Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1632 You don’t want to?

The bones of the monks who ascended from the lower world are all hard. This is something that everyone in the world of immortal cultivation in the Central Continent knows.

Especially for a proud woman like Lingman, there is absolutely no possibility of kneeling down for anyone. Moreover, the monks in the lower world pay attention to the belief of invincibility. Who else has the desire to be a king, even if they face the powerful of the Immortal Realm? He forcibly endured the oppression and vowed not to kneel to the death.

But now Lingman knelt down without hesitation.

This made the onlookers stunned for a moment, but they soon felt relieved. If they could follow Lin Nan by kneeling, then they would kneel down without hesitation.

It's a pity that Lin Nan is not so easy to recruit followers and help others to recruit disciples.

What happened to Ye Yangyun and others has been spread in Jieyin City, and everyone knows what kind of person Lin Nan is.

Now that I'm interested, I think you're pretty good. Even if you're like the four female cultivators and don't have much room for improvement, Lin Nan will still give you a chance.

If you are not interested or think you are not good enough, even if you are still malleable like Ye Yangyun, they will not pay attention to you at all.

Ye Yangyun is among the crowd now. He has no resentment towards Lin Nan. Instead, he silently regards Lin Nan as his master. After all, Lin Nan gave him a great Rodan.

Although Lin Nan said that he was expected to reach the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, Ye Yangyun discovered after refining the Great Rod Pill that he had actually reached the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm and had full hope of entering the Immortal King Realm.

And now, in the previous battle, he no longer suppressed the realm and directly entered the Golden Immortal Realm. This was something he had never dared to think about before. After all, his foundation was not good. He could not even step into the Golden Immortal Realm. There is no hope at all in Golden Wonderland.

Moreover, Lin Nan also gave him 200,000 immortal crystals, which was an astronomical figure!

Shangguan's family owed Feng Baiwu 200,000 yuan. Feng Baiwu took pity on Shangguan Ming, a woman who took care of Shangguan Boyang and had to bear huge debts at the same time, so he mortgaged Shangguan Ming's grandfather to him, which was originally worth only 40,000 to 50,000 cents. Jing's top-grade immortal treasure directly offset 100,000 immortal crystals for Shangguan Ming.

But even with these 100,000 immortal crystals, Shangguan Ming almost sold off all the slightly valuable items in the Shangguan Mansion, and the thirteen of them helped to collect more than 40,000 immortal crystals. In the end, they were not able to repay them within the agreed time limit. I owe ten thousand immortal crystals!

And Lin Nan gave him such a heaven-defying opportunity just because he helped Shangguan Ming!

Having seen Shangguan Boyang and Shangguan Ming before, they walked up to the stand where many powerful men were standing without any scruples, and saluted and greeted Lin Nan. Ye Yangyun almost couldn't help but run over to greet them.

But he still held it back, and Lin Nan also said that he should not appear in front of Lin Nan again!

But now, when Ye Yangyun saw Lingman kneeling, he finally could no longer suppress his inner impulse and immediately ran over and knelt side by side with Lingman.

"Senior has shown kindness to Yang Yun. Yang Yun does not dare to ask for anything more. He only asks senior to let Yang Yun follow him. Whenever senior speaks, even if it costs Yang Yun's life, Yang Yun will not hesitate for a moment!"

After kowtowing three times, Ye Yangyun spoke.

Everyone could hear that these were his true words, and he showed his true feelings at this moment!

"Oh, then get up. If you encounter some unsighted monks from now on, you will be responsible for taking care of them."

Lin Nan nodded slightly.

Ye Yangyun's performance in the secret realm of mountains and rivers was quite good. He protected the Shangguan siblings at all times and did not have any extra thoughts. It was not just to show them off, so his impression of Ye Yangyun had changed.

But before Ye Yangyun could thank him, Lin Nan made a pointer and said: "Don't covet Lingxiao and the others, especially Qingyue and the others. Otherwise, they will want to kill you. I It won’t be stopped.”

Ye Yangyun's face suddenly turned red and he felt extremely embarrassed, especially when a look came to him. Although he did not raise his head to look, he knew that it was Qingyue looking at him.

A powerful person in the Immortal Realm!

Moreover, when he and his companions went to Shangguan Mansion to find Lin Nan, they actually coveted three immortal masters!

Looking back now, Ye Yangyun feels terrified. They were not directly shot to death at that time. They were already blessed with great blessings!

Seeing Ye Yangyun stand up and stand obediently behind Lin Nan and others, calmly acting as a follower, Lingman, who was still kneeling on the ground, suddenly became anxious.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

He also rang his head three times in succession, and then, unlike Ye Yangyun who lowered his head to explain what was in his heart, he raised his little head and looked at Lin Nan firmly.

"Senior, I don't ask for anything else. I just want to be able to follow senior and help him deal with a small character who has no eyesight. Although I am not as good as your precious daughter, but... I can't say I am better than Shangguan Boyang and Ye Yang. Yun is stronger."

Lingman said very seriously.

Everyone could also see that she really meant what she said, especially that sentence that was stronger than Shangguan Boyang and Ye Yangyun.

Shangguan Boyang's face was ugly. In the secret realm of mountains and rivers, he was killed by Lingman's knife, otherwise his ranking would have been higher.

Lingman actually compared him now, which made him not happy at all.

Ye Yangyun was very calm. He was also killed by Lingman in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, but Lingman told the truth and was indeed much stronger than him, so he had nothing to be angry about.

"That's right. With a little stammer like you by our side, my sister and I could have listened to stories for a day. You should be able to tell us stories for ten days and eight months. This is a great thing. Remember to keep you in the lower world. If you speak too quickly or if your speech is not exciting, I will kick you out."

Before Lin Nan said anything, Ling'er waved her hand and allowed Lingman to become a follower. From the looks of it, it was obvious that he had been appointed as her and Lin Momo's personal follower.


Lingman wanted to cry again. She was selected because of the little stuttering impression she had left on Ling'er just now.

Moreover, if she really becomes the follower of the two little sisters, the nickname "Little Stutterer" will definitely accompany her all the time!

What she couldn't accept the most was that Ling'er only asked her to tell a story, but also asked her not to speak fast, which meant that she had to tell it in a stuttering tone, and she had to tell it wonderfully!

There is no one in this world who can stutter and tell stories wonderfully!

"Huh? Little Stammer, you don't want to?"

Seeing Lingman's expression of embarrassment, Ling'er immediately put her hands on her hips and stared at Lingman.

"Yes! Yes!"

Lingman could only agree with a sad face. After all, she was close to Lin Nan. Besides, Lin Nan's entourage included a powerful Immortal Realm. As long as she performed well, she didn't have to worry about anyone giving her guidance.

In particular, Ling'er alone has the ability to guide her in her practice. She is naturally willing, but she is a little worried about how to get along with the very nervous Ling'er today!

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