Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1661 Seven Stars Reflect the Moon

Many monks in the lower world were speechless after hearing this. No one said anything more, and there was no longer any dissatisfaction in their hearts.

They were convinced that Lan Jin was not lying and there was no need to lie to them.

They are very strong, but no one can suppress the Black Ming Supreme. If someone can pierce the Black Ming Supreme's chest with one palm and only use three points of force, then it will not be difficult to kill them.

The monks in the lower realm are different from the monks in the mid-continent. If the monks in the mid-continent are too arrogant, it will be difficult to retreat in spite of difficulties.

The monks in the lower realm are all very arrogant, but they know how to assess the situation and know how to avoid advantages and disadvantages.

Over there, Beidou Palace Miyako's expression remained unchanged, still calm and calm, with a smile on her face.

He has seen too many people who don't know how high the heaven and earth are, but whether they are the proud men of the Central Continent or the monks who ascended from the lower world, they can only kneel down in front of him in the end, trembling and not daring to show any disrespect to him.

All this is because of his strength. He is so strong that he feels the loneliness of being invincible even in the first heaven, the middle continent of the Xuanwu Star Territory.

The cultivation at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm can kill the strong ones in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, and can compete with the strong ones in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm.

People like him have been rare in ancient times, and it seems that only Yue Shi, a few million years ago, could reach this level.

And he, Miyako-sama of Beidou Palace, became the second invincible existence after Yue Shi Mighty One!

He heard that Yue Shi had reached the pinnacle of the Immortal Realm and became a peerless power. He had entered the Immortal Realm three million years ago and had already reached the ultimate level of the Immortal Realm in just three million years. How amazing and stunning this is!

Beidou Palace Gongzi admires Yue Shi very much. Although he has never seen Yue Shi, Yue Shi is the most powerful Immortal Realm master in his heart. Compared with Yue Shi, the other Immortal Realm masters are not as powerful as Yue Shi. It’s really bad!

"Very good. I like arrogant people like you. The more arrogant you are, the stronger the sense of conquest I will feel when you kneel down in front of me."

Beidou Palace Gongzi opened a white paper fan and looked at Ling'er with a smile, not paying attention to Liu Ruqing and others.

For him, as long as he is a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm, he is not qualified to be like his Dharma Eyes.

Even if he is a strong person in the Immortal King Realm, if he is not talented enough, even if his realm is high enough, he will not bother to care. After all, he is only at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, and he is already able to compete with the powerful in the later stage of the Immortal King Realm. Apart from the strong men at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm, who else in the Immortal King Realm can catch his eye?

"Come on, come out and see if I don't beat you until you cry for father and mother."

Ling'er pointed with her little hand and stepped out as she spoke. When she finished speaking, the little girl had already walked to the middle of the field.

The little girl was very angry. Someone actually wanted to conquer her and make her kneel down. This was simply asking for a beating, no... he was asking for death!

"Although you are just a little ant in the early stage of Golden Wonderland, I don't mind helping you."

Beidou Palace Miyako smiled, closed the folding fan in her hand, and then stepped forward.

"Oh my God, is that little girl crazy? She actually...challenged Miyako-sama!"

"Now it seems that this little girl is able to come here because she has no abilities. It's all because of the seven female cultivators at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm, who look like the pride of heaven by their aura, who brought her here! "

"You are really overestimating your abilities! With her cultivation in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, let alone Miyako-sama, any one of us can crush her to death with one finger!"

"Sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of happiness. If you live too clearly, you will look forward and backward and lose your true self. I really admire that little girl. She is an expert at seeking death. I have never seen her so eager to die. , What a gift!"

"Hahaha, what a gifted person. If fellow Taoist can speak, you might as well say a few more words to make us happy."

Obviously no one from the Beidou Palace faction was optimistic about Ling'er, and everyone made fun of him.

As for the monks in the lower realm, they were all watching Ling'er silently at this moment. Except for a few people such as Heiming Supreme and Lan Jin, the rest were not optimistic about Ling'er. After all, the realms were very different.

However, when they learned that the Black Ming Supreme was defeated by a woman who was only in the middle stage of the Golden Fairy Realm, they did not dare to make a decision in advance. They wanted to see if this little girl who took the initiative was also a secretive person.

"I give you three moves."

Beidou Palace Gongzi was very generous and calm, and didn't take Ling'er seriously at all.

Joke, who is he? The majestic Beidou Palace Miyako!

Since the great power of Yue Shi, there is another invincible existence in the same realm!

Now facing a little girl who is in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm, if it weren't for not wanting to waste too much time, let alone three moves, three hundred moves would be given.

He is an undefeated myth. Except for the original Yue Shi Mighty Master, he is the eternal king among fellow monks, an undefeated myth!

"You little grasshopper, I will kill you with one move."

Ling'er said contemptuously, then stopped talking nonsense, directly raised his hand and struck a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

This palm was unleashed by Ling'er with all his strength. There was nothing fancy about it, and it was so fast that even a strong person in the late Immortal King Realm could not avoid it.

The little girl was very angry, so she didn't plan to play tricks on Beidou Palace Miyako, but wanted to kill her with one palm.

Of course, Ling'er had already seen that this Beidou Palace Gongzi was not an ordinary Golden Immortal Realm monk. He was much better than Black Ming Supreme and others. This was the reason why he attacked so violently and without mercy.


Beidou Palace Miyako, who was originally leisurely and peaceful, just thought it was a small farce, was stunned.

He was surprised that this little girl, Ling'er, could unleash such a violent attack and control such powerful magical powers.

But accidents are accidents, so he doesn't panic, he is invincible.

No matter how amazing and beautiful a person in the same situation is, when he meets the majestic Beidou Palace Miyako, he can only kneel down and lick him. It is absolutely impossible to win against him!

He took action.

Seven stars reflect the moon!

One of the great powers of Beidou Palace!

It is not as high as the Big Dipper and the Dou Zhuan Xing Shift, but it is still a great magical power. If you are not in the Immortal Realm, you are not qualified to practice it, but his dignified Lord Gongzi is an exception.

The rules in this world are always used to restrain mediocre people. How could a truly peerless genius like him be trapped by rigid rules?


The golden big handprint collides with the Seven Stars Reflecting the Moon magical power, emitting a bright light.

"Crack, crackle, crackle..."

The void was constantly shattering and collapsing. These two great magical powers and these two attacks were too powerful!

It's so strong that even the void can't bear it. Even if this is the void in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, which is much more solid than the void in the outside world, it can't bear it at all!

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