Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1668 Ancient Bronze Lamp

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"You're just an ant at the level of a half-step Immortal Saint, why should I lie to you?"

Lin Nan said lightly.

This sentence, this indifferent gesture, instantly made the onlookers who already admired him extremely, cheer loudly.

The excitement and warm atmosphere were much more exciting than when a group of disciples from aristocratic families or powerful people in the Immortal King Realm met Fairy Qingyu.

In fact, Lin Nan's words made them feel too domineering and too relieved.

Although Lin Nan looked arrogant and didn't take anyone seriously.

But in the eyes of the cultivators, Lin Nan's arrogance and not letting others take notice of her were completely different from Beidou Palace Miyako's arrogance.

Although Beidou Palace Miyako is extremely talented, most of his capital that he does not take others seriously comes from Beidou Palace.

But Lin Nan was different. Everything about Lin Nan came from himself and his invincible fighting power.

The world of immortality is originally a world where the weak prey on the strong and the strong are respected. No one will not respect the truly strong!

"How brave!"

The man in gray was furious.

This native is too arrogant, too ignorant, and too suicidal!

Except for this capable native, the other natives who were watching were even more ignorant and seeking death.

After he kills the black-clothed native, he must let the Xuanwu Star Territory of the first heaven know what kind of punishment he will face if he offends the strongest man of the second heaven!

In this first heaven, whether in the Xuanwu Star Territory or elsewhere, he, the half-step immortal saint in the second heaven, is aloof, like the Lord of the common people, an invincible existence incarnated by God!

"Senior brother, please calm down. This native is no small matter. We need you and me to join hands and activate the high-grade holy weapon awarded by Master, so that we can hope to kill this beast!"

The man in white said.

If possible, he would also like to slap Lin Nan to death, but obviously he can't do it, and neither can his senior brother.

Therefore, we could only settle for the next best thing. The two brothers worked together to release the high-grade holy weapon to kill Lin Nan!


The man in gray suppressed the anger in his heart and realized that he had just been so angry that he had lost his mind.

He glanced at Lin Nan coldly, and then took out a magic weapon.

It was an ancient bronze lamp, exquisite and small, and its simplicity seemed to be accompanied by the sacrificial sounds of ancient spirits.

This is a holy weapon, and a top-grade holy tool!

Although the man in gray and the boy in white are half-step immortal saints, they have not been able to truly break through the obstacles and achieve the status of immortal saint, so their natal magic weapons are still semi-sacred weapons.

If not, there would be no need to go to their master to obtain the sacred artifact in this lower realm, and there would be no need to work together to activate this ancient bronze lamp.

"Huh? It's not bad. It should be good for lighting."

Lin Nan nodded slightly and expressed his approval for the ancient bronze lamp.

"Damn it! This guy is so arrogant and ignorant, I'm going to be pissed to death!"

The man in gray clothes roared again. He really couldn't bear it anymore, and he was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

I have seen stupid and ignorant people, but I have never seen such an extremely ignorant fool as Lin Nan!

"Senior brother, please calm down. You and I hold the holy weapon together and use the holy fire to kill this beast."

The man in white was very calm, because the moment he saw his senior brother take out the sacred weapon, he no longer regarded Lin Nan as a human being, but as a corpse... No, a handful of dust!

Even without a holy weapon, they can run rampant in the second heaven. Now that they have a holy weapon, and a high-grade holy weapon, killing an ant native in the lower realm is not a matter of boasting?

Immortal Saint, no one can survive under the mighty power of the holy weapon. This is an eternal law!

Unless, the other party also has a sacred weapon!

"It's not that easy to kill me. Just the two of you, it seems... you don't even have the qualifications to make me take it seriously."

Lin Nan shook his head slightly, these two people were too stupid.

After all, he is still a half-step immortal saint. Compared with the evil spirit he killed in the Black Abyss Ancient Battlefield not long ago, he is not even a bit worse.


"seek death!"

The man in gray clothes roared, and the man in white clothes couldn't help it anymore.

This native is so ignorant that he can really piss off the Immortal Saint to death!

Looking at each other, the two of them stopped delaying and used their great magical power to bless the ancient bronze lamp together, and then launched the first attack.


The ancient bronze lamp trembled slightly, making a slight buzzing sound, and then the wick ignited a cluster of green flames.

Although this green flame is weak, it seems that a breeze can blow it out.

However, no one dared to underestimate it, because it burned so hard that the void melted, as if it could burn up all space!

This is a sacred fire!

If it is completely activated, even the supreme being in the middle stage of Immortal Saint will be burned into a withered skeleton!


The man in gray and the man in white clacked at the same time, and a stream of flames spurted out from the ancient bronze lamp.

The flame was also blue and seemed to have no power. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you wouldn't feel its existence at all.

But it is like the supreme flame in the oven of heaven and earth, it actually melts the void. The void seems to be a pile of iron in front of it, and it is the Taoist fire of the monks.

The melted void, like molten lava, dripped onto the ground of the square, instantly creating countless bottomless pits, and the entire Beidou City began to tremble.

The onlookers held their breath and did not dare to breathe out. This scene was so terrifying that their hearts trembled.

Today, they have witnessed too many impossible deeds, but there are still one thing after another that makes their souls continue to be impacted!

Lin Nan raised his hand, but did not use the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm, but just pointed one finger.

A touch of white light!


The green flames and a flash of white light collided with each other, erupting with a loud noise that shocked the world. The void collapsed directly, and even continued to expand the scope of the collapse.

The speed is so fast that it can spread throughout Beidou City in an instant. By then, the entire Beidou City will be shaken to pieces. Hundreds of millions of monks and billions of mortals will be annihilated along with Beidou City and turned into ashes. Jifen!

However, this scene did not happen because Lin Nan took action.

Lin Nan just flicked his fingers, and the damage caused by the green flames and a flash of white light was instantly contained.

The cyan flame and a flash of white light also disappeared, because Lin Nan's flick of his finger not only curbed the damage caused by the two attacks, but also directly erased the two attacks that were still colliding with each other.


The man in gray and the man in white were stunned, they felt like they were going crazy.

How could this extremely ignorant ant native have such unnatural methods?

I didn’t see him take out the holy weapon!

Even if the holy weapon is taken out, it is completely impossible to do this!

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