Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1638 Your elders are too weak!

"Fuck, this woman is so scary. I don't want her anymore. Speed, speed. I want to leave the secret realm of mountains and rivers. Damn it, it's so scary!"

Young Master Chu Heng was frightened.

He had to be afraid that as one of the most amazingly talented people in the Central Continent, he had seen too many of Heaven's proud daughters, Heaven's proud sons, and all kinds of geniuses.

But, I have never seen a guy as scared as Lingxiao!

He knew very well how strong these followers of his were. Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant and domineering in the Golden Immortal Competition where there were so many prodigies and geniuses everywhere?

But he never expected that even in this way, he could actually kick the iron plate!

This woman is more terrifying than those monks who ascended from the lower world!

Young Master Chu Heng is not afraid of death, but he is a man who cherishes his life very much. Who would want to die if he could not die?

After all, his status in this life has been as high as it can get.

If, because of being suppressed by others, and then reincarnated into an ordinary family, there would be no place to cry.

How can he still eat, drink and have fun, and how can he search for beauties from all over the world?

He is really not afraid of death, but death really does no good to him at all, so he is really panicking now. He doesn't want to lose everything he has now!

"Want to leave?"

Lingxiao's tone has changed. It is no longer calm. Now it is extremely cold. If a mortal or a low-level monk hears her words, he will definitely die instantly!

The bright moon shrouds you!

Another Guanghan Palace magical power, and it was a great magical power. Not only Lingxiao was the only one who used it, but Lingqing and the other six women also used it.

There is no doubt that Lingxiao is the strongest among the seven fairies in Guanghan Palace, but the other six are not much worse than Lingxiao. The gap between the seven is negligible. If they fight, they will be evenly matched. .

Therefore, when seven people used the great magical power of Guanghan Palace at the same time, Master Chu Heng was completely frightened and turned pale.

"This...how is this possible!"

Young Master Chu Heng was stunned, his mind went blank.

He knew that he was going to die here today because he was actually suppressed and couldn't be moved by even the slightest bit of fairy power.

Even the king-grade top-grade immortal treasure that his grandfather personally refined for him, which could unleash all its power with just a thought, was unable to emit anything under the magical power exerted by Lingxiao and others. An effective attack cannot harm Lingxiao and others at all!

"This...how is it possible! Impossible! I must be dreaming!"

"They... they actually... all have king-grade natal immortal treasures! This is impossible! There are not so many monsters in the Beidou Palace Immortal Sect, but they... they actually... ah! I am not willing to accept it!"

"Ouch! I'm not willing to give in! It's so shameless. These women are so shameless. They actually plotted against us. They are so shameless!"

"As expected! As expected! The most poisonous thing in the world is a woman's heart! These bitches are too shameless, too insidious, and too vicious! They actually... actually hide their methods to plot against us!"

Young Master Chu Heng's entourage was extremely angry. If anger could burn the sky, then the anger in their hearts now could completely burn the Xuanwu Star Territory!

These women are so shameless, they actually hide it and don't reveal their trump cards, letting them jump into the trap they designed!

True to that sentence, the most poisonous heart in the world is the heart of a woman. These women are the most shameless, shameless, and despicable people they have ever seen in their lives!

"Dry tongue."

Lingxiao frowned, she was also a little unhappy.

These bastards were too useless. They were the ones who came to provoke them first. If that young master didn't speak rudely to the emperor and empress, they wouldn't even bother to pay attention to these ants.

However, this group of ants now bite back, calling them shameless, vicious, and shameless, which makes her angry!

"Take down the sign and kill these ants."

Lin Momo's face was gloomy. This time, she didn't even wait for the grumpy Ling'er to speak before she gave the order.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen anyone as shameless as these monks.

If she had known that these guys were like this, she would have taken Lingxiao and the others over Juyue in advance, robbed them all, and then ridiculed them for being too poor and not even having a high-quality fairy treasure.

Lin Momo felt that the possibility she had thought of was already extremely relieving, but if Lingman knew about it, he would definitely correct her thoughts.

Compared with them, Mr. Chu Heng and his gang are indeed extremely poor. There is absolutely no need to ridicule them. It would be better to just brutally kill them.


Hearing Lin Momo's words, the seven Lingxiao girls responded, then stopped waiting and at the same time strengthened their magical power.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh..."

There was a sound of breaking through the air one after another, and sixteen tokens flew out one after another.

"Ah! You...you can't kill me. I am Young Master Chu Heng. My grandfather is the elder of Beidou Palace. My grandfather's master is the Immortal Master of Beidou Palace. I am the king of Beidou City! If you kill me, I and you are enemies of the entire Beidou City and the entire Beidou Palace!"

When the token fell off and was taken away by Lingxiao and others, Master Chu Heng immediately collapsed and lost his previous graceful and unparalleled posture.

Today's Young Master Chu Heng is no different from a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He wails and roars hysterically when facing death.

However, he is really not afraid of death. He just doesn't want to lose everything he has now, and he just doesn't want to die in the hands of a group of vicious, vicious and vicious women!

"I'm sorry, your elders are too weak and not as good as my elders."

Lingxiao said indifferently.

Having said that, regardless of the fact that Mr. Chu Heng was roaring like a wild beast, he took action directly. Lingqing and the other six women also took action at the same time.

"You are talking nonsense. My grandfather, my grandfather's master, and the ancestors of my wife's family are all powerful. There is no being more powerful than a powerful being in this world... you... ah..."

Young Master Chu Heng roared repeatedly. He felt that he had been insulted more seriously than death. Someone dared to say that his elders were not strong enough. What kind of joke was this?

But before he could finish his roar, Lingxiao and others had already killed him, leaving him speechless for a moment.

The current Princess Chu Heng was like a mortal being thrown into a boulder. She felt an instant sense of oppression and swelling, and then... couldn't feel anything at all.




Groups of blood mist exploded one after another, until sixteen groups of blood mist exploded completely, and the world finally returned to peace.

However, the blood on the ground, as well as some broken limbs, silently told that a bloody scene had happened here before.

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