Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1647 Do you know who I am?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Groups of blood mist bloomed around Lin Nan.

After the golden big handprint transformed into more than a thousand palm prints, it was so fast that those powerful people in the Immortal King Realm could only see the change, and then directly hit their bodies.

Who is Lin Nan?

Junior Brother Jiutian’s only Heavenly Emperor!

How could he tolerate a group of Immortal King Realm ants clamoring in front of him?

Therefore, all the more than a thousand Immortal King Realm monks were killed and exploded into blood mist.

Lin Nan's state of mind was very calm. He was not agitated because he killed more than a thousand Immortal King Realm monks with one palm, and it was even less likely that he would be excited about it. For him, more than a thousand Immortal King Realm monks, and more than a thousand Immortal King Realm monks, There is no difference at all between the real monks in the Immortal Realm.

In fact, there is no difference from more than a thousand ordinary code words. If you kill them, you will kill them.

“It’s…against the heavens!”

"It's really outrageous! These... more than a thousand Immortal King Realm experts were actually wiped out by him... with just one palm!"

"He... is too strong!"

The group of cultivators watching from a distance were extremely shocked at this moment, and their minds went blank.

They actually witnessed a scene that shouldn't have happened!

You know, there were nearly a hundred supreme immortal kings at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm, infinitely close to the Immortal King Realm, but they were all wiped out by Lin Nan with one palm!

Even a powerful Immortal Realm master, as long as he is not a peerless expert at the late stage of the Immortal Realm or the peak level of the Immortal Realm, cannot compete with those more than a thousand Immortal King Realm powerhouses, let alone kill them so lightly!

All of this is really unbelievable, so unbelievable that other than the minds of the onlookers and cultivators, they can only be blank!

Lin Nan ignored the monks who were watching, but turned his attention to the secret realm of mountains and rivers, watching his wife leading a group of little girls to play in the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh, because Lin Momo and Ling'er, two little ones, secretly got together and agreed that when they met other monks, who would take action first and who would take action later. Liu Ruqing must not be allowed to take action again.

"Huh? Where have Elder Chu and the others gone?"

A powerful Immortal Realm has arrived.

He was the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace. He had received a summons from his disciple Elder Chu, and learned that his disciple's precious grandson, who was also the beloved baby of Chu Heng that he valued, had actually been killed in the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

He originally asked Elder Chu to take the first step to see if he could find someone who had not entered the secret realm of mountains and rivers but was related to the murderer.

He, on the other hand, had taken care of some matters at hand, and then rushed over, preparing to directly intervene in the Golden Immortal Competition. He would temporarily suspend the competition until he killed the few bastards who dared to kill Chu Heng's good baby.

But when he arrived outside Beidou City, he only saw the rising city defense formation. When he came to the square, he didn't see any powerful Immortal King Realm, which made him suspicious.


Some people among the group of cultivators wanted to talk, but when they saw Lin Nan who seemed not to notice anything and was still staring at the secret realm of mountains and rivers, they did not dare to speak.

This is also because the Daluo Heaven-Destroying Palm, after killing more than a thousand Immortal King Realm experts, directly used the remaining Gang Qi to smash the Qi, blood and Qi machine, leaving no trace behind.

Otherwise, the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace did not ask the monks onlookers.

"Mighty Tian Heng, it was the young man in black who killed Elder Chu and the others!"

Finally, someone couldn't help but speak.

After all, being able to hook up with the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace is definitely a sure win.

As for the young man in black, as a peerless strong man, it is completely impossible for him to take action against an ordinary late-stage Golden Immortal Realm monk like him.

However, it turned out that he was wrong, extremely wrong.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was rapidly drying up.


The monk in the late Golden Fairy Realm had a look of fear on his face, his face turned pale, and his face gradually became distorted.

He didn't understand why his sea of ​​consciousness was drying up so quickly, but he knew that it must be the method used by the young man in black.

This made him confused. He was just a monk in the late Golden Immortal Realm. He didn't even dare to participate in the Golden Immortal Competition. As a young man in black who could kill more than a thousand Immortal King Realm experts with one palm, why? I'll kill him!

It's so shameless, so shameless. It doesn't have the demeanor of a strong man at all. It's a total embarrassment to the strong men in the world!

But he was not able to say these words because his sea of ​​consciousness dried up too quickly and did not give him enough time to open his mouth to speak.

As for the spiritual sound transmission, the sea of ​​​​consciousness has been severely damaged and has begun to dry up rapidly. Where can I still use the spiritual sound transmission method?

Therefore, this monk in the late stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, after answering the question of the Great Power of Tianheng in the Beidou Palace, died without getting any benefits.


The monks around him immediately stepped back with fear on their faces.

horrible! It’s so scary!

This was just to provide people with information, and the young man in black took action to kill him. It was really... too unreasonable and overbearing!

Tian Heng, the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace, was stunned for a moment, then became angry.

"How dare you attack the person who provided me with the information, you are so tired of living!"

Tianheng Mighty looked at Lin Nan, and he was furious. He had not been so angry for a long time.

Not only because he learned that his disciple, Elder Chu, died in the hands of this young man in black.

What's more, this arrogant villain actually dared to kill the monk who had just revealed the news to him in front of him. How could he bear it!

who is he?

The Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace, the great power of Tianheng, stands high above the world and looks down upon the great power of the Immortal Realm!

This evil obstacle dared to stand in front of him and kill the monks who showed kindness to him. Wasn't this just a slap in the face?

So abominable, so bastard, so seeking death!

"It's just an ant, so what if I kill it?"

Lin Nan turned around and stared at Tian Heng with a calm expression, his tone was extremely calm.

But it was a big joke. That monk clearly posed a threat to him and caused him trouble. If he was not the only Emperor of Heaven and the Supreme Emperor of Heaven in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, then he would not be killed by the great power of Tian Heng?

Therefore, if you can't bear it, you have to kill him!

Besides, his purpose in coming to Beidou City was very simple. He came just for the word 'kill'.

He would kill all the monks who were directly related to Beidou Palace. Since that monk was trying to please the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace in front of him, he would naturally kill him too.

"Nie Zhan, do you know who I am?"

Tian Heng, the great master, was furious. This evildoer really deserves to be killed, how dare he be so arrogant in front of him.

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