Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1626 Kill all the monks in Jie Yincheng!

In the next more than half a year, Shangguan Ming and his party traveled through the secret realm of mountains and rivers. The number of people in the team has exceeded 50,000. In fact, there should be more than 60,000 people, but nearly 10,000 died due to various reasons. Multiple people.

But the more than 10,000 people who died were just eliminated. No one was robbed of tokens by the enemy and then directly killed in the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

Shangguan Boyang has also come out of the shadows and told him that the two days when he met Ah Rong were the happiest days for him. It was also during those two days that he understood what love is and what love is. It's hate, and I know more about choices.

In those two days, Shangguan Boyang realized too many truths and experienced too many emotional twists and turns that normal monks may not be able to experience in thousands of years.

Today, Shangguan Boyang has reached the peak level of the True Immortal Realm and has become a strong player in the team who is only weaker than Shangguan Ming.

"Ah Ming, this time because of us, the secret realm of mountains and rivers in our city seems to have shrunk very quickly. It has only been half a year. It has only been three days since the outside world has shrunk to this level. You must know that in the past, it has only reached the third level. It took six years to reduce it to this level. Could it be the instruction of the seniors?"

Ye Yangyun walked to Shangguan Ming's side with a solemn expression.

Because from the words of a team of 100 people who had just been eliminated, they learned that more than 500 miles ahead, they had reached the end again and could no longer go forward.

According to the map, this place is not far from the central area of ​​the mountain and river secret realm. The secret realm wall has now shrunk to here, which is so unexpected that it is unbelievable.

"Senior should not interfere in this kind of thing. If it is correct, it should be because we have too many teams in the formation, and then the number of people is eliminated too quickly. It is much faster than the previous True Immortal Competition. In just half a year, it has already It’s equivalent to the number of eliminations in previous five or six years, so it’s reduced to this level.”

Shangguan Ming shook his head and then analyzed.

There are a large number of them, among them there are five to six thousand who are good at speed, and there are also a few who have extraordinary eyesight. They are not gathered in a group along the way, but they are hunted down like a carpet. Whenever they encounter foreign monks, they will eliminate them. Out.

Otherwise, they would not have lost ten thousand people.

But the number of monks who were eliminated by them in the past six months was six to seven million, not to mention that the other monks would also be fighting.

"Miss Shangguan, a bunch of monks are rushing over from behind. They seem to be divided into more than a hundred lineups, but each lineup has two to three hundred people. They should be united to attack us."

There were monks with excellent eyesight who were not much inferior to hers and came to report.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Ming directly ordered the formation to be on guard, and then came to the rear of the large army. When he saw the group of monks who were less than 200 miles away from them.

There are more than a hundred teams, most of which have a number of ten or two thousand people, and even if there are a few, there are more than a hundred people.

Judging from the menacing look, it was obvious that he was here to fight them to the death.

Shangguan Ming was not worried. If he had assembled a large group of monks to contain them earlier, they would not have developed to this scale now. But by now, it was too late to stop them.

Although the ones who can survive to this day are all monks with some tricks and trump cards, they are not vegetarians here either.

Moreover, the opponent's total number is only twenty or thirty thousand, and a fierce battle with more than fifty thousand people will only result in defeat.

Shangguan Ming knows this, and the other party must also know it, so there is only one possibility left. There are not many monks left in the secret realm of mountains and rivers. With their group, they may not even be able to get 150,000. Yes.

Millions of monks killed this number in just half a year, which broke the record since the True Immortal Competition was held!

"Old rules, everyone is in position and kill them all."

After Shangguan Ming observed clearly, he calmly gave the order.

For more than a year, even though new people have joined from time to time, everyone is a true fairyland monk. After a little getting used to it, without even going through actual combat drills, they have been able to cooperate with each other in an extremely tacit understanding.

And they don't have to worry about their teammates retaliating, unlike the monks who rushed towards them and wanted to fight them to the death, but failed to form a rope.

In terms of numbers, they had a clear advantage, and in terms of team coordination, they overwhelmed each other, so no one had anything to worry about.

Although I know that many people will be eliminated this time, they don't care too much. After all, even if they are eliminated, they will not die, and their rankings are already extremely high. When the time comes, they will all be at the top of the ranking list. The densely packed Jie Yin City monks and the spectacular scene made them excited just thinking about it.


"Shangguan Ming, take your life!"

"Kill! Kill Shangguan Ming and kill all the monks in Jieyin City!"

There were about 30,000 monks, roaring and sprinting over. The distance of two hundred miles was not very far for them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But before they could rush forward and launch an attack, Shangguan Ming's side already had thousands of disgusting monks attacking from extremely far away, and their power would not be compromised. They launched attacks one after another, hitting the group of monks who were sprinting.

"Ah! It's over... I'm done! It's... I've finally survived until now, but I was eliminated from the competition for no apparent reason!"

"I...ouch...I'm not willing to give in!"

"The monks from Jieyin City have gone too far to bully others! They have gone too far to bully others! They are so shameless and so despicable!"

"Escape quickly, run away quickly. If this continues, nearly half of us will be killed or injured before we get close. Even if we are all eliminated, I am afraid that only two or three thousand people in Jieyin City will be eliminated. Too... …It’s so worthless!”

"Ouch... run away... ow..."

As countless attacks fell, the monks who were originally fierce and screaming to kill Shangguan Ming and kill all the monks in Jingyin City suddenly fled screaming.

Not everyone was running away, but five or six thousand people stopped in an instant, hesitated for a moment, and then ran away, no longer staying in this place of right and wrong.

In addition to the more than 1,000 people who were directly killed by me in the round of attacks just now, there are only more than 20,000 monks who continue to rush forward, which is a direct reduction of one-sixth!

What was even more fatal was that they had lost their morale. The previous fierce momentum had been destroyed by that round of attacks. After the five or six thousand people fled, all of them were gone.

The monks who continue to rush towards the Jieyin City camp are because they really can't stand what the Jieyin City cultivators are doing. They will be eliminated sooner or later anyway, so it is better to give the Jieyin City cultivators a heavy blow, and then in the outside world Watch the collision between the Jieyin City group cultivators and another team.

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