Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1663 Mr. Gongzi is completely angry

"Oh, what a coincidence. This little junk of mine is really just like your piece of trash that no one wants on the roadside. It's a little magic weapon that can unleash all its power with just a thought."

Ling'er exclaimed, and then her face was full of helplessness.


Miyako-sama was choked.

This surprised him so much!

Even if the Lord of the Beidou Palace took action himself, he would not be able to refine a top-grade immortal treasure that can activate all its power with just a thought.

You must know that the Lord of the Beidou Palace is a peerless power at the pinnacle level of the Immortal Realm!

But looking at the little girl who didn't care at all, who was helpless and regretful, he felt a little lost.

Although he understood that there should be no top-grade immortal treasure in this world that could activate all its power with just a thought, the little girl's attitude of not taking him seriously had to make him cautious.

In the past, except for the existences at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm and the powerful Immortal King Realm, no one could make him deal with them cautiously.

But today, a little monster appeared. For the first time, he had to be cautious when facing fellow monks!

"Ling'er, kill him quickly, there is no need to talk to him."

Lin Momo couldn't stand it any longer. Ling'er was too stubborn. She had clearly promised Liu Ruqing before that she would not waste time before taking action. But now Ling'er was teasing Beidou Gong Gongzi.

As a sister, Lin Momo hates the fact that iron cannot become steel. She is actually a little younger, and she is still a little more playful!

"Sister, this little grasshopper showed it off to me first. It has nothing to do with Ling'er. If I want to blame my sister, I can only blame him, not Ling'er."

After hearing Lin Momo's words, Ling'er no longer paid attention to Beidou Gong Gongzi, but turned to look at Lin Momo and said aggrievedly.

There were already tears in the little girl's eyes. She really felt that she was wronged. It was obvious that the other party had shown it to her first, and she just responded, but her sister said that she was very verbose!

"You are so brave. You dare to confront me. You dare to be absent-minded. You dare to turn your back on me. You are simply seeking death!"

Ling'er turned around and turned her back to him, which completely angered Beidou Palace Miyako.

He is a dignified lord, when did anyone dare to despise him like this?

Even if there are people who are richer than him, no one dares to look down on him so much. Doesn’t that little girl have a top-grade immortal treasure?

What the hell are you doing!

It’s simply courting death!

"You are the one seeking death."

Lin Momo instantly took out her top-grade immortal treasure and launched the attack with a thought.

At the same time, Ling'er had also turned around, urged the top-quality immortal treasure in his hand, and launched a powerful attack that shattered the void.



There were two powerful attacks that shattered the void and created countless cracks in the void. The first one shattered the attack from Gongzi Beidou Palace and his high-grade precious immortal treasure.

The second attack directly killed Beidou Palace Miyako!

But Beidou Palace Miyako did not really fall, she was just killed!

"Sister, I promised you that Ling'er would deal with this little grasshopper, but she actually took action. Now, the little ant has just been eliminated!"

Ling'er was very unhappy and looked at Lin Momo full of resentment.

"Mother said you were too nagging and wouldn't let you take action. Do you still have any objections?"

Lin Momo pondered for a moment, and then said seriously.

"Ah?" Ling'er was stunned for a moment, then realized that she had not heard Liu Ruqing say this, and immediately jumped to her feet and said angrily: "Sister is so bad, Ling'er will not like her anymore, and will not listen to her anymore. , let you deceive Ling'er, let you lie!"

"Princess Ling'er, Princess Momo didn't lie. The Empress did say this, but you were busy competing with that guy for wealth at the time and didn't notice it."

Lingman hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

"Huh? Little stutter, it's not good to lie to others, and it's even worse to be the accomplice of a tiger. Watch out if you turn from a little stutter to a little mute."

Ling'er was stunned for a moment, then became unconvinced, raised her little head proudly, looked at Lingman and said.

"Princess Ling'er, the emperor and empress did say this."

Lingxiao said.

The other six fairies in Guanghan Palace also nodded in agreement.


Ling'er became suspicious, thought for a moment, and felt that her mother was the most reliable, so she looked at Liu Ruyan pitifully.

Liu Ruqing smiled and nodded.

When Ling'er saw this, he immediately lowered his head, feeling aggrieved and annoyed. If he had known better, he shouldn't have talked nonsense with that little grasshopper!

Over there, the monks in the Beidou Palace faction were dumbfounded, with their mouths wide open and unable to speak a word.

This change of situation is so unexpected and unbelievable!

At first, they felt that they would be able to annihilate the lower realm monk camp, and their Lord Miyako would be able to easily take the first place.

But, with the arrival of Liu Ruqing and his party, and with the appearance of that little girl, all this... changed little by little.

Until just now, the two little sisters launched an attack together. Not only did they eliminate their Lord Gongzi, but they also destroyed their Lord Gongzi's top-grade immortal treasure!

Now, they can do nothing but be dumbfounded!

Two top-grade immortal treasures that can activate all their power with just a thought!

And who knows if the remaining nine people have such a magic weapon that defies heaven!

There is absolutely no need to earn any more, the top eleven spots will definitely belong to those female cultivators!


Outside, a white light flashed, and then, a person appeared on the square.

He was a handsome young man dressed in white, with an outstanding appearance.

He was really Miyako Beidou who was kicked out by the two little sisters!

"Ouch! Bullying goes too far! Bullying goes too far!"

After confirming that she was indeed eliminated, Beidou Palace Miyako was furious and couldn't help but roar.

What a bully!

Two top-quality immortal treasures! They actually attacked him at the same time!

Moreover, those two little girls seemed to be masters who could suppress him.

It is really shameless for a master like that to rely on the highest quality immortal treasure to deal with him! It is so shameless!

If there are invincible monks in the same realm, shouldn't they compete with each other with their bare hands?

Using a heaven-defying treasure to forcibly suppress the opponent, what kind of invincible monk is this? It is simply a shame and a scum among monks!

"Ouch! I will make you regret it. When you leave the secret realm of mountains and rivers, see how I will ravage you. I, who have never been close to women, will completely ravage those eight women. Those two little girls ... Damn it, just destroy your cultivation and send it to a hooking place!"

Lord Miyako was completely angry, he wanted to be a playboy for once!

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