Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1624 You are seeking death!

"Ah?" Shangguan Boyang was stunned.

His attention was all on Ah Rong. He just heard Ye Yangyun and others scolding Ah Rong, and he was about to persuade Ye Yangyun and others not to be angry. Then he heard Ye Yangyun yell like this, which made him confused. .

But soon, he also discovered the problem and woke up instantly. If he and Ah Rong walked over together, they would most likely be wiped out.

He didn't think Ah Rong would take action against him. After all, Ah Rong had greeted him and sang specially for him. She was obviously very interesting to him. She was just angry just because she was beaten by Ye Yangyun and others for no reason. It was completely okay. understand.

But he didn't believe in other people, let alone the group of monks who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Isn't it a little late to leave now?"

Ah Rong said coldly.

"You... Ah Rong, what do you mean?"

Shangguan Boyang, who was about to turn around and walk to Ye Yangyun and others, was extremely surprised when he heard Ah Rong's words. He couldn't believe his ears and suspected that he had heard wrongly.

"Brother Fang Mo, come quickly and help us suppress these ten monks. They are all very powerful. They may have secret books and valuable treasures on their bodies."

Bai Feng shouted, and his voice spread.

"Haha, idiot, do you understand now?"

After Bai Feng finished speaking, Ah Rong sneered again and again. Her previous tenderness towards Shangguan Boyang was replaced by disgust and disgust.

"You...impossible, impossible! You obviously also like me and love me, why is this happening!"

Shangguan Boyang's eyes widened, he couldn't believe his eyes or his ears.

"Do it!"

Ah Rong did not respond to Shangguan Boyang, but directly took out the magic weapon to attack Shangguan Boyang. Bai Feng and others also took action quickly.


Shangguan Boyang, who was in a daze, was directly hit by the attack from Ah Rong, who was very close at hand.




Bai Feng and others also launched attacks, all hitting Shangguan Boyang.

However, nothing happened to Shangguan Boyang. On the contrary, Ah Rong and others who attacked him were knocked back a few steps.

"How can this be!"

Ah Rong's beauty turned pale, her face was full of shock, she couldn't believe it would be such a result.

So close, the eight masters attacked together, but they didn't kill Shangguan Boyang and eliminate him from the game. Instead, they were knocked back a few steps by him!

"You are seeking death!"

Ye Yangyun's eyes were about to burst, he roared, and directly used the 200,000 immortal crystals Lin Nan gave him to buy a middle-grade king-grade immortal treasure. Spiritual power, but he can no longer care about that now.

"court death!"

"You bastard, take your life!"

The eight monks who were traveling with Ye Yangyun also took out their magic weapons and rushed towards Ah Rong and others.

Even if there was no Lin Nan behind the Shangguan siblings, they would still choose to take action when they were traveling with Ye Yangyun when they encountered today's scene.

What's more, behind Shangguan Boyang is that mysterious being who has three immortal masters under his command, making even the masters of the Haoqi Sect fear and respect him.

If they stand idly by now, it is entirely possible that they will be missed by that unreasonable and extremely tyrannical mysterious existence!

"What? Wangpin...immortal treasure!"

"How is it possible that no matter how rich the monks from Jingyin City are, they can't afford to buy a king-level immortal treasure in the True Immortal Realm!"

"He... how did he do it! And that... seems to be a middle-grade king-grade immortal treasure!"

As Wangpin Xianbao's Qi flowed out, Ah Rong and others' expressions changed dramatically. There was no need to fight anymore!

"Nigga, as long as I'm not here, it's your turn to be so arrogant!"

With a roar, the more than 20 monks were already nearby, and the leader actually took out a King-grade Immortal Treasure. However, it was only an elementary-level King-grade Immortal Treasure, incomparable to Ye Yangyun's.

However, there is no difference between the primary-level King-level Immortal Treasure and the mid-level King-level Immortal Treasure. After all, they can only activate a small amount of the power of the King-level Immortal Treasure.

"This...why fellow Taoist Fang Mo also has a king-grade immortal treasure? How come we don't know!"

"Yes... it's so... it's incredible. Fang Mo has never revealed it before!"

"It's so terrifying... Fellow Taoist Fang Mo is hiding too deeply!"

They were shocked when Ye Yangyun took out the Wang-grade Immortal Treasure, and then saw Fang Mo, who came to support, take out the Wang-grade Immortal Treasure. Ah Rong and others were shocked.

But fortunately, Fang Mo came from the same area as them, and they had already discussed it before coming. If they met in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, they should support each other, otherwise they would be beaten by the local people when the True Immortal Competition was over. All the monks targeted and even killed him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Before Fang Mo arrived, Ye Yangyun and others had already launched an attack.

Although Ye Yangyun and others could not attack with all their strength because Shangguan Boyang was still stunned, they still forced Ah Rong and others to retreat four to fifty feet away.


Suddenly, Shangguan Boyang looked up to the sky and roared.

Glancing at Ah Rong with a solemn expression, Shangguan Boyang was heartbroken, but he no longer hesitated and took out the top-grade immortal treasure that the Sixth Elder had refined for him.

In fact, the clothes he is wearing now are also the robes specially made for him by the Sixth Elder. It is a top-grade fairy treasure robe. Otherwise, he would not have been able to remain intact under the attack of Ah Rong and others just now.

"Brother Ye, let's go!"

Shangguan Boyang, Ye Yangyun and others gathered together, and then struck Fang Mo who was not far away from them and wanted to launch an attack.


The two attacks collided, and Fang Mo's attack was scattered. However, Shangguan Boyang's attack did not retain much power. Fang Mo did not dodge and allowed the remaining attacks to impact him.


Fang Mo roared again, and then rushed towards Shangguan Boyang and others first. More than 20 monks behind him also caught up and sacrificed their magic weapons.



Ah Rong and Bai Feng spoke out at the same time, and then, together with the six monks around them, they attacked Shangguan Boyang and others.

In fact, Ah Rong has regretted it now.

Especially when Ye Yangyun took out the Wangpin Immortal Treasure, and the people who were traveling with Ye Yangyun also took out the Immortal Treasure one after another, she had already realized that the status of these people in the city was not low, and she had offended her. They may not be able to leave Jieyin City unharmed after the True Immortal Competition.

Especially when Shangguan Boyang took out the top-grade immortal treasure and was able to dissipate Fang Mo's attack with the king-grade immortal treasure, Ah Rong felt her heart go cold.

A top-grade fairy treasure that can fully unleash Shangguan Boyang's power. This... is much more precious to low-level monks than a king-grade fairy treasure!

Ah Rong was scared, fearing that Ye Yangyun and others would be liquidated after the True Immortal Competition, so...she wanted to kill Ye Yangyun and others here completely!

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