Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1637 Suppress these witches!

"Shut up, sir."

Young Master Chu Heng shouted loudly, causing the fifteen followers to shut their mouths instantly.

Young Master Chu Heng was very excited now. He found that he really fell in love with the woman in front of him. Whether it was temperament or strength, she was a wonderful gift prepared by God for Young Master Chu Heng!

"Little lady, I will have a fight with you. If you lose, you will obey my name. If you win, I will no longer have any plans for you or target you. How about that?"

Young Master Chu Heng is very generous and never bullies others or uses his power to oppress others. He is a good person who likes to reason and convince others with reason.

But he didn't think he would lose. He was able to marry the descendant of the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace not entirely because his grandfather was the only disciple of another Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace.

It's because he, Master Chu Heng, is truly amazingly talented and extremely talented. He has only been practicing Taoism for less than ten thousand years and is already about to enter the realm of the Immortal King.

Compared to his wife, it seems to be much faster. After all, his wife only entered the realm of the Immortal King after practicing Taoism for more than 13,000 years.

In Young Master Chu Heng's view, Lingxiao was extremely talented, and her aptitude was not inferior to him at all. She was far more powerful than his wife at home. She might become a powerful person in the Immortal Realm in the future.

After all, he had never seen Lingxiao, nor had he heard of any great master having a disciple like Lingxiao. Therefore, he might have simply concluded that Lingxiao was from a small sect or a monk who ascended from the lower world. He is just a casual cultivator.

But soon, Lingxiao’s words made Master Chu Heng dumbfounded.

"You have been practicing Taoism for four thousand years, and you are the most idiotic monk I have ever seen."

Lingxiao's tone was still very calm.


Young Master Chu Heng was shocked when he heard this.

Although Lin Momo and Ling'er did not hide their Qi and blood, Lingxiao and others did not release their Qi and blood, so he could not tell Lingxiao's age.

The reason why I think Lingxiao is amazingly talented is because Lingxiao actually has a king-grade natal immortal treasure. This is an absolutely shocking event. Even in Beidou Palace, there are only those who have been personally guided by the immortal master. Only the proud son of heaven can cultivate the king-level natal immortal treasure before entering the realm of the Immortal King.

And Lingxiao actually told him now that she had only been practicing Taoism for four thousand years. How could this prevent him from being shocked!

"I've given you so long to talk nonsense, you should be satisfied, right? Then, it will be my turn to talk sense to you."

Lingxiao's tone was still very calm, but an extremely powerful murderous aura instantly overflowed from his body.

The king-grade natal immortal treasure in her hand was activated, and she used a magical power!


Shangguan Ming once used this magical power in the secret realm of mountains and rivers during the True Immortal Competition in Jieyin City. It is one of the several major magical powers in Guanghan Palace.

But now it is displayed by Lingxiao. Although the brilliance is soft, it gives people the feeling of being extremely sharp and capable of cutting off everything in the world.

The 'Moonlight' magical power displayed by Shangguan Ming is completely incomparable to that displayed by Lingxiao. It is not only the difference in realm, but also the understanding of this magical power, the method and magical power of Guanghan Palace. .

Shangguan Ming's foundation is similar to that of Lingxiao. He has practiced another method and other magical powers since he was a child. He only recently started to come into contact with the Guanghan Palace method and magical powers.

Not only now, but also in the future, if there are no big changes or great opportunities, Shangguan Ming will never be able to catch up with Lingxiao in terms of Guanghan Palace's magical powers.

"Be bold!"

"court death!"

"Quickly, protect the young master and kill these witches!"

Lingxiao took action without any warning, frightening Master Chu Heng's entourage, and they all started screaming strangely.

Everyone took out their magic weapons, some went to protect Mr. Chu Heng, and some attacked Lingxiao and others.

"You are so audacious. You are so bold that you dare to attack the young master!"

"Yes, it's your good fortune that the young master has taken a liking to you. You little bitch actually doesn't know what's good or bad. You will be fined if you don't eat the toast. I'll leave the token behind and die here for real!"

"Uncle, I have been following the Young Master for so many years and I have never seen such a shameless woman like you. If the Young Master asks you to crawl, you must crawl honestly. If the Young Master asks you to lie down, you cannot kneel. If the Young Master asks you to kneel, , you can't lie down! Today, you succeeded in irritating me!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just kill her. This little bitch is one of those people who won't shed tears until she sees the coffin. Just kill her and it's over!"

"Yes, kill him directly! If you dare to provoke our young master, you will have no choice but to die!"

This group of followers at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm were very angry. Even when attacking, they had to roar with their spiritual thoughts to alleviate the anger in their hearts.

They are so angry. They have never seen such a mean woman fall in love with Young Master Chu Heng. That is your luck. You actually took action against Young Master Chu Heng!

If this little bitch is not killed, won’t cats and dogs dare to run wild in front of Master Chu Heng from now on?


Lingxiao said this lightly.

Just when she finished speaking, the light emitted by Yuehui's magical power had already collided with the attacks of the nine peak Golden Fairy Realm monks who had attacked her.


There was a loud bang.

The brilliance emitted by Yuehui's magical power all disappeared.

However, all the attacks launched by the nine peak Golden Immortal monks have disappeared.

"How can this be!"

"Oh my god, what's going on? What's going on? Our attack...how...how is it...cancelled compared to that bitch's attack?!"

"No...unbelievable! Could it be that this time...Young Master really kicked the iron plate?"

Young Master Chu Heng's followers were shocked, dumbfounded and in disbelief.

Someone can actually neutralize the attacks they jointly launched. This... this is completely impossible!

We are all monks at the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal Realm. Even if you are extremely talented and have already accumulated the King-grade Immortal Treasure before entering the Immortal King Realm, you...cannot have such strong combat power!

You must know that with the nine of them joining forces, even a strong person in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm would have to retreat when he saw them, otherwise he would most likely be killed by them.

You must know that to be able to become Young Master Chu Heng's attendants, they went through countless selections before being arranged by Young Master Chu Heng's grandfather who was at the peak of the Immortal King Realm to be with Young Master Chu Heng!

Especially in a situation like the Golden Immortal Competition, which is full of changes, they can follow up. In addition to being extremely powerful, they are also loyal and will not let go at all.

Therefore... Lingxiao's power is beyond their ability to accept!

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