Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1649 A lot of nonsense

"Impossible! How could this happen! There is no way Tian Heng, the great master, can withstand that golden big hand seal!"

"It's over! Tian Heng's power is not over yet, now it's our turn to be over!"

"Yes! Great Master Tian Heng actually resisted that big golden hand seal! Now... Great Master Tian Heng should be evenly matched with that young man in black. Later... if there is another powerful master coming from Beidou Palace!"

"Ah...Mighty Tian Heng, you heard me wrong just now! We didn't say you couldn't resist that big golden handprint!"

"It's just a flashy void handprint. How about it being able to defeat the powerful Tian Heng? The powerful Tian Heng can easily crush that ungrateful evil obstacle with just one little finger!"

"Yes! Hope Tianheng can kill that evil obstacle and avenge the many Immortal King Realm powerhouses in Beidou City, Beidou Palace Elder Chu and many other Immortal King Realm powerhouses!"

"Destroy evil obstacles! Revenge! Kill evil obstacles! Revenge!"

"Tian Heng's mighty power is invincible! Tian Heng's mighty power will last forever and remain unchanged throughout the ages. His magical powers will shock the invincible hands of both ancient and modern times! Tian Heng's mighty power is mighty and domineering!"

When the golden Mahamudra collided with the Big Dipper's high supernatural power, and then disappeared together, the onlookers were dumbfounded.

But then, everyone felt the danger. They had unscrupulously squeezed Tian Heng.

Although only a small number of people provoked the powerful Tian Heng, the powerful Immortal Realm could bleed for hundreds of thousands of miles in a rage, raining blood from the sky and staining the mountains and rivers with blood. He would definitely kill them indiscriminately.

Therefore, they quickly changed the subject and began to advocate Tian Heng's power and belittle Lin Nan.

They don't think Lin Nan is weak, but because the Beidou Palace is too close to here, and powerful people will arrive at any time. Although Lin Nan alone can compete with the powerful people of Tianheng, if all the powerful people of the Immortal Realm of Beidou Palace come, Well, Lin Nan is definitely destined to die!

"Huh, ants are just ants."

Great Master Tian Heng glanced at the group of cultivators around him and snorted coldly in his heart.

Those words that ridiculed him just now were deeply engraved in his heart, and they could only be washed clean with the blood of those who gathered around him.

who is he?

A powerful person in the Immortal Realm!

How could he tolerate a group of ants adding insult to injury and trying to flatter him when they saw how strong he was? He was not something that a three-year-old could just coax away!

"I have to say that your evil spirit is quite strong, and you can actually compete with me."

Turning his gaze on Lin Nan, Tian Heng felt that Lin Nan was no worse than him from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time he was also very confused. When did such a powerful Immortal Realm master appear in the Central Continent? He has never heard of it!

Elsewhere, there were two beings who could compete with him in the Eastern Continent. One was his friend Ancestor Beichen, and the other was Yue Shi from Guanghan Palace.

Although the other three remote continents are vaster than the Eastern Continent that was wiped out and annihilated by wars in ancient times, none of them are powerful enough to compete with him.

Therefore, Lin Nan's appearance really confused him. He didn't even think about the guy who injured the Beichen ancestor. After all, he learned from the Beichen ancestor's description that the guy named Lin Nan was arrogant. Extremely arrogant and merciless.

If he met Lin Nan, Tian Heng would be sure that he would be powerless to resist. After all, Beichen Ancestor at the same level as him was easily knocked down by Lin Nan.

The young man in black in front of him now is just in the same league as him.

"A dying person talks a lot of nonsense."

Lin Nan's expression was still calm, but his tone became slightly indifferent.

"Huh? You are really arrogant. Tell me your name, and I will make sure you die."

Tian Heng said in a deep voice.

That young man in black is really arrogant. Facing him, the Supreme Elder of Beidou Palace, a supreme power in the late stage of the Immortal Realm, he dares to utter arrogant words. He is simply looking for death!

"A mere Immortal Realm ant is not qualified to know my name."

Lin Nan's tone returned to calm.

Because the golden big handprints that had dissipated together with the Big Dipper's tall supernatural powers have now condensed again.

The great power of Tianheng is destined to turn into ashes in the next moment, so there is no need for him to say any more indifferent words.

"Nie Zhan, you are simply... huh?"

Great Master Tian Heng was so angry that he roared and wanted to use his magical power again, but suddenly realized something was wrong.

He only felt that the sense of death crisis enveloped his body and mind, his body started to tremble inexplicably, his heart strings were trembling violently, and his heart seemed to be ruptured at any time due to the violent beating!

"That is how the matter?"

In the end, Tian Heng focused his attention on the place where the previous attack was offset. There was nothing there, but he clearly realized that the crisis that enveloped his whole body was transmitted from there.

But... there is clearly nothing there!

"How can this be!"

Suddenly, a golden handprint appeared suddenly in the void between Tianheng Power, which made his hair stand on end.

This is completely impossible, that golden big hand seal has canceled out his great magical power!

Why did it suddenly appear again now!

While feeling extremely shocked in his heart, Tian Heng felt that it was completely impossible for him to withstand the golden handprint that was condensed again.

It wasn't that he didn't have time to use his magical powers, but a voice sounded from deep in his heart, telling him that he couldn't resist the big golden handprint at all!




The only thought in Tian Heng's mind was shock and endless fear.

Yes, he was afraid. As a supremely powerful person in the late stage of the Immortal Realm, after standing on the top of the mountain for endless years, he once again realized what fear and shock are!


With the intention of retreating in his heart, Tian Heng Mighty No longer delayed, he directly used his magical power to escape into the distance.

The speed was so fast that he had flown more than thirty miles in the blink of an eye!

"Oh my God! What's going on? Why did Tian Heng suddenly run away?"

"I don't know, could it be that... it was the young man in black who was letting off steam before, and the great master Tian Heng secretly competed with him in a secret show of magical powers just now, and the young man in black defeated the great master Tian Heng?"

"This...if this happens, according to the temperament of the young man in black, we...will be killed!"

"I...run away! If that guy kills Tian Heng, he will come to settle the score with us! I don't want to die yet!"

The group of cultivators who had been staring at Tian Heng for a moment, wanting to see how he would deal with the young man in black, were stunned when they noticed that Tian Heng had escaped in an instant.

All of them ran away desperately.

You know, that young man in black is a ruthless character who kills without blinking an eye!

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