Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1659 Too slow!

"Escape, one by one if you can. When the two senior brothers open the heavenly gate and descend to the first heaven, you don't have to worry anymore!"

Tianxuan was helpless. If she could, she would not give up these powers.

Just like the monks who ascended from the lower world, these powerful people can achieve the status of immortals in the first heaven. When they are taken to the second heaven by her in the future, they only need to train in the holy pool for a month or two. , then he is destined to be able to step into the half-step immortal saint level!

However, Lin Nan would obviously only let her leave alone. If they were to rise from the chrysalis, they would all be wiped out by Lin Nan.

Although she had a mid-grade holy weapon that could fully activate it, she had no confidence. In fact, Lin Nan used three fingers in succession to silently kill the three Immortal Realm powerful men, leaving her with no control over that holy weapon. No longer holding out much hope.

Anyone can die, but she, Tianxuan, cannot die here. She still has too many grievances to settle with Lin Nan!


"Yes! Run!"

After hearing Tianxuan's words, the remaining nine powerful men in Beidou Palace no longer hesitated.

In an instant, nine streams of light dispersed and flew into the distance. The speed was so fast that the Golden Fairy Realm monks could not see clearly.

"It's too difficult."

Lin Nan whispered, then raised his hand and pointed a finger.

This time, there was not just one ray of light, but nine rays of light burst out instantly, catching up with the nine escaping Beidou Palace Immortal Realm experts.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Although there were nine people, only three voices sounded, as if they were divided into three groups, each group of three people, and these three groups were all hit in turn.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were still three sounds, and the nine Beidou Palace Immortal Realm powerful men bloomed in the air with blood mist of different colors.

This scene is shocking.

The onlookers were once again speechless, their minds went blank, their mouths opened, but no sound came out, and they no longer had the intention to use their spiritual thoughts to transmit sounds.

Scene after scene, they have seen too many incredible scenes today!

There are so many scenes that they will never see again in this life!

Beidou Palace, it’s really over this time!

"Lin Nan, you are fine!"

Tianxuan Mighty Master was so angry that he was shaking all over, and he felt a little awkward when speaking.

She really didn't expect that Lin Nan was so powerful that he could kill the nine Beidou Palace powerful men with just a single finger!

"I'm indeed fine. You don't need to worry about me. Come back to the second heaven as soon as possible."

Lin Nan smiled slightly.

His words and demeanor gave the onlookers an illusion.

I feel that Lin Nan and Tianxuan Dangnang are not enemies, but like a loving couple who part ways!


"I'll wait for you in the second heaven!"

Tianxuan's face was gloomy and his tone was gloomy, and then he activated the ancient talisman in his hand, which instantly turned into a stream of light and went towards the high sky.

When it reached an altitude of more than 100,000 feet, a ripple of void appeared on the sky. Tianxuan Power passed through the ripple of void and disappeared.

Tianxuan, who returned to the second level of heaven, was very anxious, because from Lin Nan's last method, she had already seen that Lin Nan did not seem to be from Yeluzi, and her two senior brothers might not be able to kill Lin Nan.

Therefore, she had to rush over before the two senior brothers opened the gate of heaven and asked them to invite two more fellow disciples to the lower realm. Otherwise, not to mention the bastard Lin Nan who couldn't be killed, she might be killed by Lin Nan!

“Kowting at Tianguan is too slow!”

Lin Nan raised his head and glanced at the sky. He saw directly through the latitude and saw the two half-step immortal saints on the second level of the sky who were knocking on the sky gate.

There are barriers between heaven and earth, just like it is not difficult to fly from the lower world to the first heaven. You can already do it before you have fully entered the true fairyland.

But if you want to enter the lower realm from the first heaven, you must be a powerful person at the immortal level, or someone with an immortal level can open the gap to provide low-level monks to enter the lower realm.

The same goes for entering the first heaven from the second heaven. Even if there are at least the ancient talismans used by Tianxuan, it will not be able to open the sky in a moment.

"Senior! Can we...can we do anything for you?"

The monks who had dragged away the seventeen Beidou Palace disciples for Lin Nan before cautiously came over.

They did not expect Lin Nan to reward them with immortal treasures again, but they simply felt that Lin Nan was too powerful. He had even repelled the sky before, and just now he had wiped out the power of Beidou Palace.

They could only look up to such a supreme existence, and in the past they had never dared to imagine seeing it with their own eyes.

Therefore, now they simply want to do something for Lin Nan, and being given instructions by Lin Nan is already their supreme honor, and it can also be used as a great asset to brag to relatives and friends in the future.

This capital can last forever!

"Gather some people to call over the dozens of Immortal King Realm monks in the city who have not been here before, and ask them to host the Golden Immortal Competition. After the results come out, I will leave here. You can do whatever you want then. Go search the Beidou Palace treasure house."

Lin Nan waved his hand and gave a casual order.

The eleven monks respectfully accepted the order and left. Soon a group of monks joined their team and went with them to find the Immortal King Realm monks in the city who did not come to watch the Golden Immortal Competition.

Those dozens of Immortal King Realm monks were undoubtedly very lucky. If they had been in the square before, they would have followed Elder Chu and other Beidou Palace Immortal King Realm powerhouses to make noises, and they would inevitably be killed by Lin Nan, but now they escaped A calamity.

Time passed very quickly, three days had passed quickly, and half a year had passed in the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

After Liu Ruqing and his party traveled leisurely for a few days, because Liu Ruqing wanted to see Lin Nan, and the two little girls Lin Momo and Ling'er also wanted to see Lin Nan killing people outside, they all sped up.

Today, there are less than a hundred monks in the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

Under Lin Nan's instruction, dozens of Immortal King Realm experts have shrunk the space within the Secret Mountains and Rivers to a hundred miles.

The monks in the secret realm of mountains and rivers have nowhere to hide. After all, it is only a hundred miles away. Standing in the middle of the real fairyland, you can see the terrain clearly, let alone a group of golden fairyland monks!

"Mom, let me and my sister take more action later!"

Ling'er gently tugged on Liu Ruqing's sleeve.

"Yes, but we must fight quickly. It's already the last moment. Don't waste too much time just because you want to see the panicked monk. Your father is still waiting outside!"

Liu Ruqing nodded slightly and then responded.

"Okay, we must make a quick decision and let mother see father as soon as possible."

Ling'er smiled brightly and nodded her little head one after another.

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