Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1660 Why?

When Liu Ruqing and his party arrived at the central area, a group of monks had already gathered there.

There were more than a thousand people in total, divided into two factions.

The largest number among them is the faction headed by Beidou Palace disciples, with more than a hundred Beidou Palace disciples and more than 800 disciples of various sects and families under Beidou Palace.

The other faction has only more than 200 people, all of whom are monks who ascended from the lower world.

However, if a war breaks out between these two factions, there is no doubt that the lower realm monks faction will be completely defeated.

The disciples of Beidou Palace are not weak, especially those who can reach this point, and the disciples of various sects and aristocratic families who can be chosen by them are not easy to come by.

Those monks who ascended from the lower world might be able to occupy sixty or seventy places in the top hundred if they were to fight against the enemy alone, but now it's like two armies facing each other, and it would be great to have a dozen or so in the top hundred.

"Huh? Isn't that the group of monks from the lower realm we met before? They are actually still alive and well. The guy who was shot through the chest by my mother's palm is also still there. He is really an invincible little strong!"

When they arrived at the place, Ling'er began to look carefully, and immediately saw the Black Ming Supreme and others who had interacted with him in the lower realm monk faction.

"Little girl movie!"

The Black Ming Supreme was filled with hatred, but he couldn't show it too obviously.

What happened that day made that day the most humiliating day in his life, and he didn't even want to mention it.

In fact, afterwards, no matter what kind of monk he faced, he would go all out, not daring to be too confident in the slightest, for fear of encountering a group of guys who looked like a mess, but whose combat power was terrifying.

Now, watching Liu Ruqing and his party approaching, he already felt very embarrassed. That little girl Ling'er was actually pointing at him and making noises!

"Oh? You are also casual cultivators in the lower realm? What a coincidence. I am going to kill all the casual cultivators in the lower realm today. You must be prepared."

From the Beidou Palace faction, a white-clothed monk who looked like the leader spoke with a smile.

There was no pretense or deliberate feeling when he said these words, as if he really had the ability to kill all the monks in the lower world.

There is no doubt that the killing mentioned by the Beidou Palace Palace is not elimination, but direct killing in the secret territory of mountains and rivers.

"Hey, you little grasshopper has a strong tone. I will give you three breaths. If you kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, I will not kill you."

Ling'er glanced at Beidou Gongzi, who was much more arrogant than him. Although he was not big, he looked down on Beidou Gongzi.

"Where does this little girl come from? How can she be so arrogant? How dare she yell at Miyako-sama like this!"

"Well... to be able to live to this time and come to this place, it is obvious that I will not give up to people like Yi. Even if they exclude the seven women, the energy flowing out of them shows that they are not high-level, but they must all be pretending. A master of pig-eating tigers!”

"Yes, being able to reach this point means that she has the capital to be arrogant. However, if she dares to yell at Miyako-sama, she is obviously still too young and impatient with life."

"This means that Miyako-sama is not close to women and is devoted to cultivating Taoism. Otherwise, those eight beautiful and lovely people, hehe..."

"Bah Liu...it's really...Bah Liu...it makes people flow...Bah Liu..."

"Oh my god, you pervert, stay away from me. A master at the pinnacle of the Golden Fairy Realm is so impatient. It's really...a shame for people of my generation!"

Seeing that Ling'er, a little girl, dared to directly contradict Master Gongzi, and Liu Ruqing and others seemed to have no worries at all, the monks in the Beidou Palace faction couldn't help but talk about it.

Not only the Beidou Palace faction, but also the lower realm monk faction are also talking about it.

"Huh? Brother Heiming, that little girl seems to know you, and you... were hit through the chest by her mother?"

"This shouldn't be right. Brother Heiming is already the strongest among us, and he is already at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm's combat power. If any of those women could hit his chest with a palm, wouldn't it be ...Has it been possible to easily kill a strong person in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm?"

"Yes, it is obviously impossible. People in my generation can only save their own lives in the hands of the strong people in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm. No one can kill the strong people in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm in their full glory. I I don’t believe it, some of those eight women can kill a strong man in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm!”

"Huh? Don't believe it. Look, Brother Hei Ming's face has really darkened. Here, Sister Lan Jin, who has been walking with Brother Hei Ming, all laughed. The result is obvious, Brother Hei Ming... The boat has indeed capsized in the gutter!”

"This...Brother Heiming, please tell me something, is this really happening?"

On the lower realm monk faction's side, they had already deviated from the topic while talking, and their gossip mentality suddenly emerged, and they all turned their attention to the Black Ming Supreme.

"I... Yes, this is indeed the case! Although I was a little careless at the time, after seeing the magical power that the woman activated, I already used the magic door with all my strength to defend myself. But unexpectedly... I didn't activate it yet. If I use the magic door, the magical power exerted by that woman has already pierced my chest!"

The Black Ming Supreme looked complicated, but he was not too concerned about face. After all, he was not alone at the time, and he was also accompanied by a group of friends.

As for Liu Ruqing's palm that day, he was also convinced that Liu Ruqing did not use all his strength, and that golden hand seal was just struck randomly, not deliberately.

Otherwise, he would have definitely been eliminated, not just by being shot through the chest!

"Yes, Fellow Taoist Heiming didn't even have time to defend that day. Let's wait and see if they will fight with Beidou Palace. But... spread the word, don't provoke them, even if they want to take the first eleven We also gave in to the name and did not compete with them!"

A female cultivator who was traveling with Supreme Black Ming that day, Lan Jin, who was mentioned earlier, spoke with a solemn expression.


"Yes, why?"

Upon hearing Lan Jin's words, many lower realm monks felt unhappy.

They are not afraid of the faction led by the Beidou Palace disciples, so why are they suddenly afraid of eight adults and three girls?

Even if they can defeat the Black Ming Supreme with one palm, there are so many of them, and they are not very weak, so beating those eleven people is completely easy!

"Just because, that woman only used 30% of her strength when she attacked fellow Daoist Heiming that day!"

Lan Jin was silent for a moment, looked at each other with Black Ming Supreme and others, and then said the matter.

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