Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1621 The intoxicated Shangguan Boyang!

"It's annoying to the eyes! It's annoying to the ears! This Shangguan Boyang is really stupid!"

"Father, quickly...remove your magical powers quickly, Ling'er and I don't want to hear any more!"

"Yes, yes, father, please remove your magical power, Ling'er is about to be stunned by Shangguan Boyang!"

The two little sisters sitting on both sides of Lin Nan wailed.

He couldn't help but regret in his heart, why he had so shamelessly asked his father to find out the thoughts of Shangguan Boyang and those ants.

Now I'm so embarrassed that I can't even eat delicious food!

Lin Nan put away his magical power after hearing this.

"Lao Liu, this disciple of yours really needs to be taught well. His state of mind is so bad, and his sense of crisis is even worse than that of a normal mortal!"

Qingyue looked at the Sixth Elder beside her.

At the same time, she was very happy in her heart. Fortunately, Lin Nan did not let her accept Shangguan Boyang as a disciple, but instead gave it to the Sixth Elder.

"This... you really need to work hard to get there!"

The Sixth Elder was also jealous and embarrassed.

Although Lin Nan probed into the thoughts of Shangguan Boyang and others, only the five of them could hear.

But... all she cares about is the opinions of the four people around her, and she doesn't care at all what the other monks think of her.

Unfortunately, only his own family members heard it and saw clearly what stupid things Shangguan Boyang was doing and what stupid ideas he was thinking.

That mind... is simply like that of a twelve or thirteen year old child in puberty!

And he’s the kind of kid who doesn’t have a very bright mind!


Amidst the mountains and rivers, Shangguan Ming came to another lakeside and met a group of people hiding their human form.

But those people obviously recognized her and didn't think anything of her. They even moved the hiding place to avoid her misunderstanding.

"I never said I could see you, why are you moving?"

Shangguan Ming found it very interesting. She had killed more than a hundred monks in the past day, but the group of people she met now were clearly at the peak level of the True Immortal Realm, but they were all so afraid of her.

Of course, Shangguan Ming knew that the reason why this team of monks were afraid of him was not because of her strength, but because there was a mysterious senior behind her.

Unlike the monks who had just arrived from other places, the monks in Jieyin City knew everything about the relationship between her and Lin Nan. They also knew that Lin Nan was a ruthless person who could not tolerate sand in his eyes.

"We... that's all. Do you want us to eliminate you, or do you want us to attack you?"

The group of monks removed their concealment methods and appeared together.

There were six people in total, all of whom were at the pinnacle level of the True Immortal Realm, and looking at the dispersion of Qi, they were much stronger than the man Shangguan Ming had dealt with before.

As for the questions they asked Shangguan Ming, they naturally hoped to help Shangguan Ming. In that case, they could at least improve their rankings, so that they would not be eliminated now and would only be ranked in the millions.

"Why should I let you attack me? Why should I trust you?"

Shangguan Ming looked at the six monks calmly.

She was not in a hurry.

She also knew that the six monks would not do anything to her if they teamed up with her.

The reason is very simple. The monks in Jingyin City do not dare to provoke Lin Nan.

Lin Nan asked her to win the first place in Jieyin City, but there was no restriction that she could not take advantage of others, and she could not take advantage of other monks' fear of Lin Nan.

Shangguan Ming was also sure that Lin Nan would not mind her pretending to be a tiger. After all, it was her luck that she could know Lin Nan and allow Lin to practice for a while, and it was also part of her strength.

"Just because we don't dare to provoke your senior, you can trust us. If we follow you, we can save you a lot of effort, and if we summon some monks from the same city, we may be able to guide the senior Three hundred and sixty took over.”

A monk spoke.


Shangguan Ming was slightly startled.

After thinking for a moment, Shangguan Ming smiled and took all the top 360 places. This seemed to be more meaningful than her taking first place alone.

Moreover, from this matter, it would be easier for her to get first place.

Of course, Shangguan Ming knew that Lin Nan was actually a very reasonable person, so after gathering the monks from Yincheng and finally leaving them alone, she didn't mind letting the monks who were not convinced of her own fighting power have a fair fight with her. duel.

"Okay, then let's go all the way and see how many monks we can meet on the way to lead the city."

After thinking about it, Shangguan Ming nodded, and then led the six people in the direction he originally wanted to go.

She didn't know why she was going in that direction, but she felt a voice calling her inexplicably.

In fact, how did she know that not long after she dealt with that man a day ago, her stupid brother put on such a show that Lin Nan couldn't stand it any longer, so he used a little trick to make her think There was something somewhere guiding her.

It is indeed a guide, but it is not secretly guided, but actually guided by the seniors of her family.

It's just that she doesn't know.


"Boyang, you have worked really hard just now. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to pick those nine-turn fairy grass."

Ah Rong wiped Shangguan Boyang's forehead carefully, and there was no sweat stain on his forehead at all.

"Yes, if it weren't for the Shangguan brothers, those monsters would be really difficult to deal with. No matter what, two or three brothers would be injured."

Bai Feng also chatted from the side.

What he said on his lips was what he really thought in his heart.

Before, I thought that Shangguan Boyang was stupid and was only a monk in the late stage of True Immortal Realm, but I didn't expect that Shangguan Boyang's combat power was actually stronger than him.

Along the way, if Shangguan Boyang hadn't taken the lead and sent away the monsters or provoking monks who blocked the road, they would have inevitably had a fierce battle.

"It's all the result of everyone's joint efforts. How can you put all the credit on me? Also, Ah Rong, I also want to hear you sing. The songs you sing are so beautiful. I heard it by chance before. The music played by Fairy Qingyu, if you can partner with Fairy Qingyu, will definitely amaze the entire Central Continent."

Shangguan Boyang was very satisfied.

Especially after he sent away the provocative monk for the first time, when he was resting and adjusting his route, Ah Rong sang a song to him, which made him mesmerized.

"Okay, I'll sing it for you right now."

Ah Rong showed a bright smile.

But he felt extremely disgusted in his heart. Even though he was powerful and talented, he was still just a fool.

How could she, Ah Rong, fall in love with a fool?

At the same time, only this fool would foolishly say that she could partner with Fairy Qingyu, and that her singing voice was worthy of Fairy Qingyu's music.

She knew exactly how much she weighed. Compared with Fairy Qingyu's music, her singing voice was really inferior!

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