Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1641 He is so shameless!

Lin Nan was very calm, unhurried, and pointed a finger.


The same big finger of the void instantly cut through the void and headed towards Elder Chu's big finger of the void.

The onlookers were all dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Who does this fool think he is? A powerful person in the Immortal Realm? Or is he the Supreme Immortal King who is at the same level as Elder Chu and is infinitely close to the powerful level of the Immortal Realm?

What an idiot!

Sure enough, an idiot is an idiot!

An idiot who can disgrace all the powerful Immortal Kings can only do things that are extremely idiotic!


Two big fingers of void collided in the sky.

A big finger of the void was directly smashed, shattering the void, and a void crack appeared in that area.

The kings surrounding Lin Nan were immediately overjoyed, but then they realized that they were happy too soon.

"How is that possible! He...he is just an ant in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm. He is just an idiot who has disgraced the face of the powerful Immortal King Realm. Why can he do it to this extent!"

"Oh my god, look at that idiot's attack. It didn't weaken at all. He still attacked Elder Chu with great momentum!"

"This... I must be dazzled! How could a mere idiot trigger such a powerful attack!"

"Yes! I was dazzled too! How could a mere idiot resist Elder Chu's attack?"

The kings surrounding Lin Nan didn't believe their eyes and thought they were dazzled and had seen something wrong.


Lin Nan's big finger in the void suddenly accelerated.


Before Elder Chu could defend himself, he was instantly hit, and a cloud of blood mist bloomed.

The kings surrounding Lin Nan were completely dumbfounded, especially the elders of the Immortal King Realm of Beidou Palace around Elder Chu.

What just happened?

They don't even know!

Didn't see it clearly!

Their eyes are dazzled!

This time I was really dazzled, and I couldn't see clearly how that big finger in the void suddenly accelerated and landed on Elder Chu's body.

Everything happened so suddenly that they had no time to think about why the big finger in the void suddenly accelerated!

Why did it fall on Elder Chu instantly!

Why did Elder Chu suddenly bloom into a ball of blood mist, without even having time to let out a roar!

So weird!

too scary!

"You...what kind of magic did you cast!"

An Immortal King Realm elder from Beidou Palace came to his senses first and stared at Lin Nan with a pale face.

Everything that happened just now was so sudden that he was completely unprepared and did not expect it at all.

The opponent is just an ant in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, just an idiot. How can he withstand Elder Chu's attack? How can he counterattack Elder Chu!

Unreasonable, this is not reasonable at all!

That idiot must have used a demonic method, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to kill Elder Chu!

"Demon magic? I know how to do it. However, it's just a matter of crushing an ant at the peak of the Immortal King Realm. I don't even need to use my magical power. I can kill it with just a few clicks."

Lin Nan said calmly.


The Beidou Palace Immortal King Realm elder was furious. This idiot was really abominable. He was so ignorant of life and death. He actually dared to say that Elder Chu, who was at the peak of the Immortal King Realm and could become a powerful Immortal King Realm at any time, was just an ant!

"You are a fucking ant. You are just an idiot in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm. You dare to call Elder Chu an ant. You... your death has come!"

"That's right, this loser's time for death has come. He dares to call Elder Chu an ant. This is tantamount to insulting all the powerful people in the Immortal King Realm. If we don't kill this idiot, how can the majesty of the powerful Immortal King Realm exist!"

"Kill this idiot, avenge Elder Chu, and avenge Young Master Chu Heng!"

A group of Immortal King Realm powerhouses roared and launched an attack on Lin Nan.

Of course they were not doing it for Elder Chu, let alone the playboy Chu Heng. They knew exactly what kind of people Elder Chu and Chu Heng were.

But the master who couldn't stand up to Elder Chu was the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace. Chu Heng's wife was a descendant of another Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace.

Now, they must do something, otherwise the anger of the two great elders of Beidou Palace will be enough to destroy them all!

Immortal King Realm powerful men rarely get angry, but once they do, even a powerful Immortal King Realm can only be crushed to death casually.

In front of the powerful Immortal King Realm, the powerful ones in the Immortal King Realm are really too weak, they are just like weak little ants.

That's why they yelled at Lin Nan to kill him.



"Crack, crackle, crackle..."

Five or six hundred Immortal King Realm powerhouses launched an attack, and the five or six hundred Immortal King Realm powerhouses launched their attacks with all their strength, causing the void to shatter. Space cracks appeared and healed, and healed and reappeared.

The Immortal King Realm is very strong!

Five to six hundred Immortal King Realm powerhouses took action at the same time, and they were even more powerful. This was also the reason why the other half of the Immortal King Realm powerhouses only shouted to kill Lin Nan, but did not take action.

Killing an idiot who knows how to do magic in the early stage of Immortal King Realm. If five or six hundred Immortal King Realm strong men attack at the same time, they are already overkill. They are killing chickens with a sledgehammer. The other half can just watch the show from the side. There is no need to take action. .

Lin Nan raised his eyelids slightly, it was a bit interesting now.

Ever since he came to the first heaven and the Xuanwu Star Territory, this was the first time he had faced attacks from so many Immortal King Realm monks.

Lin Nan raised his hand and slapped a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

In an instant, there were five to six hundred attacks. After the golden handprint appeared, it was like meeting a nemesis, as if he had spirituality and was actually afraid!

"What's going on? Why are we afraid of the big golden handprint in our attack?"

"Oh my god! This idiot...isn't...not a strong person in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm!"

"This... such a powerful attack, such a powerful force, he... is he a powerful person in the Immortal Realm!"

"Oh my God! How come I am so bad? I am just joining in the excitement, how come I have provoked a powerful person in the Immortal Realm!"

"It's over! It's over! He...he is not an ordinary Immortal Realm powerhouse!"

"You're so old! In the Immortal King Realm, all powerful beings are extremely powerful. He...he actually pretended to be a strong person in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, and...and he also pretended to be an idiot!"

"So... so shameless! I have never seen such a shameless, shameless Immortal Realm powerful person!"

The kings of the group howled and roared.

They felt that Lin Nan was so shameless and shameless. A powerful person in the Immortal Realm actually pretended to be a strong man in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, and also pretended to be an idiot. It was really abominable!

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