Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1625 Lin Nan takes action!


Shangguan Ming frowned, she finally saw the clues, and cooperated with her stupid brother to have feelings for this woman who was not worth lingering at all?

"Sister, I..."

Shangguan Boyang's face was red and he didn't know how to face his sister.

Under the protection of Shangguan Ming, he almost never left home, so even if he had become a true immortal monk, it was because of his physical condition. In terms of his state of mind, he was not just a little bit different, it was simply a world of difference.

However, this time he took a big step in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, and directly experienced the tribulation of love in the mortal world that most monks wanted to experience in order to sharpen their Taoism, but had no chance to encounter it.

"It goes without saying, seniors and the others are watching. You can make your own decision, whether to let her go or kill her."

Shangguan Ming raised his hand, and after saying these words, he led the group of cultivators to the side, leaving space for Shangguan Boyang.

"You... stay away from me, you fool! You bastard!"

Seeing Shangguan Boyang approaching her, Ah Rong screamed immediately.

She hated Shangguan Boyang with all her heart.

If this fool had admitted directly at the beginning instead of lying to her that he had nothing to do with Shangguan Ming, he was from a foreign country and was not a monk from Yingyin City.

Then how could she be willing to treat him as cannon fodder, and how could she be willing to take action against him without even thinking when she met Fang Mo and his group?

All this is because of this fool. If it weren't for this fool, she would have become Shangguan Ming's sister-in-law. After leaving the secret realm, she might be favored by that mysterious existence, and from then on she would become a phoenix.

But all of this was in vain because of the fool in front of her, a mirror in the mirror, and the source of great pain and regret for her!

"Ah Rong, it was my fault before, I shouldn't have lied to you, please don't be angry, okay?"

Shangguan Boyang walked to Ah Rong, full of guilt, and said sadly.

"Get out! Get out! It's all because of you, a fool. Otherwise, how could I have lost all my cultivation, how could I have lost the opportunity to fly up a branch and become a phoenix! It's all because of you! Go to hell! "

Ah Rong's mind began to become confused, and she kept slapping Shangguan Boyang. If she could, she would like to slap Shangguan Boyang into a pulp.


Shangguan Boyang responded, then stood up sadly and walked towards where Shangguan Ming and others were.

As soon as Shangguan Boyang left, Arong immediately panicked. She was just an ordinary mortal now. If she were left here like this, she would be killed by monsters or other monks in a short time.

You know, the surroundings are filled with a strong smell of blood. After Shangguan Ming and others killed Fang Mo and others, they did not dispel the smell of blood.

"Shangguan Boyang, get the hell away from me. If you dare to come back again, you are just a person who has a mother but no father to teach you. I..."

However, Ah Rong opened her mouth and was so frightened that she quickly closed her mouth and widened her eyes.

She really wanted to scold Shangguan Boyang before, and now she also wants to scold Shangguan Boyang in her heart, and would even kill Shangguan Boyang without hesitation if she could.

But her life now depends entirely on Shangguan Boyang's willingness to save her, so how could she curse Shangguan Boyang again who has left.

But...she just cursed without any reason. She originally wanted to call Shangguan Boyang back gently and softly!

Ah Rong was shocked, because after she spoke again, she was still cursing Shangguan Boyang instead of calling him softly, and Shangguan Boyang quickened his pace to leave because of her curse.

The back figure that was originally a little sad and hesitant gradually stopped after she cursed twice, and left naturally and resolutely!

Ah Rong wanted to get up and catch up with Shangguan Boyang to explain the problem to him, but she found that she couldn't move, and her skin was aging visibly to the naked eye!

"It was senior who took action!"

Shangguan Ming was surprised, and the others were also startled, and their expressions changed drastically.

They knew before that the mysterious strong man might be watching them, but now that they were sure that he was indeed being watched by that mysterious being, they were shocked and frightened that that being could actually remain calm outside the secret realm of mountains and rivers. of murder!

They were convinced that Lin Nan could not only kill Ah Rong, whose cultivation had been abolished, but if they did anything treacherous, Lin Nan would be able to kill them in an instant.

This secret realm of mountains and rivers is not an ordinary cave world, but was created by the twelve immortal sects of the Central Continent who gathered together and refined it unknown how many years ago.

The secret realms of mountains and rivers that are 360 ​​miles away are all related. Even the powerful immortal realm cannot enter the secret realm of mountains and rivers to kill people after the competition begins. This is to ensure the success of the real immortal competition and the golden immortal competition. Absolutely fair, winning or losing depends on one's own strength and luck, no one can interfere from the outside world.

But now, that mysterious being taught Shangguan Ming to be extremely powerful in half a month. Not only did he reach the peak of the True Immortal Realm, but he also directly became an invincible monk in the True Immortal Realm. That existence was actually able to The magic was transmitted into the secret realm of mountains and rivers, and the most terrifying magical power of the years was directly used, causing Ah Rong to die in endless fear and despair.

This... is so terrifying. They have never thought that such a terrifying existence exists in this world!

"Sister, let's... let's go!"

Shangguan Boyang walked up to Shangguan Ming and saw a look of surprise on Shangguan Ming's face. He thought his sister was surprised that he actually let go. He couldn't help but stutter when he spoke.

After he walked this way, he never looked back at Ah Rong. Those two curses from Ah Rong made him more determined, but he still didn't dare to look back because he was afraid that he would suddenly become soft-hearted. In that case, Not only will he continue to suffer, but he will also make his sister extremely disappointed in him.

Therefore, he did not know that Ah Rong had turned into ashes and dissipated in this secret realm of mountains and rivers when he walked in front of Shangguan Ming.

"Okay, let's go."

Shangguan Ming nodded, and then didn't stop any longer, but he never told Shangguan Boyang about Lin Nan's action.

She didn't want Shangguan Boyang to think that Lin Nan was extremely disappointed with him, and in the end he couldn't help but lower his status and personally kill Ah Rong, whose cultivation had been abolished.

She felt that since Lin Nan would take action, it meant that Lin Nan was not too disappointed in Shangguan Boyang, so she did not tell Shangguan Boyang about Lin Nan's action because she did not want Shangguan Boyang to have wild thoughts.

After walking fifty or sixty miles, Shangguan Boyang finally couldn't help but look back. At this glance, he gave up completely and laughed at himself: "You don't want to see me, so you don't want me to see you either!"

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