Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1642 Why are you so anxious?

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In the secret realm of mountains and rivers, Lingxiao and others have stopped.

Young Master Chu Heng's Wang-grade Immortal Treasure was not crushed, but was already in Lingxiao's hands.

Looking at Lingman who was dumbfounded, Lingxiao threw the king-grade and top-quality fairy treasure to Lingman.

"This...is this for me?"

Lingman was stunned.

If Mr. Chu Heng hadn't been slow to act and failed to activate this top-grade immortal treasure, and directly let the seven girls of Lingxiao use their magical powers to imprison them, Lingxiao and others would not have been able to end the battle so neatly. .

This is a king-grade and top-quality fairy treasure that can fully activate the peak cultivators of the Golden Fairy Realm!

Lingxiao just glanced at her and threw this top-quality fairy treasure to her. Everyone else looked indifferent, which made her feel shocked.

Co-author, you are the most rubbish and poorest guy in a group of eleven people?

"Little mute, you are the poorest among us and the weakest in combat power. You can barely tie with the ordinary late-stage Golden Fairyland monks. You have to work hard, otherwise my father may throw you away and not want you as a follower. .”

Seeing Lingman's extremely surprised look, Ling'er said earnestly.


Lingman wants to cry but has no tears, you are such a little princess! How can you encourage others so much!

"Ling'er, be careful with your words. Don't tell the truth carelessly. You will damage the little mute's confidence."

Lin Momo said to Ling'er seriously.

The little girl has a serious look on her face and her mature and solemn tone, which makes her look like an elder sister.


Lingman was really about to cry, what a pair of loving little sisters!

My sister is a little girl who tells the truth, and my sister can’t lie!

"Momo, Ling'er, you two are enough. If you keep talking, the little mute will cry."

Liu Ruqing glanced at Lingman, then looked at his daughters, and said seriously.

Lingman suddenly felt warm in her heart. She still had the feeling that the empress would take care of people. Although she did not comfort her with words, but she directly spoke seriously to the two little sisters, it was already comforting her in disguise, and at the same time, it also prevented her from swelling. There is a possibility of inadvertently provoking the little sisters.

She deserves to be the emperor and empress, and she deserves to be the only Taoist companion whom the senior is loyal to. She is so shrewd!

Liu Ruqing didn't know what was going on in Lingman's little head. If he knew, he would definitely burst into laughter.

She didn't think so much. She just said something casually to prevent Lin Momo and Ling'er from saying anything more damaging to Lingman. It was not as comprehensive as Lingman thought at all.

After all, they are now a family.

Although Lingman considers himself a servant, no one really treats Lingman as a follower.

After all, Liu Ruqing was not a young lady from an ancient aristocratic family, nor was she a young lady born in another great world. She had no idea about servants and was too lazy to care about whether they were followers or not.

She also has very low requirements for Lingman. As long as she doesn't look like a white-eyed wolf and doesn't do anything dangerous to the little sisters, she won't do anything to Lingman.

Lin Nan's attitude was simpler. He simply regarded Lingman as air. It could even be said that except for Liu Ruqing and the two sisters, everyone else was no different from air in Lin Nan's eyes.

They are just people who will be shot and killed as soon as they do something that touches his bottom line. They don't have any special feelings.

After all, the time we spent together was too short. Even though Yue Shi and others had been following Lin Nan for almost two months, they didn't spend much time together and talking, and the gap in their realms was so huge that it was completely impossible to develop feelings.

Lingman suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "By the way, by the way, Empress, that Young Master Chu Heng is one of the most handsome young men in Beidou City. His grandfather is the only disciple of an elder in the Immortal Realm of Beidou Palace. Her wife is the descendant of another Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace Immortal Realm."

At this point, he paused for a moment and continued: "Although Elder Chu is extremely talented and has made great progress in building roads, his brain is not normal. He is obviously an old man with a very bad temper. But he likes to be said to be a bad-tempered old man. He is easy-going, approachable, likes to reason, and is a good person who puts the overall situation first.”

Lingman has never been to Beidou City, and in the two thousand and one hundred years since he ascended, he has never entered the territory under the jurisdiction of Beidou Palace.

The reason why I know this is because on the eve of the True Immortal Competition and the Golden Immortal Competition, news has spread that there is a powerful man in Beidou Palace who wants to recruit monks who have ascended from the lower world as disciples. All can become direct disciples.

Therefore, Lingman, together with other monks who ascended from the lower world, collected a lot of news about Beidou Palace and Beidou City.

As one of the most handsome young men in Beidou City, Young Master Chu Heng had a profound background and considerable strength, so he was naturally noticed by her and her companions.

If it weren't for the fact that she suddenly heard about Lin Nan, she and her friends spent a large amount of immortal crystals to go directly from a teleportation array in Fuchun Tower near the boundary of Beidou Palace to Jieyin City to participate in the True Immortal Competition. If she attracts Lin Nan's attention and becomes his disciple, she and her friends will have already participated in the True Immortal Competition in Beidou City, and they will definitely be accepted as disciples by the powerful Immortal Realm master.

"That's it."

Liu Ruqing nodded slowly, indicating that he understood.

"That Elder Chu has a bad temper. He must have killed himself in the square. There will definitely be Immortal Masters coming from the Beidou Palace. It's very dangerous for seniors to live alone in the outside world!"

Seeing that Liu Ruqing just responded without taking it seriously, Lingman suddenly became anxious.

According to the information found in Jieyin City, apart from the fact that the three Immortal Masters from Guanghan Palace followed Lin Nan, there was no information about how strong Lin Nan really was.

But now none of the three great masters of Guanghan Palace have come with them, and Lin Nan is out in the outside world alone. She is really afraid that Lin Nan himself is not very strong, but because he has three immortal masters as his followers, he will be The spread is so amazing.

If the boat capsized in the sewers of Beidou City, it would be a big deal!

"Why are you so anxious? Even if I throw you out, you won't be able to help. Just stay in the secret realm of mountains and rivers."

Ling'er glanced at Lingman, the little girl was a little unhappy.

She felt that this little mute was really incompetent. None of them were in a hurry. Why was the little mute so anxious?

The main reason why Ling'er was unhappy was because the little girl felt that the mute didn't believe that Lin Nan could solve Beidou Palace.

The deeds she and her sister Lin Momo told the little mute seemed to be treated as stories by the little mute, and he didn't take it seriously at all. It was really irritating!

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