Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1674 Aren’t you Shangguan Boyang?

"You...you can't be so unreasonable. This princess only allows you to use the king-grade immortal treasure, but I didn't say you can use the noble-grade fairy treasure. Don't count, don't count, put it away!"

After regaining consciousness, Princess Fuhan said quickly.

Although she felt that she was being unreasonable, she didn't mind being shameless in order to marry her husband back to her family.

Moreover, the onlookers were all stunned by the high-grade fairy treasure that Lin Nan took out, and no one noticed that she was being unreasonable.

Princess Fuhan did not think that Lin Nan was an Immortal Realm master. After all, she knew all the information about the Immortal Realm masters in the Central Continent. As for the Immortal Realm masters from the other four continents, she was very familiar with it. , that is even more impossible.

The remaining four continents have no peerless powers at the peak level of the Immortal Realm.

If there is one, there is only one Great Master Yue Shi from the Eastern Continent, but that Great Master Yue Shi has already followed that senior Lin Nan, so it is impossible for him to appear here. What’s more, Great Master Yue Shi is a woman. It’s impossible. It was the young man she had fallen in love with.

"You are unreasonable, but you will be beaten severely."

Lin Nan also showed some interest. Since he was already on stage, he might as well play with this little girl, so he put away the high-quality fairy treasure.

However, he never thought of showing mercy. As soon as he made a move, he would definitely defeat Princess Fuhan directly. Moreover, she would not give up and would never stop.

"As expected of my young husband, I just feel sorry for her, and as for being beaten... when I get to the bridal chamber, I have no problem ravaging her as much as I want."

Princess Fuhan smiled happily, and at the same time looked at Liu Ruqing in the audience, giving Liu Ruqing a very provocative glance.

"Ah ha, if you dare to provoke my wife, I will beat you to tears, or I will write my last name the other way around."

Lin Nan suddenly became angry. Even if he teased himself, he actually dared to provoke Liu Ruqing without making this ignorant little girl cry. That would be absolutely impossible.

"Xiao Langjun, calm down the fire and see the magical power of the spring breeze of the slave family."

Princess Fuhan was not afraid at all. As soon as Lin Nan finished speaking, she had already taken action.

The spring breeze is thousands of miles away!

One of the great magical powers that only Immortal Realm masters in Fuchung Pavilion are qualified to practice!

Just like Beidou Palace Gongzi, rules are used to restrain vulgar people. Beidou Palace Palace children can learn Beidou Palace's top magical powers, and Princess Fuhan's talent is even more amazing than Beidou Palace Palace's. Naturally, Princess Fuhan There is no reason why he can't learn the top magical power of Fuchun Tower.

"Little Doyle."

Lin Nanyun was calm and gentle, he slowly raised his hand and pointed out a finger.

A little bit of coldness!

The spring breeze is gone forever!

"Oh my god... what kind of magical power is this? Actually... just casually, I just... canceled out the magical power displayed by Princess Fuhan!"

"It's... unbelievable! That young man in black can't help but possess the highest quality immortal treasure, and he actually learned such a powerful magical power! Which great immortal sect did he learn from!"

"This time... it seems to be exciting. Princess Fuhan fell in love with a man for the first time, and she was slapped in the face. After this young man in black leaves, the dandies in the city are afraid that there will be a storm. Got it!"

"My mother, I'm afraid not just those dandy boys this time, but even the monks with a little bit of fame will be beaten up by Princess Fuhan!"

The onlookers were amazed at Lin Nan's powerful methods, and then changed the topic directly, and began to look forward to those dandy boys being beaten up. At the same time, some famous monks were also uneasy, worried that they would be missed by Princess Fuhan. !

"You...could it be that...huh? You couldn't be Shangguan Boyang who was rumored to be favored by senior Lin Nan, right?"

Princess Fuhan was shocked at first, and then suddenly woke up.

Except for Shangguan Boyang, who was favored by Senior Lin Nan, who even the great masters in the sect were careful not to provoke, in this mainland, no such amazing and brilliant talent would suddenly appear in the Jedi. .

What's more, she actually possesses a top-grade immortal treasure, and her magical power is so powerful that she has already cracked her great magical power without fully using it!

"Shangguan Boyang?"

Lin Nan was stunned and couldn't figure out why Princess Fuhan thought he was Shangguan Boyang.

That little fool Shangguan Boyang is still staying at the peak of the True Fairyland, and he is still staying in Jieyin City. The brain circuit of Princess Fuhan is too unique!

But Lin Nan soon smiled, because Princess Fuhan knew him. If Lin Momo and Ling'er hadn't wandered around, Princess Fuhan would have recognized him at a glance.

Although a pair of Taoist couples and a pair of daughters can be seen everywhere in Fuchun City, the presence of Lingxiao Seven Girls and Lingman following him can directly reveal his identity.

Princess Fuhan is not like those Fu Chunlou disciples in the teleportation area. With the information controlled by Princess Fuhan, if she sees the two little sisters and the Seven Lingxiao Girls, she will be able to recognize them directly.

"What? Are you not Shangguan Boyang?"

Princess Fuhan was confused.

Although I know that Shangguan Boyang was still a True Immortal Realm monk a month ago, but after the True Immortal Competition, he has become a peak level Golden Immortal Realm monk. Following that senior, it is not worthwhile to achieve the Golden Immortal Realm status now. Strange.

But... looking at my young husband, he is obviously not Shangguan Boyang!

In the audience, Liu Ruqing couldn't laugh or cry. Someone could actually mistake Lin Nan for Shangguan Boyang. If Shangguan Boyang found out, he would probably feel embarrassed to see others.

But just when she was about to speak, she caught a glimpse of the changing master coming in a hurry.

Master Yi did not fly, but walked. He did not dare to be rude in front of Lin Nan.

"Empress, please don't be angry! This girl Fuhan has been spoiled by our sect master and her mother. I will take her down right now!"

When he saw Liu Ruqing, Director Yi shrewdly ran to Liu Ruqing and saluted respectfully to ensure that Liu Ruqing was not jealous of Princess Fuhan's behavior.

He had just told the Fuchun Tower Sect Leader that Lin Nan might come when he was in Fuchun Hall before, and then he received a message from the disciples saying that someone named Lin Nan was looking for him, which almost scared him to death.

He hurried to Fuchun City and met the little sisters and others first. He had already sent the accompanying Immortal King Realm powerhouses to follow the two sisters to prevent the short-sighted guys in the city from angering the two sisters.

He continued to inquire about the whereabouts of Lin Nan and his wife, but when he found out clearly, he was dumbfounded. This girl Fuhan was not so stupid usually. Why was she so stupid today that she almost lost her head?

When they arrived at the duel area and saw Lin Nan and Princess Fuhan clearly on the stage, Master Yi was almost frightened!

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