Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1648 Chapter 1,054 The Big Dipper is high!

"You're just an ant in the Immortal Realm. I'm not interested in knowing who you are."

Lin Nan's tone was extremely calm.

It is indeed as he said, they are just ants in the Immortal Realm, how could he see it? Where can I go to find out more about it?

In the entire Beidou Palace, he only knew the name of Patriarch Beichen. As for the others, he also knew that there was a woman in the late Immortal Realm who was the Taoist companion of Patriarch Beichen and the mother of the master of Beichen Palace in the Eastern Continent. Apart from that, he didn't know anything about it and didn't bother to delve into it.

In his opinion, if you offend him, want to deal with him, and have already taken action, you should be killed.

"Okay! Okay! You are so arrogant. If I don't kill you today, it will be difficult to understand the anger in my heart."

Mighty Tian Heng was completely angered.

He could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and no longer wanted to maintain the airs of the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace. He could just kill this evil obstacle directly. There was no need to talk nonsense with him!

"Want to die? I'll help you."

Lin Nan's tone was as calm as ever.

It was really because Tian Heng Power was too weak and couldn't make any waves in front of him. If he really wanted to be quick and easy, he could make Tian Heng Power disappear into ashes with just one thought, and all traces of its existence would disappear.

However, he came this time to shock the Central Continent, not just to relieve his anger.

In the entire mid-continent, Haoqi Sect and Fuchunge, who are relatively familiar with Dongdalu, know that he is not an ordinary person. After contact, they also know that his strength is unfathomable, so they are respectful to him and dare not show any disrespect to him. neglect.

But the other immortal sects don’t know!

Even Beidou Palace, which had suffered two big losses at his hands, didn't care if the Immortal King Realm elders didn't recognize him. As an Immortal King Realm powerful man, Tian Heng was also the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace. I couldn't recognize him either, which was very bad.

It means that the other super immortal sects in the mainland know nothing about him. Even if they heard about the deeds spread from Jieyin City, they probably wouldn't believe it, and they wouldn't recognize him at all when they saw him.

This is not possible. He still has to take his wife and daughter to visit the entire Central Continent. If he is provoked every day and is on the road to killing people and exterminating families and sects every day, then that is not what he wants.

He just wanted to take his wife and daughter to live the life of Lei Yun Yehe. He killed all the way in the Eastern Continent, and now that he came to the vaster Central Continent, he didn't want to be the same as when he was in the Eastern Continent.

Therefore, he wanted to kill more intuitively and violently, in order to frighten the other immortal sects.

Fortunately, he was able to play with his wife and daughter in peace afterwards.

"You are such an evil deed. If you dare to speak harshly even when you are about to die, let's see how I kill you!"

Tian Heng, who could no longer suppress his anger, completely went berserk after hearing Lin Nan's words.

Too irritating, too arrogant, and too ignorant. What use can such a person have in this world?

Only by killing them can we eliminate evil in the world and make ourselves feel happy!

Powerful Tian Heng let out a long roar, and then unleashed a magical power.

The Big Dipper is high!

One of the supreme magical powers of Beidou Palace!

Great Master Tian Heng did not hold back, because he felt that Lin Nan was not an ordinary person. After all, there were more than a thousand Immortal King Realm experts here at the beginning, but now there is no one left.

Apparently, just like his precious disciples, they were all killed by this evil obstacle!

Therefore, when he takes action, it is his strongest magical power!

"Little tricks."

Lin Nan said four words calmly, then raised his hand and pointed out.

"call out!"

A white light shot out from between his fingers.


That white light collided with the magical attack showing the arrangement of the Big Dipper in an instant.


"Crack, crackle, crackle..."

After the two attacks collided, there was first a rushing sound like the water of a thousand-foot waterfall, and then the void twisted and shattered, like a whip being whipped, and the sound of the void exploding continued to sound.


Tianheng Mighty frowned.

The result was so unexpected. He didn't expect that evil barrier to be able to withstand his magical power.

This made him feel a little difficult to deal with. After all, he had just activated his strongest magical power with all his strength. His strength in the late stage of the Immortal Realm was fully displayed, and there was no stronger magical power.

But Elder Tian Heng did not panic, nor did he feel that Lin Nan could threaten him, because he still had a high-grade and respected immortal treasure that he had not used, and the high-grade and respected immortal treasure was still his natal immortal treasure!

"You have some tricks up your sleeve, but that's it. Let's see how I kill you."

Great Master Tian Heng snorted coldly, and then took out the Immortal Treasure.

Once again, he used his magical power to reach the Big Dipper high!

This time, through the supreme magic weapon, which is a high-grade noble immortal treasure and is also a natal immortal treasure, the power of the Beidou Palace's supreme magical power, Beidou Qixing Gao, became even more powerful.

Lin Nan's expression remained unchanged, still as calm as water, and he struck out with a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

In an instant, a large golden palm print condensed and headed towards the Big Dipper that was rapidly attacking.

"Oh my God! It's this big golden handprint again, this...this..."

"It's over, it's over, Beidou Palace Supreme Elder Tian Heng is about to end!"

"Yes! The same golden big hand seal was used before, and it directly killed more than a thousand Immortal King Realm powerhouses!"

"Although Elder Tianheng is a supreme power in the late stage of the Immortal Realm, he absolutely cannot resist this golden palm seal. Today... we are going to see the death of the Immortal!"

"It's as bizarre as a dream. I've just seen the scene of more than a thousand Immortal King Realm experts being killed with one palm, and now I'm about to see the scene of the Immortal King Realm master being killed again!"

"We...witnessed the legend!"

Seeing Lin Nan perform the golden hand seal again, the cultivators onlookers immediately became excited and started transmitting messages with their spiritual thoughts.

They have only seen how powerful this golden hand seal is. It directly killed more than a thousand Immortal King Realm powerhouses. Now... if it appears in a short time, it will definitely be able to kill the powerful Tian Heng!


Tian Heng was in an extremely bad mood. Those ants were actually using their magical powers to activate their spiritual thoughts to transmit messages. They did not shy away from him, and some even sent them to him on purpose.

Obviously, those ants were serious and he was really dead.

This made Tian Heng extremely furious.

who is he?

The Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace! The supreme power in the late stage of Immortal Realm! The almighty Tian Heng!

How could it be possible to perish?

Just with that flashy-looking golden handprint?


The golden big handprint collides with the tall magical power of the Big Dipper.

When the results came out, the onlookers' eyes widened immediately, and none of them could believe what they saw.

Impossible, how is it possible!

This shouldn't be the case!

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