have heard of Lin Nan and his sister Shangguan Ming, but he didn't want to tell Ah Rong directly because he didn't want Ah Rong to think that he was a loser who relied on his sister and seniors for a while.

He felt that he was very good. Even if he left his sister and seniors, he would not starve to death. Especially when he met Ah Rong, he felt that his luck had changed after he was separated from his sister's protection.

Otherwise, how could we meet Ah Rong?

How could he possibly meet the woman he fell in love with?

If Shangguan Ming knew what kind of situation her stupid brother was in, she would probably go on a rampage. She knew that her brother was a bit stupid, but she never thought that he would be so stupid.

Of course, Shangguan Ming doesn't know this now.

However, the direction in which Shangguan Boyang and his party were walking was exactly opposite the direction in which Shangguan Ming was walking, and it was in a straight line. As long as they did not deviate too much, the two sides could meet in two days.

"Shangguan Boyang, are you Shangguan Ming's younger brother? Are you... living with that mysterious being from Jieyin City?"

Ah Rong came to Shangguan Boyang and asked cautiously.

She only suddenly remembered Shangguan Ming after having a conversation with Bai Feng's spiritual voice just now. She also heard that Shangguan Ming had a younger brother. However, Shangguan Ming's younger brother had not done anything shocking or revealed anything. Therefore, not many people know the name of Shangguan Ming's younger brother.

Ah Rong and others came to pick up Yincheng to participate in the True Immortal Competition. Although they were extremely curious about that mysterious existence, they were limited to that existence. There seemed to be only one person who had more interactions with that existence. Above is Shangguan Ming, a genius recognized by the monks in Jieyin City.

As for Shangguan Ming's little-known brother, Ah Rong and others had no intention of paying attention.

However, she was not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. If the fool in front of her was Shangguan Ming's brother, she would not dare to provoke him.

It's not that he's afraid of Shangguan Ming, but that he's afraid of that mysterious being. He's an extremely ruthless man who almost defeated even the second family in Yincheng. He also heard that he even gave the famous Qingyu Fairy a valuable item. Immortal treasure.

She, a true fairyland monk, couldn't afford to offend such a fierce man. Even if she just touched the people around that being, she wouldn't dare to act recklessly. After all, if she really touched the bottom line of that being, then she would have no place to cry. went.

"Ah? Ah Rong, what did you say? What underworld? What mysterious existence? I came from outside like you, and I am not an aboriginal of Jieyin City. I almost couldn't catch up with the opening of the secret realm of mountains and rivers, so I don't know what you said. I know!"

After Shangguan Boyang thought for a moment, he started to pretend to be dumbfounded.

Seeing Ah Rong's cautious and fearful demeanor when he asked just now, he originally didn't want to tell Ah Rong his family background in advance, thinking that once he told Ah Rong, it would definitely scare Ah Rong, and he might not even be a friend. I can no longer walk with Ah Rong.


Ah Rong was suspicious.

But after taking a closer look at Shangguan Boyang, I felt that there should be nothing wrong with him. No matter how you look at this guy, he is a fool. There is no chance that he could be the younger brother of the genius Shangguan Ming.

After all, she had also heard that although Shangguan Ming's younger brother could not compare with Shangguan Ming, he was still a young genius who only took 1,300 years to achieve the status of a true immortal.

The fool in front of him obviously couldn't do it.

Therefore, Ah Rong felt relieved.

"Have a good rest. We will continue on the road later and see if we can recruit some more people of the same kind. Otherwise, we will probably be eliminated."

No longer worried in his heart, Ah Rong showed a smile to Shangguan Boyang after the heavy stone fell to the ground.

"Ah? Oh, okay! Okay! I understand, thank you Ah Rong for caring so much about me!"

Shangguan Boyang was crazy.

I was very happy in my heart, feeling that Ah Rong also had thoughts about him, otherwise why would she care about him so much?

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