Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1669 Supreme Divine Power

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"It's so powerful! Senior Lin Nan... That's a descendant from the second world! And holding a sacred weapon that we have never heard of, Senior Lin Nan... actually neutralized the opponent's attack so easily !”

"It's not just as simple as resolving it! This... is simply crushing! It's like we are playing tricks on little monks who have not become immortals, or even mortals!"

"Senior Lin Nan is really inscrutable and unfathomable. I think even if a peerless being from the second heaven comes, Senior Lin Nan can still beat him!"

"Yes, I think so too, otherwise Senior Lin Nan would have no reason to let Tianxuan go back to the second heaven!"

The monks onlookers did not exclaim, but only had the feeling of surviving a disaster, and were incomparably shocked!

The discussion between them naturally could not escape the ears of the man in gray and the man in white.

"He...really didn't kill my junior sister?"

The man in gray clothes was a little dumbfounded. He didn't believe Lin Nan said before that he didn't have the power to kill Tianxuan.

But now from what I heard from the monks who were watching, it seemed that Lin Nan really let Tianxuan go!

"Even if this wolf has not killed my junior sister, but has killed Bei Chi's nephew, killed Beichen, and just played a trick on us, we still have to kill this wolf. If not, it doesn't matter that my senior brother and I lose face. Bei's family It will be a big trouble if the Celestial Clan raises an army to investigate!"

The man in white said solemnly.

The reason why they went down to the lower realm was because Lin Nan killed Beichi. There were also three half-step immortal saints from the Bei clan who were preparing to go down to the lower realm. It was only because Lin Nan came to Beidou City that they had to take the first step.

Therefore, even if Lin Nan didn't kill their junior sister, they couldn't let Lin Nan go. What's more, Lin Nan killed Beichen again. If he didn't kill Lin Nan and bring him back to give an explanation to the Bei family, the Bei family would inevitably Will go to war with the Celestial Clan.

After all, in Bei's opinion, Beichen was seduced away by their junior sister.

The relationship had eased before, only because Tianxuan Dangneng and Beichen gave birth to Beichi. Now both father and son were killed, but Tianxuan Dangneng returned to the second heaven unharmed. It is strange that the Bei family did not engage in war. !

"The stars reflect the moon and illuminate the sky!"

After making a decision, the man in gray and the man in white activated the ancient bronze lamp again. This time, instead of simply activating the cyan flame, they used the ancient bronze lamp to activate a great magical power.

The stars reflect the moon and illuminate the sky. This is one of the supreme magical powers of the Celestial Clan. Those who are not half-step immortal saints are not qualified to practice it. Even Tianxuan, the daughter of the leader of the Celestial Clan, has not yet learned it.

When the supreme magical power is exerted, the color of heaven and earth changes, which is a real change of color.

After the color of the sky and the earth changed, even the sky and the earth changed. The entire Beidou City seemed to have been moved into the starry sky. There was chaos all around, and only the stars in the distance were shining.

The sky was dark, with only faint starlight scattered in the dark sky.

But soon, a bright moon rose.

In an instant, the moonlight sprinkled between the sky and the earth, and there was more light. Although it was not as bright as when the sun was shining in the daytime, there was no difference to the monks. After all, they could see the terrain clearly in the bottomless abyss. .

But, it was different now. Even with the moonlight shining, they couldn't see anything. Only their spiritual sense could detect twenty or thirty feet away.

This means that they are no longer in the original world. Perhaps it can be said that they are still in the original world, but the great magical powers used by the man in gray and the man in white made them step into a magical field. This It is undoubtedly a kind of Jedi for them.

They were far away from Lin Nan's location, so they didn't know what Lin Nan's current condition was, or whether Lin Nan had been poisoned.

Lin Nan has now become their only hope, because everything before has shown that as long as Lin Nan loses, they will also be killed by the men in gray and white.

No one wants to die for no reason, especially monks like them who already know how wonderful it is to live forever.


Liu Ruqing was also a little panicked. She had never encountered such a situation before, so she could only call out to Lin Nan.

The two little ones, Lin Momo and Ling'er, were also holding on to Liu Ruqing's body tightly, for fear that if they let go, even their mother would disappear.

Today, the two little sisters can only detect more than 200 feet away with their spiritual consciousness, which is still a long way from Lin Nan's location. Not even Liu Ruqing can detect Lin Nan, let alone the two little sisters.

Lingman was also a little scared and grabbed Lin Momo's little hand. She also had never encountered such a situation in the first heaven.

Even if you have the belief that you are invincible,...it is normal to feel timid in the face of an existence that is too powerful.

For example, before she met or heard of Lin Nan, she was extremely in awe of the Immortal Realm master, and she wanted to become an Immortal Realm master.

The seven Lingxiao girls were in better condition and gathered around Liu Ruqing and the other four to prevent any accidents.

It's not that they are not afraid, but that they have enough knowledge and were directly taught by powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

Although their feelings about the sufferings of life are not as good as Lingman's, their realm and vision are much higher than Lingman's, so they are much calmer than Lingman at this moment.

Naturally, they are calmer than the two little sisters who don't have much experience at all.

As for Liu Ruqing, since she set foot on the Immortal Road, she has become accustomed to having Lin Nan around, so she feels flustered. If she takes the two little sisters alone to practice outside, she will definitely not be so flustered.

"It's a bit interesting. He deserves to be the orthodoxy of the second heaven, but... in the end, he is still little Doyle."

Lin Nan did not respond to Liu Ruqing, not because he wanted to see his wife and daughters scared, but because he could break this magical field with just a thought, and at the same time, it was like letting them sharpen their minds.

"Hahaha, you are so loud. You are already trapped in our magical field, and you still dare to speak arrogantly. You are indeed an ignorant native!"

The man in gray was not angry this time, but laughed heartily.

Seeing that the previously arrogant and ignorant native who once sought death was restrained, he naturally had no reason to be angry. Even if he heard the ignorant words of the native again, he would be happy to listen to those words as the last words of the ant native.

"This native is really difficult to deal with. He actually forced me and my senior brother to expend all our efforts to use this supreme magical power!"

The man in white looked a little pale. Although Lin Nan was shrouded in the magical field, he was not too happy because the lost blood would take tens of thousands of years to replenish.

His ambition was so great that he couldn't accept the loss of tens of thousands of years!

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