Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1675 Linger said it very well

"Fu Han, you girl are still fooling around? Why don't you apologize to your seniors as soon as possible?!"

Seeing Liu Ruqing smiling and nodding, Master Yi took a deep breath, then stepped onto the stage and scolded seriously.

"Uncle Yi, what's going on with you! I just fell in love with the young man, and I didn't do anything evil!"

Princess Fuhan looked happy when she saw Master Yi, but when she saw Master Yi looked serious and scolded her, she suddenly felt aggrieved.

Uncle Yi obviously loves her very much and is also the most talkative among many uncles. What happened today!


Master Yi originally wanted to scold her again, but after thinking about it, this girl had a very stubborn personality and it was not appropriate to scold her too seriously, so he took a few steps closer and said kindly: "Don't you want this little guy like you anymore? That's Senior Lin Nan, you actually call him Young Master, and you actually want to...want to marry him back to the house. Do you feel that you have never tricked our Fuchun Tower, and you want to trick him completely at once?"


Hearing Master Yi's words, Princess Fuhan was stunned, her beautiful eyes widened, her little cherry mouth opened wide, and her mind went blank.

"Okay, I'm not angry with her either. You can slowly reason with her. I'll leave first and I'll find you later."

Lin Nan said.

Master Yi has already come here, so there is no need for him to tease Princess Fuhan anymore. Liu Ruqing no longer intends to watch the fun, so there is no need for him to stay here anymore.

As for where Master Yi lives, there is no need to worry. Even if he doesn't use his spiritual sense to explore the entire Fuchun City, when he and Liu Ruqing have had enough of wandering around, someone will come out to guide them.

"Senior Lin, walk slowly!"

Master Yi was very respectful. Even though he was now a supreme power and could become a peerless power at any time, he did not dare to be arrogant in front of Lin Nan.

Lin Nan waved his hand, walked off the stage, and took Liu Ruqing's hand to leave the duel area.

The monks who were watching were dumbfounded. Although they did not know that Master Yi had returned to his realm and was stronger than before, they knew that Master Yi's status in Fuchun Tower was not inferior to that of a powerful Immortal Master.

Now, the dignified Master Yi was so respectful to a monk who was competing with Princess Fuhan just a moment ago, as if he was afraid that the young man in black would be angry, which left them a little confused!

But no matter how confused they were, Master Yi obviously wouldn't explain it to them, which made them feel itchy but helpless.

"What do you think of that little girl?"

When they were farther away, Liu Ruqing couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"Little girl? Wife, the little girl you talk about is many times older than you!"

Lin Nan was stunned for a moment, and then said in a dumbfounded voice.

"Oh! What do you think of that old girl?"

Liu Ruqing was stunned for a moment. After regaining consciousness, she changed her title and asked again with a smile.

"You have already said that she is an old girl, so of course she is not very good, and her mind is not very bright. How can she compare with my wife?"

Lin Nan said with a smile, while holding Liu Ruqing in his arms.

Liu Ruqing felt that Lin Nan was too glib and glib, but...she felt that everything made sense, and she even wanted to listen to a few more words.


Lingman was very unhappy. She had a belief in invincibility. She was once invincible in the lower world, but she turned into a follower running errands. This was okay, after all, she planned to be a follower from the beginning.

However, the little sisters Lin Momo and Ling'er actually did not let her put the miscellaneous things she bought into the space ring, but let her hold, carry, and drag them!

It’s okay not to let the Seven Girls of Lingxiao help. After all, the Seven Girls of Lingxiao are very strong. They have grown up in the Golden Fairyland without the efforts of the Great Immortal Sect to cultivate them, and without the guidance of a supreme being like Lin Nan. The combat power is at the ceiling, so she has no objection.

But, why can't the group of Immortal King Realm monks brought by Master Yi be used as errand boys?

The two little sisters said in unison that this was a training for her and it was helping her to sharpen her mentality.

But Lingman is not a three-year-old child, nor is he a novice in Taoism, so how could he believe this!

"Two princesses, I think it's better to put these things into the space ring. Holding, carrying, dragging and clanking like this will damage the image of the two princesses!"

According to the Immortal King Realm cultivator who was leading the way, it was still more than forty miles away from the destination. The two little sisters did not want to fly there directly and wanted to buy some useless things on the way.

Lingman, who had been buried by those useless things and could not walk without spiritual observation, quickly spoke out.

She was really miserable. If her companions in the lower world knew about it, she would definitely become a joke for them to talk about in their spare time!

"Little stammer, no, your state of mind is too fragile. You have just walked four or five miles and you can't bear it anymore. You have to work hard again. Otherwise, how can you cultivate to the Immortal King Realm? How can you possibly step into the Immortal King Realm? Have you achieved the Immortal Realm?"

Ling'er shook his head and said seriously.

"Yes, Ling'er said it very well."

Lin Momoye nodded.


Lingman felt like she was about to cry. These two little ancestors were really good at tormenting people. How could they help her cultivate her state of mind!

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion ahead, and the two little sisters' eyes were instantly attracted. Lingman ignored it and quickly put the useless items into the space ring, and then looked over.

"Oh my god! The evil wolf has come out again! Run!"

"Whose daughter is that? Why are you dazed there? Run away! This evil wolf doesn't care whether you are a mortal or an immortal. As long as you have some beauty, you will be dragged over and defiled!"

"Didn't you say that the evil wolf was beaten half to death by Princess Fuhan? How come it's only been half a year and he came out to do evil again!"

"I can't live, I can't live! Oh my god! Someone come and save us!"

The crowd in front ran, scattered, stayed still, and roared. Most of them looked frightened, as if some evil beast was chasing them.

A chariot, this is a fairy chariot pulled by a golden fairyland beast, followed by more than ten fairy chariots, but the specifications are not as luxurious as the one in the middle.

On the immortal chariot in the middle, there is a young man in white standing. The young man in white has an extraordinary appearance, but he is exuding evil spirits.

"Huh? It's that bastard Xu Lang!"

The few Immortal King Realm experts who were leading the way for the little sisters and others frowned immediately after seeing the young man in white standing on the Immortal Chariot.

The young man in white named Xu Lang was not a member of Fu Chun Tower, but the crown prince of another immortal sect. His status in that immortal sect was not much different from that of Princess Fu Han, but his talent was not as good as Princess Fu Han's.

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