Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1664 Kill with one palm

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Master Miyako's anger has always been for him to kill others and eliminate others, but today he was eliminated from the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

This is a grand ceremony with 10 to 20 million monks, especially many Immortal King Realm experts, watching the whole process!

In the future, it will spread to all the major cities in the Central Continent. His majestic Beidou Palace Gongzi will become even more popular and famous, but this kind of fire is his stigma, and he doesn't want it!

What he couldn't tolerate the most was that those two damn little girls actually used magic weapons to deal with him.

In this world, apart from his dignified Lord Beidou Palace, Gongzi, who can kill others with magic weapons, which other monk in the same realm is qualified to use magic weapons to kill his opponents?

Especially, the target of the bombing was actually his majestic Beidou Palace Miyako-sama!

Therefore, he will use his own privileges and everything he can mobilize to directly detain the group of female cultivators after they leave the secret realm of mountains and rivers, and ravage them thoroughly!

"I'll go... Although Beidou Palace Miyako was arrogant before, she never acted stupidly. What happened today?"

"I can't afford to lose. I have never lost before, and no one dared to provoke him, so we don't see him being stupid. Now...his true colors are revealed."

"I didn't expect it! The Beidou Palace Miyako, who was once so lofty and stunning in the Central Continent, is now barking like an old dog. Things are really unpredictable!"

"Shh! Everyone, be quiet. Let's see what Senior Lin Nan will do with him. I feel... the best punishment is to abolish his cultivation."

"I also think the best punishment is to abolish our cultivation. That way... we can vent our anger and ravage the once-high-ranking Beidou Palace Miyako, hehe hehe..."

The onlookers were stunned for a moment, and then started discussing.

Naturally, they were extremely familiar with the famous Beidou Palace Miyako.

Before the Golden Immortal Competition, this palace man was still a peerless person who had countless blessings. However, now he has become a homeless and bereaved dog, and he is about to be hit by the dimensionality reduction.

No one wants to see him with nothing like this. Although the fall of a genius will be accompanied by voices of regret, Beidou Palace Miyako will not make too many people feel pity.

The reason is very simple. Even if the former Beidou Gongzi didn't do evil like Chu Heng, he still didn't have a good reputation.

Apart from the title of genius, the most important thing that wears on the head of Beidou Palace is arrogance. He doesn't take anyone seriously, and most of the powerful Immortal King Realm can't get into his eyes.

How could a person like him be so popular, and how could there be too many people who felt sorry for his death!

"Huh? This is..."

Beidou Palace Miyako finally noticed something was wrong and heard the discussions among the cultivators onlookers. She was stunned for a moment, confused.

There should be more than a thousand Immortal King Realm powerhouses outside here, and three to four hundred of them are Beidou Palace Immortal King Realm elders, right?

Now, why do we only see a few Immortal King Realm experts?

Moreover... they are all Immortal King Realm experts from some aristocratic families in Beidou City, and none of them are Beidou Palace Immortal King Realm elders!

Beidou Palace Gongzi was a little confused and confused. She didn't know what those powerful Immortal King Realm people were doing if they didn't host the Golden Immortal Competition here.

"Who are you?"

When she noticed the young man in black standing not far away, with a calm expression and no sadness or joy, Beidou Palace Miyako suddenly became vigilant.

Because if he hadn't seen the young man in black, he wouldn't have been able to detect or feel the presence of the young man in black!

This was so unbelievable that it made his hair stand on end when he thought about it carefully. Only the Immortal Realm powerful person in this world could make him, who was so talented, unable to sense the other party's existence.

As for the young man in black, he had never seen him before, and the atmosphere in the square was weird now. The words of the monks onlookers made him confused. That's why he, who was eliminated from the secret realm of mountains and rivers, had no idea about that black man. The young man in clothes had an inexplicable fear.

"The one who frees you."

Lin Nan's tone was very calm.

He had never planned to be anyone in Beidou Palace. This time he wanted to completely destroy the family.

And the words Beidou Palace Miyako roared just now made the murderous intention in his heart even stronger.

"It's a joke, I am a genius, why do you need you to free me?"

Beidou Palace Miyako was a little flustered, but her face remained calm.

Although he didn't know where those Immortal King Realm experts had gone, he did know that the powerful masters of Beidou Palace would be here soon.

Beidou City is less than 30,000 miles away from the mountain gate of Beidou Palace, and an Immortal Realm expert can arrive there in thirty or forty breaths, so even if the young man in black is really an Immortal Realm expert, he is not completely panicked.

"This Beidou Palace Gongzi is too funny. That is to say, he doesn't know. If he knew that even Cang Tian retreated when Senior Lin Nan scolded him, he would not have the shame to say the words "talented talent". .”

"That's not necessarily true. After all, he is used to it, and that's how he positions himself in his heart."

"That's why I said the word 'should'!"

The monks onlookers made jokes one after another.

Naturally, Beidou Palace Miyako also heard it and was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

What's going on?

Can someone make the sky retreat with a scold? And it's the young man in black in front of him?

How can this be! Absolutely impossible!

But... why did those monks dare to mock him?

You know, he is the majestic Beidou Palace Miyako-sama! It’s not a waste material!

Although only twenty or thirty breaths have passed in the outside world, a long time has passed in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, and the problem has been solved. The monks from the Beidou Palace faction are preparing to show off with the monks from the lower realm. Liu Ruqing and his party are watching from the sidelines. One of them has already been selected.

Therefore, Lin Nan did not intend to wait any longer, and slapped out a big slap in the air towards Beidou Palace Gongzi.


With a soft sound, Beidou Palace Miyako turned into powder.

Lin Nan's slap was a clean one.

But in the final analysis, it was still a lot of trouble. With Lin Nan's methods, he could kill Beidou Palace Miyako in a single thought, and there was no need to take action.

But today he did not kill for the sake of killing, but to shock the Central Continent, so the method should be more violent and intuitive.

The onlookers were all shocked by Lin Nan's slap. They did not expect that Lin Nan would directly slap and kill Beidou Palace Miyako.

Logically speaking, it should be the same as the seventeen Beidou Palace disciples a few days ago. The biggest torture for Beidou Palace is to directly abolish their cultivation. Why are they just shot and killed?

You know, the roar that Beidou Palace Miyako made after she was eliminated was extremely rebellious!

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