Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1631 You are too weak!

Lingman has a strong fighting spirit.

Ling'er looked ordinary, but from the little girl's silly grin, showing two small tiger teeth, it could be seen that she was extremely happy.

When the monks around him saw this, they all dispersed and made way for an open space.

The monk who ascended from the lower world fights with the daughter of the mysterious existence. This is the first and most likely the last scene. It must not be missed.

Lingman took out the big sword again, and the power of the sword was surging, compelling people's hearts and souls.

Nineteen swords to kill the immortal!

Lingman was very straightforward. He did not keep testing like he did when talking to Shangguan Ming in the secret realm of Shanhe. Instead, he directly used his magical power without saying anything.

Nineteen sword rays!

Shattering the void, it rushed towards Ling'er, as if it would split the little girl in half in the next moment!

Lingman has now become a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm. He once again used the Nineteen Immortal Killing Swords, which was many times more powerful than when he fought Shangguan Ming before.

More importantly, after entering the Golden Immortal Realm, in the battle that only lasted a few hours, she once again sharpened her sword skills and perfected the Nineteen Immortal Killing Swords!

Facing the nineteen sword lights coming from the broken void, Ling'er didn't take out the fairy treasure in a hurry, but slowly raised her little hand, and finally tapped out a finger.




The soft sound continued, and the nineteen sword lights shattered one after another and dissipated after touching the light emitted by Ling'er's fingers.

The nineteen rays of sword light that shattered the void before, seemed to be able to break through the sky, and were indestructible. It seemed that it was everyone's illusion. Those sword lights had never appeared in this world!


Lingman was stunned and couldn't believe this was true.

She is now in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. Even the monks in the late Golden Immortal Realm are mostly destined to be killed by her. There are very few late-stage Golden Immortal Realm monks who can compete with her or kill her.

However, Ling'er, who was both an early stage cultivator in the Golden Fairy Realm with her, managed to crack one of her strongest magical powers lightly, seemingly without using any force at all!

"How is it possible! Lingman is not weaker than us, and is even slightly stronger. She... was actually easily neutralized by that little girl with the strongest magical power!"

"It's incredible! Judging from the qi and blood flowing out, that little girl is only seven or eight years old. It's actually... too terrifying!"

"My daughter alone is so defiant and terrifying. How terrifying will that senior... be?!"

Like Lingman, the twelve monks who had ascended from the lower world were no longer calm after seeing the scene where Ling'er easily resolved the nineteen sword lights.

Which one of them in the lower realm is not amazingly talented?

Even though they ascended to this mid-continent, they were still astonishingly talented, and few monks could match them.

But now, a little girl of seven or eight years old easily defused the attack of Ling Man, who was no weaker than them!

"This... am I dazzled? In the secret realm of mountains and rivers, Shangguan Ming had fought with the monk from the lower realm named Lingman before, and they also fought against each other after the war began. They were evenly matched from beginning to end, but ...Why was that little girl able to easily neutralize the strongest magical power?"

"You are not dazzled, and don't be surprised, because... she is the daughter of that being. Together with her sister, she led seven other proud daughters of heaven to directly attack the Ye family and destroy the three main halls of the Ye family. The front hall of One!”

"It's so terrifying! If that being really exerts his full strength, I'm afraid the entire Central Continent... would be smashed to pieces by his old man, right?!"

The monks who were watching were also extremely surprised.

They knew that as the daughter of that existence, Ling'er would not be weak.

But... being forced like this is completely unreasonable!

Lingman is also a proud daughter of heaven, even stronger than the proud daughters of heaven at the same level in the Central Continent, and will definitely enter the realm of the Immortal King in the future. But now... Ling'er has easily cracked the most powerful magical power. A full blow!

It’s so outrageous, so unreasonable, so evil!

How can other monks and other geniuses survive this!

"You are too weak!"

Ling'er looked at Lingman, her little face full of disappointment.

After saying that, Ling'er glanced at Shangguan Ming with wide eyes, and the look of disappointment on her face became even stronger.

She originally thought that Shangguan Ming should have made great progress, so Lingman's ability was not much different from Shangguan Ming's, which meant that he was also extremely strong.

But unexpectedly, it turned out that she had overthought everything. Shangguan Ming had not made much progress, and Lingman was pitifully weak.

After being glanced at by Ling'er full of resentment and disappointment, Shangguan Ming felt that he couldn't smile bitterly, but he was not angry at all. After all, Ling'er was indeed much better than her, and it was useless to be angry. The gap was there.

"you you……"

When Lingman came back from his dazed state, he heard Ling'er's words, 'You're too weak', and he was immediately angry.

He was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"Huh? Are you still a little stammerer? Weren't you fine in the secret realm of mountains and rivers before? Do you want my father to help you cure it?"

Seeing that Lingman didn't say anything for a long time, Ling'er was suddenly surprised, opened her mouth wide, opened her watery eyes, and asked Lingman kindly.

"You...you're so mad at me!"

Lingman was about to cry. She was the supreme being in the lower realm, but she was actually treated as a mute by a seven or eight-year-old girl. If the believers and demons under her command in the lower realm found out, they would laugh out loud!

"Being angry is not good for your health. With your small frame and small body, if you get angry, it will really be over. If you burst into anger, you may die."

Ling'er said foolishly, blankly, and with concern.


Lingman wanted to cry but had no tears. She felt that Ling'er was deliberately mocking her, but looking at Ling'er's innocent and sincere face, she still couldn't say anything!

"Ling'er, okay, let's go."

Lin Nan finally spoke.

Through Ling'er's action, Lingman and others were able to understand the situation. Although they were talented people, they really didn't count in his eyes.

But before Lin Nan could leave with Ling'er and others, Lingman put away the sword, ran to him, and knelt down with a thud.

"Senior, I still want to worship you as my teacher!"

Lingman said extremely seriously and sincerely.

"I don't accept disciples."

Lin Nan said lightly.

"Then I'd rather be an errand boy for senior. As long as senior is willing to give me some pointers when he's free, I'll be extremely satisfied."

Lingman still said firmly.

The person in front of me is a peerless being! She had to be firm and sincere. If she missed it, it would be gone. There would be no store like this after passing this village, so she had to seize the opportunity!

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